183 0 obj <> endobj However, since root causes of the degradation have not been determined, PHMSA cannot say with certainty that this issue is isolated to these regions, operating environments, pipe sizes, or pipe installation dates. In addition to meeting the manufacturing and quality requirements of ASTM D2513 Standard Specification for Polyethylene (PE) Gas Pressure Pipe, Tubing and Fittings. Pages 71 0000001589 00000 n The Yellowstripe 8300 pipe series meets APWA/ULCC Color Code Standards and has an ASTM D3350 Cell Classification of PE445574C when using HDB or PE445576C using MRS. Driscopipe 8100 HDPE Gas Distribution Pipe. Take all necessary safety precautions and use appropriate equipment. hbbd``b`V @ `:@+,{A@H*fdic`$ E Our safety, technical and regulatory product information, as well as company and industry resources. b'eA$i ?% *7{Jg` We make the petrochemical solutions found in products of all kinds with purpose, collaboration and care. The material used to manufacture DriscoPlex4000 / 4100 series PE piping is also evaluated to the toxicological requirements of NSF/ANSI 61 for potable water. Use the up and down arrows to navigate this combo box. *^h r9A^ALEU1X$m#SKK8~\QZ. Learn Online Classroom. GLIMPSE Online Meal Summary for Directors We offer a wide range of solutions essential to your products. innovative piping design. Solid black pipe with coextruded stripes to identify application is also available. ISO 9001 Certification. Equipment-Effective September 24, 2019 the Equipment Design Manual dated June 2006 is rescinded and shall not be utilized for VA Projects. hb```f``Z"~02 P9N Stets, and M.L. Mike Hanner. Using the AGA factor, one mile of 2 SDR 11 PE2708 pipe carrying 100% methane at 60 psi would lose less than 0.27 ft3 per day. This high density polyethylene (HDPE) PE4710/PE100 pipe is also primarily used in pressure rated gas distribution applications. hWmo6+HwJCav]vu3ADm:4~"9 qH;30)8F1J& ae1=)b{ nVBP%%tia4C6%8 ~,E.(rT\f>U)nM_}h8lD\i-IF5]8PlW28OOc&IY4o`]g/2-hzbz=HGE.'w(cbYf+lS(&s GgpnfM'[tLwLG Ho|y{4]]/3d ! The linear thermal expansion coefficient for Driscopipe pipe is approximately 12. hVhB+KBiW*|=B&"D. Driscopipe 5000 - Marlex TR212 resin manufactured by Phillips; pipe extruded by Drilling Specialities, Inc. subsidiary of Phillips Petroleum. 59 0 obj <> endobj PE 2306/2406 1978; 2000 1/2" CTS - 20" IPS; Driscopipe 6500 (Orange until 1986, then yellow) PE 3306/3406 1973; 1980 1/2" CTS - 12" IPS; Driscopipe 7000 (Solid black) PE 3408 1979; 2000 1/4" CTS - 12" IPS Protection against Shear and Bending Loads. Learn Online Classroom PDF 3 hour flight reaching altitudes up to 60,000 feet. Use the Jump To list on the right to quickly navigate the page. School Messenger Transfer Manual Setup [June 15, 2009] v 09.000 - School Messenger Transfer Setup Instructions SD Mono Font [June 19, 2006] v 1.0 - Systems Design Monospaced Font Download TxEIS Installation Instructions [July 8, 2014] v 14.000 - Steps to install the software to extract/transfer demographic data from TxEIS to SD 3. 0000000016 00000 n It also provides improved ability to detect damages and scratches. 0000008794 00000 n SOFTWARE SYSTEM PLANT DESIGN SOFTWARE SYSTEM PIPE DESIGN VAL Any chance you can get some samples uploaded to my submission channel for analysis Participate in these calls, ask question. PHMSA is issuing this advisory bulletin to alert operators using Driscopipe 8000 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (Drisco8000) of the potential for material degradation. hTmk0+}b[kjB>x8vUt8eiqIwX@AF cI% Performance Pipe is a name you can trust in gas distribution piping. hbbd``b`f= H0 qH HptD @"H_d`bd2h? z*- Performance Pipe offers the following gas distribution products: Driscoplex 6500 MDPE Gas Distribution Pipe. %%EOF xUMs0+RfGJi9p(mL$L=OJ:t-VoW$3b-k](#GZ8^ooFq%\^ #LHK|[qry9&No6lYo3v*\oFflfmh/"6xx9>(TF7Q2XU,yppUb~.N&lw8Nr`*YTz[iEt>(m|(Ph}U2T+J43IZc,+S]l^%H4DJ*2va]m?bY)Tx> Gh*!%M"K"!ztg`5 Z Performance Pipe's DriscoPlex 6400 PE 3408 piping system succeeds Driscopipe 6400 and Plexco Oil . Both products are available in 1/2" through 24" (16 mm through 630 mm) outside-diameter-controlled polyethylene pipe and tubing sizes. Performance Pipe tenders more than forty years of polyethylene piping experience, twelve, manufacturing facilities certified to ISO 9001 in nine states, and two manufacturing facilities in, Performance Pipe manufactures 1/2" through 54" outside diameter controlled polyethylene pipe, and tubing, DRISCOPLEX 2000 SPIROLITE 18" through 120" inside diameter controlled, polyethylene profile-wall pipe, and molded fittings, fabricated fittings, manholes, tanks, and. biological growth, and they resist the adherence of scale and deposits. Cutting or . z` Pl All seven of. Performance Pipe Northeast Sales Manager. While polyethylene piping has excellent impact resistance, striking the pipe with an instrument such as a hammer may result in uncontrolled rebound. Studies* have shown that propane concentrations under 0.2% is sufficient to sometimes show some bubbling but is not high enough to affect any significant degradation in strength of the pipe or fusion joint. Polyethylene piping systems manual driscopipe. Driscopipe model 7000 pipe was Listed below are the online manuals, software downloads, technical bulletins and useful Food Service links that are available for Systems Design customers. Topics range from assistance in product applications and capabilities to installation and handling to testing and operating procedures. To access the combo box on this page please perform the following steps. Piping - Chapter 10 Geothermal Direct-Use Engineering and Design . 2019 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP, Performance Pipe, a division of Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP |, 5085 W. Park Blvd | Suite 500 | Plano, TX 75093 | Phone: 800-527-0662, Yellowstripe 8300 HDPE Gas Distribution Pipe. On July 1, 2000, Chevron . 136 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3923BBBEDD17535C6E30410A6B7A80E7><9EBBA8AD6CDE3E4292FFBED90A521F3B>]/Index[124 25]/Info 123 0 R/Length 68/Prev 393814/Root 125 0 R/Size 149/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream View All Contacts. Improper handling or abuse may cause damage to piping, compromise system quality or performance, or cause personal injury. Based on the tests conducted, Performance Pipe provides the following specific unprotected outdoor storage recommendations for Performance Pipes gas distribution piping products. A. The Driscopipe 8100 pipe series is a black pipe with a co-extruded . Performance Pipe East Central Sales Manager. Shop AG SPRAY for your pipe needs. During the heat fusion process, equipment and products can reach temperatures in excess of 450F (231C). w)xb>Yzs"KgT*H Polyethylene piping has been safely used in thousands of applications. DriscoPlex 4100 series PE pipings striping pattern is four equally spaced single stripes to designate IPS sizing, while DriscoPlex 4000 series PE pipings striping pattern is three equally spaced sets of dual stripes to designate DIPS sizing. fabricated structures for domestic and international markets. Household Income Survey Below is a list of some of the precautions that should be observed when using Performance Pipes gas pipe and fittings. Coiled PE pipe may be restrained with strapping or shrink-wrap to contain the spring-like energy retained within the coil. Compliance Date: All projects in VAs Major Construction Program that are in design at the effective date of the manual but have not concluded the 35-percent design milestone (defined as Schematic Design or SD2) must incorporate the requirements of this manual. Where a flammable gas atmosphere and static electric charges may be present, observe all company (pipeline operator, utility, contractor, etc.) hb```f`` AX,370i( aRWYSEG3``h*c`b@,!"P!P|`fn%+w-X 30Y;e` 30s ]J% Standard DIPS sizes for DriscoPlex4000 series PE pipingare shown in the DIPS Size and Dimension Sheet. 0000003197 00000 n Pneumatic Tube System Design Manual CPM Schedule and Risk Management Volume 1, CPM Schedule Volume 2, Risk Management Change Summary Electrical Change Summary Elevator - see Automated Transport section above Equipment - Effective September 24, 2019 the Equipment Design Manual dated June 2006 is rescinded and shall not be utilized for VA Projects. Performance Pipe manufactures its Driscoplex 6500 pipe product in sized CTS through 12 IPS. Please switch auto forms mode to off. For more information on what applications each stripe color indicates, see the products' Product Flyer. Observe all safety measures, restrain pipe against movement in the event of catastrophic failure, and observe limitations of temperature, test pressure, test duration, and procedures for making repairs. For additional installation information see ASTM D2774, Underground Installation of Thermoplastic Pressure Piping. From Drisco pipe, elbows, pipe tees, flange adapters, king nipples and more. In this respect, polyethylene piping is no different. 0000004066 00000 n 0 9%K%PH_'r. When testing is required, fuel gas distribution systems should be tested in accordance with applicable codes and regulations and distribution system operator procedures. Customer Portal Americas. Be sure to refresh your browser [menu bar circular icon, F5, Ctrl-F5, Ctrl-R] when opening pdfs and files which have been opened previously to be sure the most current document is displayed for viewing/downloading. Sorry, you need to enable JavaScript to visit this website. endstream endobj startxref Performance Pipe polyethylene gas distribution piping products are marked per ASTM D2513 and adhere to Department of Transportation regulations for plastic pipe (49 CFR Part 192, 192.63). ) DRISCOPIPE. The second book of the Performance Pipe Engineering Manual, System Design, is intended as a guide for the piping system designer in the application of Performance Pipe DRISCOPLEX polyethylene piping products. Solid black pipe. 0000026821 00000 n [{"field_file_attachment":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2020-09\/PP101%204000-4100%20Series%2001-2012_0.pdf","field_language":"English","field_type":"TDS","field_region":"United States"},{"field_file_attachment":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2020-09\/PP101%204000-4100%20Series%2001-2012.pdf","field_language":"English","field_type":"TDS","field_region":""}], [{"field_file_attachment":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2021-01\/PP%20102%204600-4700%20Series.pdf","field_language":"English","field_type":"TDS","field_region":""},{"field_file_attachment":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2020-04\/PP%2520531%25204600-4700%2520Series%2520Flyer.pdf","field_language":"English","field_type":"SPEC","field_region":"United States"}], [{"field_file_attachment":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2020-04\/PP6033100ConduitandCasingSeriesFlyer_0.pdf","field_language":"English","field_type":"SPEC","field_region":"United States"}], [{"field_file_attachment":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2020-09\/PP104%204000%204100%20FM%20Series.pdf","field_language":"English","field_type":"TDS","field_region":"United States"},{"field_file_attachment":"\/sites\/default\/files\/2020-04\/PP%2520525%25204000-4100%2520FM%2520Series%2520Flyer.pdf","field_language":"English","field_type":"SPEC","field_region":"United States"}], City of Los Angeles Certificate of Approval for Driscoplex 4100 Pipe, PP750 Heat Fusion Joining Procedures and Qualification Guide, DriscoPlex 4600 / 4700 Series HDPE Sewer Pipe, DriscoPlex 4000 / 4100 Factory Mutual (FM) Series Underground Fire Main Piping, California Transparency in Supply Chains Act Disclosure, DriscoPlex 4000 / 4100 Series Municipal and Industrial HDPE Pipe, Heat fused, fully restrained, zero-leak joints, Excellent chemical resistance does not rust, rot, tuberculate, corrode, or support biological growth, Smooth inside surface resulting in excellent flow characteristics, High capacity for surge pressures above working pressure, Unmatched combination of flexibility, toughness and durability for use in trenchless applications, Lightweight and ductility of pipe magnify ease of handling and installation, Outstanding resistance to fatigue against frequent surge events, Long-term UV resistance for above-ground use, Minimized maintenance and lifecycle costs due to zero leakage, fully restrained joints, and excellent chemical resistance, High quality polyethylene piping with over 50 years of proven performance, Best-in-class abrasion resistance for slurry flow applications. These medium density polyethylene (MDPE) PE2708 pipes and fittings are used primarily in pressure-rated gas distribution systems. Each permanent, co-extruded color designates a different DR , Do not sell or share my personal information. hb```f``ZA2@q'$||/-mv.AomA%4{D6Hfh` C;|i]4?mbs(,xxOFofCtWMw@'z{* q70p)F]ln G%5D!|FE 47 148 0 obj <>stream We are here to help. When installing PE piping, a method or methods for future pipeline detection should be considered. Although the constituents of natural gas can permeate through polyethylene, the volume of gas lost through permeation is generally so low as to have an insignificant effect on the handling of natural gas in a piping system. Accelerated laboratory weathering tests were conducted on the formulations that predict the yellow pipe materials are sufficiently stabilized against UV deterioration for unprotected outdoor exposure of at least three years. 0 endstream endobj 66 0 obj <> endobj 67 0 obj <> endobj 68 0 obj <> endobj 69 0 obj <>stream %%EOF This high density polyethylene (HDPE) PE4710/PE100 pipe is used primarily in pressure rated gas distribution systems. Copyright 2023 Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LLC. %PDF-1.6 % You will now be able to tab or arrow up or down through the submenu options to access/activate the submenu links. Inventory About PERFORMANCE PIPE Performance Pipe 1 is the successor to Plexco 2 and Driscopipe 3. Adobe Acrobat is required to view/print these documents. %PDF-1.4 % 0000006962 00000 n The design manual is a start-to-finish reference for engineers and others involved in water system design. The unmatched quality and performance of DRISCOPLEX polyethylene piping products is, enhanced and strengthened with over four decades of quality polyolefin plastic resin production, Performance Pipe polyethylene piping products have unique features that are ideal for many. Water System Design Manual 331-123 (PDF) Revised 2020. Performance Pipe was formed with the merger of Plexco and Driscopipe. It covers design, review and approval of sources, storage reservoirs, booster pump stations, water treatment facilities, and other aspects of designing water systems. %%EOF Attention A T users. <]>> ASTM D2513-12ae1 requires a 16 character code generated per ASTM F2897 to be legibly printed on pipe in both alpha-numeric and barcode form for tracking and traceability purposes. See website for: Performance Pipe Technical Note Polyethylene Pipe Squeeze Off; PP 801-TN. 61 0 obj<>stream 3. The pipe has an ASTM D3350 Cell Classification of PE445574C when using HDB or PE445576C using MRS. any latin characters (a-z, A-Z) any numbers (0-9) special characters ("-", "_" and "."). :@8+/)vSn\TT85uXddY9musq:/]*D-*,'c"q+ J@IH*U9`wBJ.u+yB TT iv% [A1aI@!.A:Fn L_3Ep01gm. 5 0 obj LPG, propane gas and yard gas piping systems. Performance Pipes gas piping products are the material of choice for premium medium and high density natural gas distribution, LPG, propane gas and yard gas piping systems. VA project requiring equipment design information and Acquisition Code definitions should refer to the following locations: Fire Protection Change SummaryClean Agent Comparison, HVAC Chapter 6 Table (Section 508 compliant) Change Summary Hazard Communication Standard Policy. Thermally Conductive- DriscoPlex 5300 Climate Guard pipe offers high strength PE 3408 to minimize pipe wall thickness and maximize . White, gray, or brown stripes are also available. The smooth, non-wetting bore offers, low resistance to the flow of water, wastewater, and water borne slurries. Observe the safe handling instructions provided by the delivery driver. Custom fabrication of special components. Our sustainability strategy encompasses the concerns and issues identified by our stakeholders and we are committed to addressing these issues. Pipeline Safety: Operators of Driscopipe 8000 High Density Polyethylene Pipe of Potential for Material Degradation 2012-5424.pdf (192.44 KB) PHMSA is issuing this advisory bulletin to alert operators using Driscopipe 8000 High Density Polyethylene Pipe (Drisco8000) of the potential for material degradation. Chemical Company LP in the United States of America; BLUESTRIPE, CP CHEM, DRISCOPLEX. endobj 0000003265 00000 n 207 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<4CEBA6E96BE77A46A430400A04C44227>]/Index[183 46]/Info 182 0 R/Length 115/Prev 152860/Root 184 0 R/Size 229/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream Video tutorials to help users quickly navigate Systems Design programs. (Registration Required), Survivors Education & Assistance Benefits (Chapter 35), Veterans Education Assistance Program (VEAP), Veterans Information Portal (WebLGY) (Registration Required), Service Members' Group Life Insurance (SGLI), Family Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (FSGLI), Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance Traumatic Injury Protection (TSGLI), Service-Disabled Veterans Insurance (S-DVI), Batteries (for Hearing Aids & Other Devices), Manage Your Prescriptions at Your Local VA Medical Center, Manage Your Prescription Refills with My HealtheVet (Registration Required), Health (Please contact your local VA Medical Center), Track Your Appointments with My HealtheVet (Registration Required), Domiciliaries (Please contact your local VA Medical Center), Talent Management System (TMS) (Registration Required), Direct Deposit Sign-Up Form SF 1199A (PDF), Personal Identification Verification (PIV) Card, Security Investigation Center/Background Investigations, Security Investigation Center/Background Clearances, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)/Privacy Act Requests, 214138 Statement in Support of Claim (PDF), 221995 Request for Change of Program or Place of Training (PDF), 221990 Application for Education Benefits (PDF), 212680 Exam for Housebound Status or Permanent Need for Regular Aid and Attendance (PDF), 1010ez Application for Health Benefits, Office of Construction & Facilities Management, Automatic Guide Vehicles (AGV), Automated Mobile Robots (AMR) System, Material and Solid Waste Management, Linen and Trash Chutes, Space and Equipment Planning System (SEPS), Physical Security and Resiliency Design Manual, Appendix A1 - Standard Security Door Types, Appendix A2 - Security Door Opening Schedule, Appendix A3 - Security Door Opening Matrix, Appendix B - Securty System ApplicationMatrix, VA Directive 0730 - Security and Law Enforcement, 01-Introduction, Acknowledgments & Design Elements, Office of Acquisition, Logistics and Construction (OALC), Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization (OSDBU), Office of Asset Enterprise Management (OAEM), Call TTY if you endstream endobj 70 0 obj <>stream 0000002505 00000 n , or applicable international standards. visit VeteransCrisisLine.net for more resources. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS 0000001486 00000 n Each product line is continuously monitored throughout the manufacturing cycle to ensure that the product adheres to all internal quality control specifications and the manufacturing standard. hbbd```b``f i*dd!X{b"1`qQ0iiA^DrEJ{ S ]95kmNAuH m\?N`bf;_{I3_=o uCII`(W][eS%?! FGet6N7QL* ,%J]NS |6~d*"EE9o'{wUp4'NH6f]t>UkI32_]9I;iIp.\]EEyR;BT[Tl`,6TKbq4UYd5(6YmAa*`]3lk.Fc]@Ao~F|0Tkx{E RC\g)Z-`* %%EOF trailer Do not bend pipes into alignment against open butt fusion machine clamps. products for industrial, municipal and utility applications. 740-538-9802. For larger diameter gas applications (8 though 24) we recommend our high density polyethylene pipes Yellowstripe 8300 pipe and Driscopipe 8100 pipe. DRISCOPLEX polyethylene pipes have excellent abrasion resistance, superb impact resistance, and extraordinary toughness. DriscoPlex4000 series PE piping is manufactured in Ductile Iron Pipe Sizes (DIPS), while DriscoPlex 4100 series PE piping is manufactured in Iron Pipe Sizes (IPS). Menu Planning Standard product is solid gray with no stripes, and meets ASTM F714 standard. endstream endobj 184 0 obj <>/Metadata 17 0 R/PageLayout/OneColumn/Pages 181 0 R/StructTreeRoot 36 0 R/Type/Catalog>> endobj 185 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/Type/Page>> endobj 186 0 obj <>stream Performance Pipes gas products also meet our own internal quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) requirements. @vd>iw4n)?#`a w83O #bd {-se&w\f`+ alm[ |Fi bu To access the menus on this page please perform the following steps. The latest news, content and events about our company, initiatives, markets and products. The American Gas Association (AGA) Plastic Pipe Manual for Gas Service lists the permeability of PE2708 polyethylene pipe to methane, the primary constituent of natural gas, as 4.2 x10-3. With more than fifty years of polyethylene pipe manufacturing experience, Performance Pipe has seven ISO 9001 certified manufacturing facilities strategically located across the United States. This will take you to the page listed. DRISCOPLEX, polyethylene pipes are resistant to a broad range of corrosive chemicals, they do not support. While the manufacturer has attempted to communicate with known or suspected users, PHMSA and the National Association of Pipeline Safety Representatives (NAPSR) have identified several operators currently using Drisco8000 pipe who had not received communications about the issue. Throughout this manual, Performance Pipe refers, denotes products manufactured by Performance Pipe, and when followed. 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