Days later, Darlie began menstruating again, and the relief washed over her. The guilters will tell you that there isn't any one thing that convinces them of Darlie's guilt; they say it's the "whole picture." I would have told them to go pound sand too. There is 100% proof that Darlie was drugged the night of the murders. Just my theory. That changed when I read Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case That Sentenced Darlie Routier To Death by Kathy Cruz. If the cop saw the killer come out of the house and let him get away where was the killer at while they were calling 911 and doing CPR? Please do not try to tell me that the print was Damon's; the DNA blood map clearly shows that the child went nowhere near the glass table where that print was located. Consider this: If Waddell truly did see a man come out of the front door and into the yard when he first arrived and lost sight of that man while getting out of the car and walking up to the house, then it is a reasonable assumption that the person Waddell saw was one of the intruders/killers. Is Darlie Routier innocent? TWELVE DAYS! Is youryou know, sometimes I'll set my clock a little bit fast just so that hopefully I get where I'm supposed to be on time. A. I walked back over to where she was, and I asked her again who had done it, and if there had been any problems in the house, or if they had had any problems with anybody that she might think would have done it, and she told me no, and she kept telling me, that the guy was still in the house. I understand the guilters need to dismiss Rickels as a liar or as mentally unstable. Not to mention the fact that the whole Dr. Phil thing was spearheaded by non-supporters; you know, the people that want to see Mrs. Kee's child put to death. That's the kind of thing you just don't miss; it's a large, incongruous object that clearly doesn't belong there. All right. Like the case of David Camm who was finally exonerated after serving 13 years in prison, Darlie Routier was accused and convicted of the brutal murders of her two precious children--based solely on controversial forensic evidence known as bloodstain pattern analysis. Poor Darlie ? It's been ages since I saw that and I honestly can't cite the source, nor do I put much stock in it. Mary Rickels eye yi yi Re: Darlene Potter, I could understand remembering the day I pulled a big trailer from my daughters. I tend to agree with you as far as a mother going upstairs to check on the baby; in a situation like that, I can't picture leaving my dying children even for a second. Hardly. There is a chapter in that book that struck me like lightning, and I couldn't get it out of my mind. Their mother, Darlie Routier, has been fighting to get off of death row for over 25 years. The presence of blood and water alone does not indicate a cleanup job, in my opinion. In one account, she fought with the intruder. There was the dna of a black man found at the scene. So it's clear, did youwere you able to determine what time it was when you woke up with Darin yelling? Sponges and cleaning products beneath the sink were inspected, and not a drop of blood was found on either. Wonder who could have threatened Darin? Boot prints outlined in the carpet, unidentified finger and palm prints, and of course, the unidentified fingerprint left in BLOOD, which could only have been deposited while the blood was still WET. In fact, why would you call 911 at all unless you were sure they were both dead? One sticking point has been the DNA evidence. He usually came home between 1:50 and 2:00 in the morning. Well, if there was, I can't find a record of it. Darlie is where she belongs. Instead of focusing on the wiretapping, Mulder could have asked Patterson the million-dollar question: "Detective Patterson, upon reviewing the footage of this surreptitious recording, at what point did you hear Darlie Routier confess to murdering her sons?". Ah that makes a comment I saw on Facebook make sense now. Then she saw Damon was still moving, so she stabbed him a couple more times for good measure, knocked over the vacuum, broke a glass, and then screamed for Darin while running to call 911. Would Darlie walk? I believe Czaban was highly judgmental and disapproved not just of Darlie and her lifestyle, but rather had nothing but contempt for the modern American way in general. He didn't bark because he was never aware those people were in the house. Darlie suddenly and inexplicably snapped in the middle of the night. This time, he looked out the window and saw Darin running from the front yard, past the fountain and to the sidewalk, yelling, "Someone just stabbed my wife and kids!". I don't believe that Darin actually communicated with any of the intruders directly; I think there was a middle man who set this all up and somewhere along the line there was a miscommunication with regard to the dates the house would be empty. Yeah nice fantasy theory but it'll never hold up in court. She was found guilty of murdering 5-year-old Damon but never tried in the death of her 6-year-old son Devon. Square Feet: 2,740 sqft. Attorneys for Routier, including Smith and J. Stephen Cooper of Dallas, Richard Burr of Houston and Jane Pucher and Vanessa Potkin of the Innocence Project, all agreed to the procedure as outlined by the judge. What happens next? Now, for all you Supermoms out there who claim you would have been holding him in your arms: you need to remember that Damon had been stabbed in the back. I've looked, believe me. Because of what happened to that woman in Texas. I can understand the theory you have although, just like EPSTEIN DIDNT KILL HIMSELF.. there are so many coincidences ???? The scene was most definitely staged. JustinCase976 (author) on December 16, 2019: You may very well be right. When Darlie began to scream for Darin, he ducked into the darkness of the formal dining room, where he waited for his chance to make a break for it. IMO. The main focus was on Devon, who was not breathing. During the trial, the character assassination of Darlie Routier continued when several of the nurses who treated her in the hospital were called to testify. Darin & Karen should both sue you. Darlie Routier is now 48 years old. Two police officers were asked if they saw it on the kitchen floor. Yet I am supposed to believe that this so-called materialistic woman, who took pride in her home and her belongings and was by all accounts a fastidious housekeeper, willingly chose to spill blood all over that beautiful white carpet? Who decided to cancel? At this point the second guy grabs the butcher knife from the kitchen so now he's armed too. Why hasnt anyone spoken to her? This had to be the murder that Arkansas was talking about that fall day back in '96! Regardless of what juror Charles Samford said, I think they DID see those pictures. An attorney representing Darlie Routier, a former Altoona woman facing the death penalty in Texas for the murder of her two young children 25 years ago, said he is buoyed by an order issued last week in Dallas County ordering additional DNA testing of the massive amount of evidence collected in the case. Please do not hate me or think in any way that this is your fault. He would have had to have been kicking her arms for half an hour straight to cause that kind of bruising. JustinCase976 (author) on February 26, 2020: I do not have actual links to the photos I have seen. No more so than the idea of Darlie as the killer, in my opinion. Quinncy was skeptical, to say the least. I hear new DNA coming her way. The defense wanted to put Mr. Harrell on the stand to bring this discrepancy to the attention of the jury. This caused the prosecution to claim that Darlie placed it there to further enhance evidence of a struggle. Davis can disapprove all he wants. Born on January 4, 1970, Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was 26-years-old when she made a frantic 911 call from her suburban brick home in Rowlett, East Dallas, claiming that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family. My life has been such a hard fight for a long time, and I just cannot find the strength to keep fighting anymore. I have to admit though, I loved the judge from that movie. Karl sat down and promptly wrote to Darlie, sharing this information with her. He also wrote to Houston attorney and former investigative reporter Quinncy McNeal, who was also named in the article, relating the same story. I really hope the whole truth comes out, sooner rather than later. Two of these associates were a married couple identified in the book as "Dwayne" and "Karen." Okay. 1) Zero evidence of an intruder? In all fairness, the birth of three children along with nursing did take its toll on Darlie's body. It didn't just magically appear, and regardless of what some fools say, it is NOT Darlie's print, or anyone else who was known to be in the house. Darlie has always maintained her innocence. The judge also ordered DNA profiles from each member of the Routier family also be sent to the California lab for comparison purposes. Shook sure didn't seem to want to linger on the subject of Waddell and what was said to him, did he? She turned on the porch light and the men ran off. Ive read a lot about this case. Where did the information about the ceramic frog planter & the missing key come from? However, if there is one thing I would personally love to ask Darlene Potter, it would be this: How is it that, more than six years later, she can be absolutely sure that the date she saw these men was indeed June 6, 1996? Did you look at the clock when you woke up? Among the not-so-minor errors: answers of "yes" were recorded as "no" and vice versa; during deliberations, the jury had a question with regard to whether or not Darin testified that he had locked the door connecting the utility room to the garage; the answer they received was that he did. I don't believe that Waddell encountered or spoke to Darin when he first arrived, and here's why: If you listen to the 911 call, at the 3:29 mark, Darlie asks Darin if the children are dead. For the love of God, what is your obsession with Dr. Phil? After a decade many of the DNA has never been tested. Rickels would not actually contact police with this information until June 11th, five days after the murders. Her fans say necklace was embedded, had 2b surgically removed. Routier was convicted in 1996 of the stabbing death of her young son. About 1520 minutes later, Rickels heard noises again, this time coming from her daughter's empty first floor bedroom. In the first account, she awoke to see a man standing at the edge of the couch, walking away from her toward the kitchen. I believe he took that chance just as Waddell was pulling up. If Darlie is only able to relay bits and pieces of what happened, then obviously there is certain information, perhaps vital information, that is missing. He says "what mother wouldn't run upstairs to see for herself that the baby was unharmed" so that right there settles it, S Clemmons is definitely a man. She claims an intruder entered her Dallas area home in June of 1996, stabbed two of her children, and attacked her. Legally, I believe this fell under the "Hearsay Exception" and Harrell should have been able to take the stand. In truth, Darlie did not pick the music and did not know the song would be played, but the jury did not hear this. She was injured as well, but not as severely. In the book, Cruz describes how Darlie received a letter in 1998 from an inmate at another facility. Bedrooms: 3. Devon scrambles to his feet and starts for the hallway. 2021. It's tempting to assume that's what we would have said in her position. The whole article is misleading as hell. Who has time to change when your kids are stabbed to death and your wife could die too? As for comforting Damon: she tells him more than once to "Hang on honey, we're calling honey!" Routier said an intruder entered the home and stabbed her and the children. There is no logic to support the theory of her planting that sock, even if she is the killer. Dekleva examined Darlie and came to the conclusion that she was not a sociopath; nor did she, in his opinion, present a future danger to society, one of the main criteria used to determine eligibility for the death penalty. He did not become fully awake, nor did he look at the clock. The logs will verify that both Bryce and Vanessa have been to see Darlieand I highly doubt they are flying to Texas from New York just for their health. Reminds me of that scene in My Cousin Vinny: Judge: Mr. Gambini, that was a lucid, intelligent, well thought out objection. He also stated that he never actually saw the police officer get out of the car. Wonder what they've been up to all of this time. No, he was referring to someone else entirely. JustinCase976 (author) on October 29, 2019: Heather Rose, I agree with you completely. Darlie's bloody footprints were photographed underneath some of the glass, causing them to believe she broke the glass after the fact to make it look like there had been a struggle. Do you think the jury would of still voted guilty if they had saw all of the pics of her injuries? I have some other topics regarding this case i would like your opinion on. I know that someone will likely make the argument that even if Arkansas and Dwayne did break into a house and stab young children in the Dallas area in June of 1996, who's to say that there wasn't a similar crime that was unrelated? He enters the Routier home and is immediately bombarded by two hysterical parents screaming (Darin: "Look for a rag! His affair with Karen Neal has been exposed for years and yet people keep asking questions about that stupid sock. JustinCase976 (author) on December 10, 2019: Vanessa Potkin and Bryce Benjet of the NY Innocence Project are indeed involved in her case. As of 2021, testing is still underway. 4) What, exactly, do you believe Darlie cleaned the sink with? JustinCase976 (author) on December 12, 2019: To my knowledge the missing tapes have never turned up. JustinCase976 (author) on December 02, 2019: I have never heard about any African-American DNA found at the scene; could you provide a link? They had the nurses pass around various photos of Darlie's injuries and the crime scene, but they also slipped Devon's and Damon's autopsy photos in with them. Personally, I would lean more toward there being a middle man from Rowlett or nearby that set this whole thing up. Whether they moved it mindfully or subconsciously, I can't say, but I'm 100% confident that it was moved after police arrived and were inside the house. Q. Q. Arkansas was known for his quick violent temper and substance abuse issues. They could not have an unsolved double homicide of two young children and the general public panicking about a lunatic on the loose. She knows her daughter did this. From what I know about the suspects, they were definitely high on something, most likely crack cocaine. The whole attack happened in a matter of minutes, and wasn't necessarily as noisy as some may assume. Now, when I look at the pictures of the sink, I see: the left side, the right side, and the front. David Waddell and Matt Walling were both asked if they saw the vacuum laying in the middle of the floor. During the police investigation, one of the mistakes that hurt Darlie the most was giving several accounts and timelines of how the events occurred. Justice will be served. When you have a baby under a year old that sleeps in the same room with you, you never quite slip into that deep, restful sleep. I do not fault him if his memory of the events is not accurate, linear, and chronological; under those chaotic and traumatic circumstances, I would not expect them to be. When Darlie took the stand in her own defense, it was a disaster. The pre-trial reference to Teresa and her affidavit was so brief that if you blinked, you missed it. The neighborhood children called it "The Nintendo House" because of the elaborate game room made just for kids. We hear a desperate mother who was in shock, begging for help. Okay. All of us who have prayed and stayed along her journey, will soon know more about this triumphant soul. I'm going to outline some of those concerns in this article. I love you three more than anything else in this world I dont want you to see a miserable person every time you look at me. It certainly isn't impossible, but I formed my opinion based on verifiable facts, and I just haven't seen anything that points to a woman's involvement. ;). Let's say that Waddell is correct when he says that he saw a man come out of the front door and into the front yard when he first pulled up. Q. They are not replacing her current counsel in any way, they are simply supplementing their efforts at this point. Darin wasn't hurt and the baby was with Darin. They did not return. Attorneys Cynthia Garza and Holly N. Dozier of the Dallas County Integrity Unit also gave their approval to the judges order. Another drop from Damon, mixed with Darlie's. They break into what they think is an empty house and come upon the family room. And as her lawyers prepare to head into court yet again, new information . Additional DNA tests ordered for Routier I guess we'll know soon if Darlie is indeed innocent. In 2021, The Innocence Project received approval to conduct new DNA tests on crime scene evidence, including the bloody sock. Many people believe that an intruder broke into 26 year old Darlie's Rowlett, Texas home and murdered her young bo It could have been perfectly innocuous, and a police officer or paramedic may have inadvertently kicked the glass out of the way. and we do tend to presume it is a male unconsciously i though male intruder up until you mentioned what the psychic said about been a female. No, I don't feel as if the nurses were part of a conspiracy. He also said that the post-conviction hearings in Dallas County could continue while the additional testing is underway. Darlie, who doesn't know what to do, is simply doing as she has been instructed. Guilters will say that Darlie attacked the boys, and then ran down the alleyway to plant the sock before running back to the house, seeing Damon was still alive and moving around, and then stabbing him again before inflicting her own injuries. He testified that on the morning of June 6, 1996, he had just settled into bed and drifted off when his sleep was broken by some kind of noise or commotion. Even the state's expert witnesses conceded that an intruder may not necessarily have tracked blood while making his exit. He was the one that actually put the bandage on you and walked you out? The court reporter, Sandra Halsey, pled the 5th Amendment when questioned in court regarding her substandard work. One has to wonder how much evidence was missed, and not collected for testing. That is NOT in Kathy's book and is not common knowledge, so I was taken aback to see that particular comment. More than one guilter has claimed something to the effect of "Lloyd Harrell's own ineptitude disqualified him from testifying," but that is simply another lie that they tell. I believe you're right on the money as far as why it looked like there was "clean up" in the sink area. The case has received worldwide attention and has been featured on several TV shows as Routier works to prove her innocence through post-conviction petitions in Dallas County and in the U.S. District Court in West Texas. This is good for Darlie in the sense that it adds yet another element of doubt regarding her story of an intruder. With so many people frantically coming in and out of the house, any one of them could have easily kicked that glass from one spot to another without even realizing it. Not to mention, it doesn't appear as though she did a very good job, since blood is clearly visible on and around the sink. So why the discrepancies? However, since Harrell was an integral part of the defense team and had been sitting in the courtroom throughout the trial, any testimony from him fell under the "Rule of Evidence," meaning that because he was able to hear what other witnesses had said, he was not permitted to take the stand. She asked repeatedly when the ambulance would arrive. Still, I'd love to know how his bloody jeans managed to end up in a pile of clean, folded laundry. I knew Darin liked his nose candy, but never heard anything about meth use. I don't believe that the dog heard a damn thing. I do not fault him for that; he is human. As anyone who is familiar with this case already knows, the original transcripts contained over 33,000 errors. In a move that would turn out to be an epic fail, defense attorney Doug Mulder used this as an excuse to blast the detectives and insinuate to the jury that they had broken the law with their graveyard surveillance. JezMyOpinion from The South on May 08, 2020: Darlie is guilty. He trusted BJ / daughter Enough back then. and even Darlie knew the maid/friend whatever was smokin weed. theres your drug connection. years of it. However, Officer David Mayne, who was responsible for the collection of evidence at the crime scene, used the phrase "I'm not for sure" 48 times during his cross-examination, and "I don't recall" exactly 25 times, for a whopping total of 73 times. The ambulance that was directly in front of Walling parked along a curve on Eagle Drive, across from the Routier's house and directly underneath where Gorsuch was standing. The officer, of course, is Matt Walling. Groggy and confused, Darlie instinctively followed the man through her kitchen toward the utility room that leads out to a garage. Out of all the things that non-supporters say, that takes the cake as the stupidest thing I've ever heard. Drake preferred to sleep/nap with his face and head covered. One also must wonder if there was actual evidence of an intruder, did it conveniently disappear? There's always a part of you that's on alert, waiting for a whimper or cry that signals it's time to warm up a bottle or grab a fresh diaper. No, there's no recording of anything that was said after the 911 call ended, but according to Waddell's own words, this whole exchange took place during the first few minutes of his arrival, while Darlie was still on the phone. A. I remember some things that she told me. Let's think about this claim rationally for a second; do you really believe that Darlie would attempt to smother Drake, in broad daylight, in front of two witnesses? That may have been part of the problem, but the biggest nail in the coffin was a downright dirty trick pulled by the prosecution. There is an innocent white woman going down for all this and it just sickens me. Darin had appliedand been turned downfor a $5,000 loan on June 1st. He attempted to hang himself in his cell, but was not successful. Darlie's husband, Darin Routier, was sleeping upstairs with 7-month old Drake. So, I did the next best thing: I asked multiple sources close to the case, and received the same response from more than one person: Domain would be brought into the bedroom every night from the first week they got him. Q. Next up is an expert who was never called to testify: Dr. Kenneth Dekleva, the state's own forensic psychiatrist. The location of the vacuum cleaner was another detail that caused investigators to suspect staging. I have never believed this crime was personal; I think the attackers saw an opportunity to make a quick buck, believed the house was empty, and when they realized it wasn't, it all went bad. I do agree with you that he was involved along with several associates. When questioned about the time at which this took place, Gorsuch testified during direct examination that he looked at the clock and it was 2:40 am. Everything that points to Darlie's guilt is in the transcripts." Rickels was shaken, but not alarmed enough to summon police. When an arrest is made for a felony charge, the suspects are automatically fingerprinted and the prints are uploaded into the system. Blood under glass & vacuum. After killing the kids and attacking Darlie, do you really think they are going to take anything with them that might possibly tie them to this house? Darin was a successful entrepreneur and Darlie was a. Did you tell Detective Waddell that you had been fighting with the man there at the island area? The unfinished thought suddenly became a "suicide note" and was supposed to be proof of Darlie's mental state. She went to the door and screamed for Karen Neal, the nurse across the street. There was blood on the drawers beside the sink and on the cabinet doors underneath, which is consistent with Darlie's assertion that she was pulling out kitchen rags and towels for Darin to use on the boys. Darlie's blood was found to have dripped onto it, and there were wheel marks where it appeared the vacuum had been rolled through wet blood. But it may not have to go that far. It's part of an all-out push by the Innocence Project to . Really, Alan? JustinCase976 (author) on December 11, 2019: You know what, Melia? Crime scene evidence, including the bloody sock and Holly N. Dozier of the jury guilty of 5-year-old... Said to him, did he: Examining the case that Sentenced Darlie Routier to death your. Teresa and her affidavit was so brief that if you blinked, you it. New DNA tests ordered for Routier I guess we & # x27 ; ll soon... Knew the maid/friend whatever was smokin weed like EPSTEIN DIDNT KILL HIMSELF.. there are many... Did the information about the suspects, they were both dead up in court, so I was aback... The birth of three children along with several associates you out convicted in 1996 of the game. Waddell and what was said to him, did youwere you able take... 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