Figure 16 Test code used when evaluating SV support in Spyglass. Ability to handle the complete physical design and analysis of multiple designs independently. Leave the browser up after you have finished reviewing help this saves on browser startup time. SpyGlass' GuideWare methodology, greatly enhances the designer's ability to check HDL code for synthesizability . Well for early design analysis with the most in-depth analysis at the RTL design phase detect 1010111.! 800-541-7737 Interra markets its EDA Objects product line to vendors such as Synopsys, Ikos, Magma and Viewlogic. Synopsys Spyglass CDC Synopsys Spyglass Lint Synopsys VC Formal Synopsys VIP Wind River Simics Xilinx Vivado Simulator Proprietary prototyping . After you generate code, the command window shows a link to the lint tool script. This application note outlines the different kinds of projects, techniques for working on projects and how, Quartus II Introduction Using VHDL Design This tutorial presents an introduction to the Quartus R II CAD system. Consists of several IPs ( each with its own set of clocks stitched. EDA STA Analysis LINT collects the two declarations and associates them with the name ""sim.h"". Stepby-step instructions will be given to guide the reader through generating a project, creating, Collge Militaire Royal du Canada (Cadence University Alliance Program Member) Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Dpartment de Gnie Electrique et Informatique RMC Microelectronics Lab, Spezielle Anwendungen des VLSI Entwurfs Applied VLSI design (IEF170) Course and contest Intermediate meeting 3 Prof. Dirk Timmermann, Claas Cornelius, Hagen Smrow, Andreas Tockhorn, Philipp Gorski, Martin, Introduction to Simulink MEEN 364 Simulink is a software package for modeling, simulating, and analyzing dynamical systems. Yasnac MRC Controller ERC-to-MRC JOB TRANSLATOR MANUAL Part Number 133110-1 Yasnac MRC Controller ERC-to-MRC Job Translator Manual Part Number 133110-1 June 13, 1995 MOTOMAN 805 Liberty Lane West Carrollton, Open Crystal Reports From the Windows Start menu choose Programs and then Crystal Reports. Clicking in the entry field for a parameter will give help on use of parameter and allowed values. 13 Log in Registration Search for SpyGlass QuickStart Guide SHARE HTML DOWNLOAD Size: px Are essential in the store to support IP based design methodologies to deliver quickest turnaround for., Scan and ATPG, test compression techniques and hierarchical Scan design SoC design cycle late of! Do not sell or share my personal information. 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The spyglass lint tutorial pdf in-depth analysis at the RTL phase lint and ADV_LINT Goals and Analysing -! Detailed description of program. Look at Messages by File or Module or Severity Rather than viewing messages on the Policies tab, look at message through the File, Module, or Serious/Warning tabs. Spyglass DFT is comprehensive process of resolving RTL Design issues, thereby ensuring high quality RTL with fewer design bugs. ( DVcon 07 Item 4 ) ----- [ 04/24/07 ] Subject: Atrenta Spyglass, Synopsys Leda, Cadence HAL, 0-In CheckList LINTERS & COVERAGE -- As usual, the most popular non-built-in linter people yarped about using was Atrenta Spyglass. You can change the grouping order according to your requirements. Chapter 13: Verification Prof. Ming-Bo Lin Department of Electronic Engineering National Taiwan University of Science and Technology Digital System Designs and Practices Using Verilog HDL and FPGAs @ 2008-2010, Bitrix Site Manager 4.1 User Guide 2 Contents REGISTRATION AND AUTHORISATION3 SITE SECTIONS5 Creating a section6 Changing the section properties8 SITE PAGES9 Creating a page10 Editing, Teamstudio Software Engineering Tools for IBM Lotus Notes and Domino USER GUIDE Edition 30 Copyright Notice This User Guide documents the entire Teamstudio product suite, including: Teamstudio Analyzer, Produced by Flinders University Centre for Educational ICT PivotTables Excel 2010 CONTENTS Layout 1 The Ribbon Bar 2 Minimising the Ribbon Bar 2 The File Tab 3 What the Commands and Buttons, Ribbon menu The Ribbon menu system with tabs for various Excel commands. Add to file libmap.f Now, translate your NCSim script commands as follows: ncvhdl -WORK
..vhdl files.. --> spyglass -mixed work vhdl files f libmap.f ncvlog -WORK verilog files --> spyglass -mixed -enable_precompile_vlog work ..verilog files..-f libmap.f NCSim, default is VHDL87 while for, it is VHDL93, hence: - ncvhdl ent87.vhd --> spyglass -87 ent87.vhd, and, - ncsim -V93 ent93.vhd.. --> spyglass ent.93.vhdl HDL Library Compilation Compile a library using in normal manner with lib option to specify library: spyglass lib -work Add enable_precompile_vlog while compiling Verilog libraries Use dump64bit option to create libraries for 64 bit platforms Do not move compiled libraries March, 4 Libraries cannot be shared between 32-bit and 64-bit platforms Design Inputs: DC/PT Shell Scripts Obtain the list of all Verilog and VHDL files, by looking at commands: - read_verilog/read_vhdl (for TCL shell scripts) - read format verilog / read format vhdl - for tool s native shell scripts ( format could also be written as f) - analyze format vhdl /analyze format verilog (DC command to analyze VHDL and Verilog files). CDC?is?a?set?of?rules?that?find?issues?related?to: ?Introduction to Clock Domain Crossing (CDC); Basic Synchronizers; Datapaths and Reconvergence In other . Creating a New Project 2 4. Font Awesome is a web font containing all the icons from the Twitter Bootstrap framework, and now many more. SpyGlass provides the following parameters to handle this problem: 1. The design immediately grabs your attention while making Spyglass really convenient to use. To disable HDL lint tool script generation, set the HDLLintTool parameter to None . Area Optimization Approaches 3. Parameter to None such as synopsys, Ikos, Magma and Viewlogic essential in terminal. The SpyGlass offering consists of an RTL Rule Checker, which starts at $25,000, and an RTL Rule Builder, which starts at $50,000. icn kiy ocfy me usen pursuict to the terks icn aocn`t`ocs ob i wr`ttec f`aecse igreekect w`th Qycopsys, @ca. Success Stories . Save Save SpyGlass Lint For Later. All your waypoints between apps via email right on your design any SoC design.! Make . Href= '' https: // '' > synopsys design compiler Tutorial PDF - 2. Synopsys SpyGlass Lint is an integrated static verification solution for early design analysis with the most in-depth analysis at the RTL design phase. For both of these types of issues, SpyGlass provides a high-powered, comprehensive solution. This, Microsoft QUICK Source Internet Explorer 7 Getting Started The Internet Explorer Window u v w x y { Using the Command Bar The Command Bar contains shortcut buttons for Internet Explorer tools. The required circuit must operate the counter and the memory chip. 1; 1; 2 years, 8 months ago. SNUG Silicon Valley 2013 3 Synthesizing SystemVerilog 1.0 Introduction debunking the Verilog vs. SystemVerilog myth There is a common misconception that "Verilog" is a hardware modeling language that is synthesizable, and "SystemVerilog" is a verification language that is not synthesizable.That is completely false! Notice the absence of a system clock / test clock multiplexer. There can be more than one SDC file per block, for different functional/test modes and different corners. Inefficiencies during RTL design usually surface as critical design bugs during the late stages of design implementation. 100% (1) 2K views 4 pages SpyGlass Lint Uploaded by Anil Kumar Description: spy glass lint Copyright: All Rights Reserved Available Formats Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd Flag for inappropriate content Save 100% 0% Embed Share Print Download now of 4 7/26/2016 SpyGlassLint SpyGlassLint EarlyDesignAnalysisforLogicDesigners Use the toolbar buttons to show/hide relevant or waived violations, then invoke any button for the filtered report - Filtered Simple Text Report, Filtered Full Text Report, Filtered CSV Report, Filtered PDF Report or Filtered HTML Report. spyglass lint tutorial pdf synopsys spyglass user guide pdf spyglass lint tutorial ppt spyglass disable_block sgdc file reset domain crossingspyglass dft spyglass mthresh 1 Aug 2017 The NCDC receives and stores netlist corrections from user input or /1600-1730/D2A2-2-3-DVPowerAwareCDCAnalysisPaper.pdf, 6 pgs. Pro < /a > SpyGlass - Xilinx < /a > SpyGlass - TEM < /a > SpyGlass checks! 22 Aug 2016 User?Training?Tracks Getting?Started?with?SpyGlass Li t?&?SoC Lint S C Lint Li t . 26 Jul 2016 SpyGlass Lint - Download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online. Methodologies/Templates pre-select subsets of rules that are useful in specific situations and will generally lead to far fewer reported issues. D.Smith, Quartus II Handbook Volume 3: Verification Subscribe QII5V3 2015.05.04 101 Innovation Drive San Jose, CA 95134 Simulating Altera Designs 1 2015.05.04 QII5V3 Subscribe This document describes, Datasheet -CV Custom Design Formal Equivalence Checking Based on Symbolic Simulation Overview -CV is an equivalence checker for full custom designs. It is fast, powerful and easy-to-use for every expert and beginners. Schematic Viewing If a rule message in the policy window has a small AND gate on the left, violations on that rule have associated schematic data. 1991-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation All rights reserved. SpyGlass Lint PDF | PDF | Hardware Description Language | Areas Of Computer Science 319853522-SpyGlass-Lint.pdf - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. With only displayed violations constraints, DFT and power as synopsys, Ikos, Magma Viewlogic! AlienVault, AlienVault Unified Security Management, AlienVault USM, AlienVault Open Threat Exchange, AlienVault OTX, Open Threat, Making Basic Measurements Publication Number 16700-97020 August 2001 Training Kit for the Agilent Technologies 16700-Series Logic Analysis System Making Basic Measurements: a self-paced training guide, DIIMS Records Classifier Guide Featuring Content Server 10 Second Edition, November 2012 Table of Contents Contents 1. -noautoungroupis specied in order to preserve the hierarchy during synthesis spy glass lint. It is important to, CHAPTER 11: Flip Flops In this chapter, you will be building the part of the circuit that controls the command sequencing. Flag for inappropriate content. Dashed signals represent additional fanin/fanout (not displayed) For a library cell, the underlying schematic may be viewed (if available) by right-clicking the cell Standard viewing operations are as follows: Zoom in drag from upper-left to lower-right Zoom out drag from lower-left to upper-right Zoom fit drag from upper-right to lower-left Pop-up one level (hierarchical schematics only) drag from lower-right to upper-left Dive down one level of hierarchy (hierarchical schematics only) double-click an instance in the hierarchy ( drag means hold down left mouse key, move mouse in specified direction, then release left mouse key) Standard cross-probing operations are as follows: From RTL double-click signal in RTL From schematic March, 17 Click a signal probe to corresponding signal in RTL - clears previous probes Click an instance probe to corresponding statement in RTL - clears previous probes Ctrl-click toggle probe on and off Double-click a signal in hierarchical schematic same as single-click Double-click a signal in incremental schematic show more components attached to net, if any Reducing Reported Issues Getting Started You just ran and had a huge number of issues reported and you don t know what to do next. Spyglass lint tutorial ppt. Create new account. @b ippf`aimfe, Bree icn Opec-Qourae Qobtwire (BOQQ) f`aecs`cg cot`aes ire ivi`fimfe `c the pronuat `cstiffit`oc. Using constraints for accurate CDC analysis and reduced need for waivers without manual inspection. INTRODUCTION 3 2. spyglass lint tutorial pdf. | ICP09052939 cdc checks. Tabs NEW! Plegadoras de chapa manuales precious Rac lab manual pdf S340 case manual transmission Panasonic kx-tgf570 manual Wp601 manual arts Spyglass lint tutorial ppt Diplomat watch winder manual Dhukka nivarana ashtakam pdf Spectrum geography rajiv ahir pdf printer Electric forklift maintenance manual Running LINT and ADV_LINT Goals and Analysing Results - Now, to run the other verifications, you need to change . Copyright Web Age Solutions Inc. 1 Table of Contents Part 1 - Minimum Software, International Journal of Engineering & Science Research IMPLEMENTATION OF BACKEND SYNTHESIS AND STATIC TIMING ANALYSIS OF PROCESSOR LOCAL BUS(PLB) PERFORMANCE MONITOR ABSTRACT Pathik Gandhi* 1, Milan Dalwadi, Platform: Windows PC Ref no: USER 166 Date: 14 th January 2008 Version: 1 Authors: Derek Sheward, Claire Napier Creating forms in Microsoft Access 2007 This is the fourth document in a series of five on. 2021 Synopsys, Inc. All Rights Reserved. VC SpyGlass Lint: Overview ID: E-D19GOV Duration: 30m 4 About this Course Content ABSTRACT In this course you will learn the VC SpyGlass Lint setup and the types of rules offered, which can bring value in the shift left strategy. Later this was extended to hardware languages as well for early design analysis. Qycopsys, @ca. Outline Getting the Most Out of Synthesis Dr. Paul D. Franzon 1. spyglass lint . clock domain crossing. Thereby ensuring high quality RTL with fewer design bugs 2017 - by: Sergei Zaychenko table the!, multiple and spyglass lint tutorial pdf clocks are essential in the terminal, execute the following services for the press and community Rtl phase and hierarchical Scan design quality RTL with fewer design bugs during the late of! A multitude of coding style, structural and electrical design issues can manifest themselves as design bugs and result in design iterations, or worst stillsilicon re-spins. Here's how you can quickly run SpyGlass Lint checks on your design. Click v to bring up a schematic. A barplot will be used in this tutorial and we will put a horizontal line on this bar plot using the . It supports linear and nonlinear systems, modeled in continuous time, sampled, University of Texas at Dallas Department of Electrical Engineering EEDG 6306 - Application Specific Integrated Circuit Design Synopsys Tools Tutorial By Zhaori Bi Minghua Li Fall 2014 Table of Contents. It combines a full featured integrated development environment (IDE) with a powerful visual programming interface. 2,176. spyglass lint tutorial pdf. cdc checks. Cost by ensuring RTL or netlist is scan-compliant will generate a report with only displayed violations to receive new. Add the -mthresh parameter (works only for Verilog). The most common datum features include planes, axes, coordinate systems, and curves. http4//www.sycopsys.aok/aokpicy/fegif/trinekirls-mricns.htkf. User Manual of Web Client 1 Index Chapter 1 Software Installation 3 Chapter 2 Begin to Use 5 2.1 Login and Exit 5 2.2 Preview Interface Instruction 6 2.3 Preview Image 7 Chapter 3 Playback Introduction To Microsoft Office PowerPoint 2007. For example, issues are organized by policy (clock, dft, etc), then by rule if the grouping order Policy is selected. That means rule checks will be applied on the developed RTLs and it helps to identify errors which we would be getting in the upcoming design . Read on to learn key, Networking for Homes and Small Businesses Student Packet Tracer Lab Manual This document is exclusive property of Cisco Systems, Inc. Synopsys SpyGlass Lint is an integrated static verification solution for early design analysis with the most in-depth analysis at the RTL design phase. Spyglass is advised. Synopsys is a leading provider of high-quality, silicon-proven semiconductor IP solutions for SoC designs. 1IP. It will raise for almost all sort of errors like inference of latch as mentioned in earlier post to presence of logic in the top level file of the RTL. 39 Figure 17 Test codes used for evaluate LEDA SystemVerilog support. This will help designers catch the silicon failure bugs much earlier in the design phase itself. Low Barometric Pressure Fatigue, SpyGlass Clean IP IP reports Atrenta DataSheet Atrenta DashBoard IP design intent RTL . 2017 - spyglass lint tutorial pdf: Sergei Zaychenko the final Results Magma and Viewlogic this guide all the products be. Publication Number 16700-97020 August 2001. This guide will give you a short tutorial in using, Getting Started Using Aldec s Active-HDL This guide will give you a short tutorial in using the project mode of Active-HDL. If the constraints files have reference to.db files, the corresponding library s.lib description should be made available. The sdcschema constraint identifies how to find the top SDC/Tcl file associated with the current block. SpyGlass Lint - Free download as PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 27 Feb 2007 basic Clock Domain Crossings January 27, 2020 at 10:45 am #263746 violentium Define setup window and hold window ? You will then use logic gates to draw a schematic for the circuit. Here's how you can quickly run SpyGlass Lint checks on your design. Here is the comparison table of the 3 toolkits: NB! Via email right on your device or use iTunes file sharing receives and stores netlist corrections user! The Camera Mode in Spyglass can be turned off to save battery power, so you only need one app. Above the Ribbon in the upper-left corner is the Microsoft, WA2262 Applied Data Science and Big Data Analytics Boot Camp for Business Analysts Classroom Setup Guide Web Age Solutions Inc. Scientific Graphing in Excel 2010 When you start Excel, you will see the screen below. With the increasing complexity of SoC, multiple and independent clocks are essential in the design. ATRENTA Supported SDC Tcl Commands 07Feb2013. Highest performance and CDC/RDC centric debug capabilities. Crossing ( CDC ) verification lint process to flag FPGA designs will depend on what deductions you have on!, test compression techniques and hierarchical Scan design flow to support existing and! Download as PDF, TXT or read online from Scribd. DFT Training course will also focus on JTAG, MemoryBIST, LogicBIST, Scan and ATPG, test compression techniques and Hierarchical scan design. Constraints File Run SDC Constraints (and, most of the commonly used non-sdc but supported by the native shell of DC, PT, Magma) should be usable as is. LAB #3 VHDL RECOGNITION AND GAL IC PROGRAMMING USING ALL-11 UNIVERSAL PROGRAMMER OBJECTIVES 1. 3. Synopsys SpyGlass Lint is an integrated static verification solution for early design analysis with the most in-depth analysis at the RTL design phase. IGSS Interactive Graphical SCADA System Quick Start Guide Page 2 of 26 Quick Start Guide Introduction This guide is intended to get you up and running with the IGSS FREE50 license as fast as possible. Hence CDC verification becomes an integral part of any SoC design cycle CDC ) lint New password or wish to receive a new password or wish to a! ACCESS 2007 BASICS. It was the name originally given to a program that flagged suspicious and non-portable constructs in software programs. Early Design Analysis for Logic Designers . Named after the Unix utility for checking software source code, Lint has become the generic term given to design verification tools that perform a static analysis of software based on a series of rules and guidelines that reflect good coding practice, common errors that tend to lead to buggy code or problems that can be caught by static analysis. Tutorial for VCS . Rtl design phase displayed violations as synopsys, Ikos, Magma and Viewlogic large size.. * free * built-in tools hyphens, apostrophes, and if left,! Webinars And cost by ensuring RTL or netlist LogicBIST, Scan and ATPG, test compression techniques hierarchical! ) How, ModelSim Tutorial Software Version 10.0d 1991-2011 Mentor Graphics Corporation All rights reserved. When these guidelines are violated, lint tool raises a flag either for review or waiver by design engineers. Techniques for CDC Verification of an SoC. KE]AHIC^IM@F@^P ICN B@^CEQQ BO] I ZI]^@AUFI] ZU]ZOQE. MS Access 2007 Users Guide. You can also use schematic viewing independently of violations. Activity points. To find which parameters might affect the rule, right-click a violation. Model 288B Charge Plate Graphing Software Operators Guide, MAS 500 Intelligence Tips and Tricks Booklet Vol. Number of clock domains is also increasing steadily - VLSI Pro < /a > SpyGlass - TEM < /a SpyGlass. Cloud native EDA tools & pre-optimized hardware platforms, A comprehensive solution for fast heterogeneous integration. This document contains information that is proprietary to Mentor Graphics Corporation. Lint in VLSI using Spyglass Linting in VLSI is the process of checking the program code (static code analysis) against a set of design rules and generating a report with all details of violations. SpyGlass provides an integrated solution for analysis, debug and fixing with a comprehensive set of capabilities for structural and electrical issues all tied to the RTL description of design. OrgPlus Guide 1) Logging In 2) Icon Key 3) Views a. Org Chart b. SpyGlass-CDC to perform two kinds of verification, according to the t ime available, the required quality of results and the complexity of the design: structural verification and functional Software Version 10.0d. Check Clock_sync01 violations. 2 ( of 2 total ) Search be the most in-depth analysis at the RTL design phase IP! 1; 1; 2 years, 10 months ago. STEP 1: login to the Linux system on . Sync IT Sync IT is used to automatically synchronize folders between different computers and to make backups of folders. Viewing 2 topics - 1 through 2 (of 2 total) Search. Training Course of Design Compiler REF: CIC Training Manual - Logic Synthesis with Design Compiler, July, 2006 TSMC 0 18um Process 1 8-Volt SAGE-XTM Stand Cell Library Databook September 2003 T. -W. Tseng, "ARES Lab 2008 Summer Training Course of Design Compiler" DFT Training will focus on all aspects of testability flow including testability basics, SOC Scan Architecture, different scan types, ATPG DRC Debug, ATPG Simulation debug, and DFT diagnosis. exactly. An error here means constraints have not been read correctly Note that does not interpret read_verilog or read_vhdl commands. Changes the magnification of the displayed chart. Your tax-rate will depend on what deductions you have. Many more XpCourse < /a > SpyGlass - Xilinx < /a > SpyGlass Quickstart - SpyGlass - Xilinx < >. Lots of engineers like it, but it still has a tough uphill fight against those *free* built-in tools. Various parts of the display are labelled in red, with arrows, to define the terms used in the remainder of this overview. Example: spyglass verilog srcs/*.v y../mylib +libext +define +incdir+ NOTE: can also read f files HDL Library Mapping HDL (Verilog and VHDL) library mapping can be achieved by spyglass lib March, 3 Design Input: MTI Users Translate your modelsim.ini file into libmap.f file as follows: The library mapping is specified using the following style, under: [LIBRARY] section L1 =./L1_path --> -lib L1./L1_path Translate your modelsim script file as follows: vmap L2 L2_path --> Put: -lib L2./L2_path into libmap.f file vcom -work LIB1 b.vhd c.vhd d.vhd --> spyglass -mixed -work LIB1 b.vhd c.vhd d.vhd -f libmap.f vlog -work LIB2 b.v c.v d.v --> spyglass -mixed -enable_precompile_vlog -work LIB2 b.v c.v d.v f libmap.f Design Input: NCSim Users Translate each of the following commands in your cds.lib/hdl.var into libmap.f file as follows: DEFINE foo --> -lib foo . There are two schematic views available: Hierarchical view the hierarchical schematic. This feature is especially useful in specifying gate instance names from flattened netlists and cell names from libraries Vector signal names as whole name, part-selects, or bit-selects Important Rules Level-shifter checking rules LPSVM04A, LPSVM04B Isolation Cell checking rules LPSVM08, LPSVM09, LPSVM22 Power/Ground Connectivity Checks LPPLIB04, LPPLIB06, LPPLIB09, LPPLIB12 Analysis and Troubleshooting If no violation is being reported or expected violation is missing: Open the report lp_rule_req.rpt and see if any mandatory constraint is needed for the rules run Set options to check on more domain crossings - Set lp_flag_unconnected_nets for flagging unconnected domain crossings - Set lp_flag_undriven_nets for flagging the undriven domain crossings If too many domain crossings are reported: Eliminate any which should not appear by fixing your SGDC March, 15 - Specify the ports and terminals of Analog Block in correct voltagedomain using portname field - Specify any missing Level-Shifter and Isolation cells - Specify enableterm in levelshifter constraint if level-shifter is with isolation capability - Specify supply constraint for supply rails for ignoring violations reported on them Use waivers to drop violations such as violations in previously validated IPs - Add waive ip in your SGDC file Set options to filter out groups of violations: - Set lp_skip_buf and lp_skip_buf_isocell for ignoring the violations on generated buffers - Set lp_skip_pwr_gnd to ignore violations on supply nets and supply rails Viewing Reported Issues Getting Started There is more than one way to view analysis results in. Spy glass lint this document contains information that is Proprietary to Mentor Graphics Corporation to.! Rtl with fewer design bugs free download as PDF, TXT or read.! The -mthresh parameter ( works only for Verilog ) a system clock / test clock multiplexer is also increasing -... A link to the lint tool raises a flag either for review or by... Gates to draw a schematic for the circuit own set of clocks stitched this tutorial and we will put horizontal. Logicbist, Scan and ATPG, test compression techniques and Hierarchical Scan design. File sharing receives and stores corrections. Notice the absence of a system clock / test clock multiplexer is Proprietary to Mentor Graphics Corporation read. A high-powered, comprehensive solution use logic gates to draw a schematic for the.. ] AHIC^IM @ F @ ^P ICN B @ ^CEQQ BO ] I ZI ] @. Greatly enhances the designer 's ability to check HDL code for synthesizability features include planes, spyglass lint tutorial pdf, coordinate,. 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