1] We do not endorse Horse Isle services attempted to be sold by other players, but do not prohibit the action. 6] Do not create a new account unless the administration tells you that you are allowed to. 2] Please do NOT ask for items using pity as an excuse to engage in begging. Please simply just Personally Mute the player to avoid conflict or stress to yourself. Anyone who does continue in ANY way with the discussion will be muted without warning. } else { 1] There is a Beauty Arena. 3] Please do NOT attempt to dodge or avoid this filter in any way, this is strictly against the rules. 3] If someone is harassing you, please ask them kindly to stop, if they do not, immediately Personally Mute the player, and file an abuse report. At the General Store. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Player avatars were now customisable, including the option to custom hair and eye colour, body shape and clothing options. 2] ALWAYS assure that you never use the same password on other websites - some sites utilize these especially in order to hack your account. 4] By using the format /$ in front of your advert .. "/$ Your Advert here" will send your advert automatically to the "ADS CHAT". Horse Isle 2 Help. : Bullied into buying a horse), or bully you in general. 2] If you feel the need to engage in Story Telling, please keep the discussion in the Personal Messaging system or in Buddy Chat. 3] If for some reason, players want to get others together to send a group to the Dungeon they may only do so on a ranch isle. 4] To contact Admin please go to the Horse Isle MAIN page (hi2.horseisle.com) and click the "Help" button at the top, then start a Support Issue. 2] Answering riddles on Area chat ruins the fun of figuring it out for other players. No two horses look or behave alike. Do not create a new account until we tell you that you may. Take that time to go over the rules and be sure you understand them so you do not acquire more once your ban is up. This means asking pointless questions in an attempt to help a buddy or friend get more helper points. in some public medium of communication in order to induce people to buy or use it." 4] If a player Personally Messages you begging for something, kindly ask them not to beg. This sends everyone in the area to the Dungeon. 1] If another player has muted you, do NOT attempt to contact them in any other way. @gmail.com, Natalie Reibel 6. It will fill half of the Thirst bar. You'll need a pick to clear away the rock. You can feed horses by collecting things like fruits, and going to the horses tab and choose "Feed", then select a food to give your horse. So make sure your horse's groom stays at least above 500. 1] You may quit playing at anytime. 3] Horse Isle does not advise that the trainer wait to take payment until after the training is completed as that is also trading on a promise and you could be out the money it cost you to train that horse. Weebly.footer.setupContainer('cdn2.editmysite.com', '1673987310'); In 2010, the game had a player base of around 10,000 players.[4]. Horse Isle 2 Help. They are there as a reminder to you. Head straight south from her house, then a little west, stopping just before the beach. Should someone else log into your account, they could cause violations or steal from you. 09/11/2011 2 new quests added to Angle Isle under Island Lake Isle, quest added to narrow isle and 2 cookie cutters added to the minny game page. 2] This can include but is not limited to: Scamming, Stealing, Theft, etc. "    " + There is one effect of mood: a happy horse will perform better in a competition than a sad one. 4] Involving yourself and others will only fuel an inappropriate discussion. Bonuses. Racial These involve racing, jumping, dressage - all many-player games. Pity Ploys in Order to Gain Horse Isle Items var windowHref = window.location.href || ''; 1] When advertising a horse or item on Horse Isle, please assure you use the ADS Chat or the Classified Ads system and remember that all game rules apply to ads. Competitions became entirely player-created, with the ability to chop wood, build jumps and create obstacles, creating a wider range of competitions for players to take part in. Hundreds of unique objects that can be found in the world or handled during quests. Please include that it is for HI2 and your HI2 username. The downside to this . She has a bonsai tree she no longer needs. Horse Isle 3: Infinite Wilds went live in August 2019, featuring several notable changes from the first two games: One notable difference between Horse Isle 3 and its older counterparts was the ability to access a large majority of the game without a subscription; in contrast to the previous two games, subscriptions only granted players useful, but relatively small perks, with much of the rest of the game accessible and playable without a subscription. Especially if you try to squeeze between world objects that are relatively close together or near the edge of the 'world'. } 1] The definition of Pity: "sympathetic or kindly sorrow evoked by the suffering, distress, or misfortune of another, often leading one to give relief or aid or to show mercy; a cause or reason for pity, sorrow, or regret." In most cases, you will lose your account permanently. Scams 1] The Definition of Defamation: "the act of defaming; false or unjustified injury of the good reputation of another, as by slander or libel; calumny" (Dictionary.com) However, please ask for the help to be given to you via Personal Message. No advertising clubs that are not official, as this causes confusion. 3] If you are unable to find your answer there, you may ask a question using the Help System within the game by clicking on the HELP button. The horse is only BORROWED from the player so it'll return after a specified period of time. 1] Suggestions are well appreciated, but keep in mind that it takes a lot of work to get most suggestions in effect. Cheating also includes any attempt to manipulate the competition results beyond one's own performance. e.g. 3] Services offered can include but are not limited to: Training, Boarding, Collecting, etc. 4] Do NOT engage in this sort of conversation at all, it only adds fuel to the conversation and might land you in trouble whether you are trying to help or not, this situation will be dealt with. Horse Isle 2: Life Cycle Wikia is a community site that anyone can contribute to. This sends everyone in the area to the Dungeon. 2] Do NOT share of Email addresses/Instant Messaging accounts. 1] Please do NOT refer to any racial comments at all - there are many different players here of many different ethnicities, and respect is due to them all. 3] If you happen to share a personal bias towards another player or topic of discussion, please keep it to yourself. When a horse is starving, it will lose 4 points of health per hour. Please see a professional in your area instead. 3] If you come across a bug or glitch you can report it directly to Admin or in the forums. She recommends you go see MrBones on on Golden Isle, in the dead center. Threats Story Telling 2] Please do NOT bully or harass another player into selling or returning a surrendered or previously sold horse back to you. #3) Run the flashplayer_32_sa.exe (windows) #4)This will open a mostly white empty application, at the top, click FILE -> OPEN ( On Mac's may not show the white) #5) Enter The following ( Copy Paste It--Must be exact, case matters) for: supply at the store. Petting your horse will improve its mood, certain treats will also improve its mood. Training Go to the General Store and talk to MrGoldenSun, he'll give you one. 3] Remember to try and keep personal misfortunes to yourself. 2] Raffles are not allowed on the game as they often are used to steal money from others. This is set up so both players do not lose money in the end. 4] Being banned means you must stay off the game completely. 4] Players MAY ask for their classified ad or art to be reviewed via the helper system, however, please try buddies first. Please do NOT ask them on any other chat than in a Personal Message. 5] Because this is trading on a promise and not advised, advertising is not allowed. Forums (You can check a list of horses for sale in the city hall). He will insist his discovery is the best but you will convince him both are important. : "Horse Maps"); This action is considered scamming, if you are unsure about these services you may contact a Moderator or Admin to verify or report the action. Attempting to Reclaim Surrendered or Previously Sold Horses 2] We do not advise that you hold these or partake in them, but if you choose to, please take note that this is YOUR liability. 3] Please be aware of other players attempting to scam. 2] The definition of an advertisement is: "to announce or praise (a product, service, etc.) Dungeon 1] We do not encourage players to hunt for Wild Horses in groups. Real Life Advice This is a family game thus we are quite strict about what is and is not allowed. 2] Please do NOT engage in this type of behavior, any players involved in any sort of player anarchy will be warned and the situation will be diffused. This is considered going around the ban and will be counted as having multiple accounts. It was removed for a reason. Now, you should be able to doubleclick that icon to save time :). Horses are the animals in horse isle that can be ridden, making the player travel two times faster than walking. (Dictionary.com) 10] We do not recommend players role play, this is Horse Isle not Role Play Isle, however if you feel you must do so then please be careful regarding your content and behavior. Search around the bottom of the plant, you'll need to use your rake. No religious content is allowed. It allows for many players to interact while searching for wild horses roaming the lands. At this time your account will auto-delete one year after the last time you signed in, or one year after your subscription expires, whichever is later. If the groom is 0-499, the player can't enter certain competitions. 1] Once a horse has left your account, it no longer belongs to you. The game went live on 3 May 2007, after extensive beta-testing undertaken by the Durbins and volunteers. Can you help me??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!???????" There isn't a Hare isle on Horse Isle 2, only Horse Isle 1, where you get to it from Earton dock. Yes, I know how the game operates. Never enter it on another website either! 5] Keep in mind that Admin are extremely busy, trying to edit the game and make additions to better the game, assure that your query is important when contacting them. 5] Contest scams must be reported immediately, if you have been scammed please file an Abuse Report immediately. Join NOW!" Admin 4] The broken rule must have occurred within that chat log. 4] If you find a bug and report it, you will be rewarded, with both respect and probably an in-game reward. 3] There really is no reason to do so, however if you feel the need to start over, your account may be deleted (or permanently locked if payments have been made to it) after giving sufficient proof that you are the account owner. This means no name calling, no cruelty to another person, no threatening or bullying another person. Your horse isn't only a decoration or a piece of equipment to ride! 5] Horse Isle does not return items/horses/pets/money that have been stolen. Obelisks. 1] The definition of Spam is: "to post irrelevant messages one or more times in deliberate or accidental violation of rules." Please use that. 1] Offensive language is not allowed in any way. Parental Permission Failure to do so will result in both accounts being deleted and all of your items lost. 2] Trading between the games includes, but is not limited to, getting money on one game for a specified amount of money on the other game. This second server allowed players to breed their horses with the goal of improving stats for competitions; on the Eternal server, horses remained immortal, with no breeding options. Compete in 8+ horse arenas with up to 8 others at once. 2] If you have a controversial topic that you want to discuss, please keep it to Personal Messages, these topics do get out of hand because players share different beliefs. Doing so is considered cheating and will result in losing everything that was moved if not losing both accounts completely. Any ads pertaining to the art contest should be rejected. -Broodmare, Apple (Green)- Windy Pines, Sunny Glade, Angled Forest, Islands LakeApple (Red)- Bend, Lance, Sunny Glade, Plains, Curvy, Islands Lakekkkk, Acorn- Lance, Sunny Glade, Plains, Prairie, Banana- Green, Lost Jungle, Vine, Banana, Tiger isles :D, Brazil Nut- Green, Lost Jungle, AncientBlackberry- Windy Pines, Plains, CurvyBlueberry- Windy Pines, Curvy, Dumbbell, Angled Forest, Boysenberry- LanceCashew- Droplet, Angled Forest, Cinnamon Curls- Green, Lost Jungle, Ancient, Vine, Coconuts- most isles w/ beachCranberry- Twin ForestGrapefruit- Grass, Square, Honeycomb- in any forestHuckleberry- Droplet, LanceLemons- Grass, Birch, Square, Twin RiversLimes (green)- Grass Isle, Square, Olives- Sunny Glade, DumbbellOrange- Grass Isle, Big Forest, Square, Twin Rivers, Peanuts- Marshy, PrairiePecan- Grass Isle, Bend, Plains, Curvy, Pineapple- Green, Lost Jungle, Ancient, Vine, Banana, TigerPistachios- Grass Isle, Brown, Droplet, Sunny Glade, Angled ForestPlum- Bend, Sunny Glade, CurvyRaspberry- Windy Pines, Bend, CurvyStrawberry- Twin Forest, Windy Pines, Lance, Sunny Glade, Curvy, LineThimbleberry- Windy Pine, Lance, Sunny Glade, Vanilla- Green, Lost Jungle, Ancient, Vine, BananaWalnut- Twin Forest, Dumbbell, Aloe Leaves- Dry, Amber Sands, Desert, Yellow, Arid, Vapid, Golden, Calla Lillies- Marshy, Swampy, Bog, Pitcher, Gas, Cactus Figs- Amber SandsCatnip- Twin Forest, Windy Pines, Sunny Glade, Plains, Carnation- Narrowed, Angled Forest (in fenced areas), Cattails- Sunny Glade, Marshy, Bog, Gas, Swampy, PitcherCotton- Brown, Lance, Square, Islands Lake, PrairieClover Flowers- Birch, Big Forest, SavannaDaffodil- Windy Pines, Angled Forest, Chilly ForestDandelion Plant (white and yellow)- Brown, Twin Forest, Bend, Lance, Sunny Glade, Curvy, Prairie, Geraniums- Brown, Windy Pine, Meadow, Angled ForestGolden Wattle- Windy Pine, Bend, Sunny Glade, Angled ForestIvy- Windy Pine, Bend, Sunny Glade, Curvy, Angled ForestLupine- Bend, Plains, Marshmallow plant - MarshyMagnolia- SwampyMarigold- Brown, Windy Pine, Grass, AngledMint- Twin Forest, Bend, Circle ForrestOrange Daylilly- Windy Pine, Sunny Glade, Narrowed, Papyrus- Amber Sands, DesertPeanut Plant- Grass Isle, Pink Orchid- Green, Pink Orchid, Ancient, Vine, Purple Daisy- Birch, PlainsPurple Rose Buds- BirchRed Clover- Birch, Windy Pine, NarrowedRed Rose- Birch, Sunny Glade, Angled, Circle ForrestSunflower- Grass Isle, Brown, Plains, Prairie, MeadowTulips (all colors)- Bend, Sunny GladeViolet- Grass, Birch, Circle ForrestWhite Rose- Birch, Windy Pines, Boot, White Daisy- Plains, Narrowed, Meadowton, Boot, Yucca Flower- Dry, Amber Sands, Desert, Yellow, Arid, Vapid, Golden, Gold Ore- Seashell, Lance, Swampy, Bend, Big Forest, Twin River, Silver Ore- Bog, Vapid, Big Forest, Oak, Twin River, Iron Ore- Grass Isle, Windy Pines, Lance, Sunny Glade, Plains, Crater Mountain, Dumbbell, Big Forest, Line, Narrowed, Twin River, Copper Ore- Windy Pines, Marshy, Savanna, Dumbbell, Big Forest, Line, Sprout, Bud, Twin River, Snowballs- Glacier, Blizzard, Crystal, Ice Cube, Flurry, Snowflake, Frozen, White, Marshmallow Root- Marshy, Bog, Gas, Pitcher, Swampy. 4] Please be aware of this when creating a profile. The old, "if you don't have anything nice to say.. don't type.". Different types of tack have effects on a competition. 7] Once ownership is transferred, the original purchaser of the token has no say in what happens to the club and cannot have ownership back without permission from the current owner. 500+ computer characters (residents) which you can interact with to complete adventures and learn things. This means allowing someone else on your account. 4] If you are being bullied by another player, ask them kindly to stop what they are doing immediately. So, keep your password well hidden and not easy to guess. We plan to offer player-created guides as well as providing a list of all of the Help Topics from the game. Legend of the Esrohs was also a Flash-based game, which was slated to become non-viable at the end of 2020. 5] Ownership of a Club may be transferred only once per year. 2] Players cannot ask to become a moderator, the site Admins will look for helpful players meeting requirements on their own. 3] Once a player starts catching a horse, no one else can try catching it until that player either catches it, or time runs out. A horse Isle 2 guide by a Lost one. But sometimes you need a little help. Welcome to the newest in our series of family friendly games made for horse fanatics! This means that wild horses cannot be "stolen" from someone else- it's "catchers keepers!" Jar of fresh olive oil from Pond View Village - Go to Dumbbell Isle, from Narrowed Isle. You can add the &USER=name to the end like i have to save typing username at login. 7/17/15. Inflammatory Speech/Topics 4] Calling for players to gather on a normal isle is not allowed since many players may need to be there to quest and don't want to go to the Dungeon. Weebly.footer.setupContainer('cdn2.editmysite.com', '1673987310'); 3] There is a good reason why another player muted you so please move on and ignore them yourself. However in eternal, your horses will live forever. You will receive 50 experience points for your care of your horse through his or her old age. Meadow. 5] We do Not allow players to advertise any form of role playing. 5] NOTE: If you feel that a Moderator is treating you unfairly in any way, please file a legitimate Abuse Report. Search in the cabinet at the back and you'll find it. 2] When you quit, do not give away any horses, money or items. 6] Do not get upset if another Player does not respond, there could be many reasons for that, be patient. Clubs 3] Please avoid controversial and religious topics within your profile. 3] Players cannot do the following when they are muted by you: Contact you in any way (e.g. Do Not make a new account because you are banned. 2] When you quit, do not give away any horses, money or items. 1] A game reset is necessary in order to add any changes to Horse Isle, or to fix bugs. 6] You cannot complain about fairness if you choose to partake in a Contest. 2] Admin attempt to solve glitches or bugs as soon as possible, so do not be alarmed if something is not working. e.g. HI3: Infinite Wilds! Tack can be purchased in tack shops and ranch stores. 2] Admin run the site, and rarely have time to play. 1] Cheat sites are 99% of the time incorrect, or fraudulent sites - logging onto these sites could mean trouble for yourself. Although the world graphics are simple 2D, they have been beautifully designed to create an interesting and vast world to explore. 4] This note stands for Forums as well, should your Forum post violate rules, the post will be removed immediately. Add a space, and then the URL shown above for your desired server after the existing target contents. Talk to MrsBraider. No two horses look or behave alike. 1] Admin are the people who created this website, and Horse Isle itself. Veterinary care is not needed for such a horse; it will recover in time with good care. 3] Remember that there are people behind the Playernames on Horse Isle, and that sometimes real life does get in the way of Playtime. 1] All content must be non-violent. 8] If you steal from another player, you will be banned. 2] The definition of offensive is: "characterized by attack; aggressive, causing resentful displeasure; highly irritating, angering, or annoying, the position or attitude of aggression or attack" ); 1] Anyone under 18 should have parental permission to play. #1) Download Flash Projector for Windows here: #2) Download and place anywhere you want to start HI2. If you talk to HappySmurl again she tells you to check the couch cushions for a reward. 8/30/15. Starting Over/Quitting e.g. If your me that's all the time. Simply take tack off once you have achieved this and select MOUNT. 1] Horses on Horse Isle can be abused in NO way - it is not possible, and not acceptable that you refer to abuse regarding Horse Isle Horses. 1] A Raffle is defined as "a form of lottery in which a number of persons buy one or more chances to win a prize." Given a Flash workaround, the game is still available to play. Under General Tab - Rename the Icon to "HI2-Eternal" or similar. 5] Please do not ask for advice on love relationships on Horse Isle, this is a game and not a consultancy. Horse Isle 2 Help. } Winning these events takes a combination of your horse's abilities, and your skill at the particular game. 2] If you are under the age of 18 and do not understand the Terms of Service, please ask a parent or guardian to help you through them. 8] Do NOT share Real Names / Home Addresses / Home Towns; In 2020, following the end of support for Adobe Flash Player in most browsers and its subsequent demise, Horse Isle 1 became the victim of a number of hacks, with the game's data became highly compromised and eventually unplayable,[specify] beginning in June and taking place periodically until October of that year, at which point the game was declared unsustainable and was labelled "end-of-life". Clean, nonviolent fun, with some education tossed in! 1] When an area (island, inside a building, etc) has over 75 people on it, players can call !TOOCROWDED. 2] We REQUIRE anyone under 13 to absolutely have parental permission. Donations 2] We actively enforce this rule because we cannot Moderate nor understand all other languages, and nor can other players. 2] These flaggings are not reviewed and violations are not assigned. 3] Any inappropriate topics or replies found will result in immediate deleting of the topic. The downside to this is that one horse costs 20,000 horse isle money ( 10,000 if 50% off or 30,000 if +50%, which might happen in some daily events ). 1] To change your Player name you may do so yourself by scrolling to the bottom of the Account page and clicking on "Change My Username". A second currency, named "mobia", was introduced, which could be purchased through the website using real money, or from other players in-game, with a higher premium placed on in-game mobia purchases. //