This is a conspiracy from the Redemption Movement. The . Its with the bank, duh! Check how many sources are reporting this opportunity. What Do the Segments in Social Security Numbers Mean? How Is Money Printed by the RBI & Circulated? Teller shorted me when I cashed a few checks, what should Tax Filing Software Megathread: A comprehensive list of Last week during my yearly check in I asked for a small How do I remove my dad as a user of my BoA account? Do you have other videos? Be sure to own their legal presence for you. HIPAA does not apply. Businesses can legally ask if patrons have been vaccinated. Hello, thank you so much for this information. But the Federal Reserve says, "Consumers do not have bank accounts with the Federal Reserve holding their unpaid Social Security funds, and those funds can not be accessed by consumers.". See who is sharing it (it might even be your friends) and leave the link in the comments. Underneath the definition were pictures of the front and back of a Social Security card. These two numbers are used to create ACH transactions. So he's trying to "pay his bills" by committing wire fraud against the Federal Reserve. ", Fact check: Comparison between COVID-19 and cancer death rate misleading. The next two numbers, referred to as the group number, are used for the SSAs processing measures, while the last four, labelled the serial number, are randomized, the guide states. Also will I get locked up ? You wont see a dime. Put the phone down for a day and pay attention. Wood and the Instagram user did not return requests for comment. There isnt enough cash printed in the country to give to everyone if they decided to cash out. The reports are that this process works in most instances. If its worth questioning, it may be worth gaining the truth. , Hey Harvey. One final way to keep yourself safe from hoaxes is to limit your personal information online. Social Security Administration, accessed May 23. Asonline scamscontinue to thriveamid the pandemic,an oldhoax about Social Security cards containingaccount and routing numbers recently resurfaced on social media. even call you a domestic terrorist. Teo Spengler earned a J.D. from U.C. More Americans can recite their SSN than their passport number or their car license plate. UPDATE Sept 29, 2020: Harveys YouTube Channel is The Newtral Neo Phyte. If the govt doesnt like you, they could do anything. The Federal Reserve Banks E-Payments Routing Directory provides basic routing information for Fedwire Funds Service, Fedwire Securities Service, and FedACH transactions. The number on an individuals Social Security card does not correlate with a Federal Reserve bank account, however. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. The banks in NYC are immune to US Law and are registered with the UN. usually only the govt takes that power, does this non-sense and doesnt tell you. If you're at all uncomfortable, back away and ask a trusted friend or relative to check it out for you. Join our community, read the PF Wiki, and get on top of your finances! Those nine digits have a story too, albeit nothing connecting them to bank accounts. It is Important to know the phrase I am Competent to Handle My Affairs means to these attorneys (who all work for the UN, btw). Here are the letters for the FRBFCU and SSCU that i, belisoful (not harvey dent), used. Actor Wood Harrisshared a similar version of the claim to Instagram on May 20 in the form of a TikTok video, in which a man says:"So I'm sure people have heard about the numbers on the back of their social security cards being tied to a federal reserve bank. Nevermind the question about where to send the General Durable Statutory Power of Attorney. Now the one at the bottom are the new ss cards You notice they took the words account number off because they dont want you to know that your ss card is an account connected to the federal reserve banks!!. This information is legitimate at least interms of the business , soverign state, etc. The website addresses this specific claim: A recent hoax circulating on the internet asserts that the Federal Reserve maintains accounts for individuals that are tied to the individual's Social Security number, and that individuals can access these accounts to pay bills and obtain money. A May 20 Instagrampostwith more than 2,000 likesclaims a Social Security card is really a credit card linked to your Treasury account, which "permits you a Federal 'Exemption'" to discharge bills throughcredits issued on behalf of the government. "These claims are fraudulent and false. Any video, text, email, phone call, flyer, or . Thanks. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. Or does the name sound just sort of familiar? Dont even use the normal sources that you search for dumb ass TikToks. Supported Browsers | Este abaixo-assinado conseguiu 3.221 apoiadores! and an M.F.A in creative writing and enjoys writing legal blogs and articles. The numbers and letters on a Social Security card are used to track workers' earnings. No idea about the accounts but i know one thing. The RTN is a nine-digit number on the bottom left corner of the face of a check, usually the first number. The Federal Reserve Bank, or Fed, controls the nation's money policy, supervises and regulates banks and provides financial services to the U.S. government and financial institutions. Secret account? we want full disclosure on these accounts and immediately want a user interface up and running so we can access said accounts. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Is it full of typos and misspelled words? It was created by Congress in 1913 to stabilize the money and financial systems of the country. The Fed has debunked the claim on numerous occasions. How to Find Out If Someone Has a Green Card, How to Determine Country of Origin From Barcodes, Social Security: History of the Social Security Card. Fact check:Businesses can legally ask if patrons have been vaccinated. Routing Number Address City State; 1: 011000015: 1000 PEACHTREE ST N.E. As there are no individual access accounts at the Federal Reserve Bank, it's impossible to check these accounts. Spotted something? Is it from a source you recognize? The first three digits, the area number, indicates the state in whichan individualapplied for a card. These people are using one of the 13 federal reserve routing numbers as their bank and using their social security number as their account number. In July 2017 when the claim first went viralthe Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta and the Federal Reserve Bank of New Yorkissued statementssaying the banks received numerous unauthorized transactions where consumers used Social Security numbers to pay bills. THEY MUST BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY BY ANY ACTS NECESSARY!!!! The purpose has evolved over time, as they are now used as a primary means of confirming identification in all manner of banking and employment systems. Anything asking for a social is likely a scam. The SSA used the middle two numbers as the group number in order to help organize a filing system. This is an internet hoax that has caused much financial pain to the public," the New York Fed wrote, adding,"Individuals doNOThave accounts atthe Federal Reserve. -ayli- 5 yr. ago. Learn about budgeting, saving, getting out of debt, credit, investing, and retirement planning. The FRBFCU and SSCU never got back to me with the accounts and access so i reported them to the SEC for not giving me access to these accounts. 5. Never accept social media friend requests from people you don't know, or who don't have any online friends in common. These numbers can be plugged into the PayPal ACH (business account) and then used to pay all bills. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Please post the letters you sent and updates! It tells just the kind of tale an overspent consumer would love to believe, of a secret government bank account in her name that she can access electronically using her Social Security number (SSN) plus a Federal Reserve Bank routing number found on the back of the card. The more you see, the more you will see. The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System: What is the Purpose of the Federal Reserve System? Federal Reserve Bank of New York, January 2021. It worked roughly like this: In 2011, the plan for assigning SSNs was entirely abandoned. He has many documented successes with these governmental bank accounts. They seem so logical, though, that it can be difficult to determine what's real, especially when you know other people online who are just as excited about them as you are. best bank routing number is a 9-digit code used to identify a financial institution in a transaction. If you've ever heard anything about this please let me know if it's real or what the hell it please. The guy in the youtube video my friend forwarded me posts all of the routing numbers. I assume you mean that it would just go to the Federal Reserve and they would send it on State govt treasury. So despite the Federal Reserve Bank System being the SCAM, the Federal Reserve Scammers are calling using our own account with the Federal Reserve a scam. The Fed said individuals who attempt to make payments using false bank routing numbers could face fees from the company they were attempting to pay or have their actual bank accounts closed or suspended. Most are harmless, little more than jokes or pranks. Read More: What Do the Segments in Social Security Numbers Mean? Service and Access Setup provides more details and guidance on the steps required to begin using a new service or to modify current services or access. Check the dates on the story. Social Security numbers were developed in 1936 to maintain "permanent and accurate earnings records for each person working in employment covered by the Social Security program." I'm not a conspiracy . UPDATE July 28th, 2017: Harvey Dents YouTube Channel has been taken down, click here for more information. Receives Social Security retirement benefits Author has 29.3K answers and 58.5M answer views Updated 1 y Your social security number is not linked to a federal reserve bank. It's based on the location of the bank where your account was opened. Just wondering if youre still doing this or faced any legal action??? I read on another website that you have to use a routing number linked with the Office of Public Debt but I used that too and still got the same messages I stated above. 0210-0120-8 123-45-6789. She holds both an M.A. Does this still work and can I please get the letters you sent to them (updated and not updated)? Your bank routing number is a 9-digit code used to identify a financial institution in a transaction. Berkeley's Boalt Hall. A scam has surfaced encouraging consumers to use Federal Reserve Bank routing numbers and their social security numbers to pay bills, make online purchases, payoff student loans, and conduct other types of transactions. Google your name often to see what information's being shared. Lead Stories is a U.S. based fact checking website that is always looking for the latest false, misleading, deceptive or How? well crypto created something more real and tangible than the current currency.. Read people. Redemption movement - Wikipedia As for the number on the back of the . Your Social Security Number is a secret bank account This myth could get you into hot water and even though the Federal Reserve put out a warning years ago, it reemerged with the covid-19 pandemic. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Dont use Google., Fact Check: Video Does Not Show Personal Information On 'Dark Web' About People Who Had Taken COVID-19 Vaccine, Fact Check: Democrats Were Not 'Caught' Not Wearing Masks -- CDC Guidelines Allowed It, Verified signatory of the IFCN Code of Principles, Facebook Third-Party Fact-Checking Partner. the crimes and fraud the federal reserve has . Employer has not paid me in two weeks of (should be) As a general guideline, what percentage of income should Just got a call from a collection agency that ATT has a Doctors office waited over 2 years to file insurance Wifes company changed her position. Review of Monetary Policy Strategy, Tools, and Communications, Banking Applications & Legal Developments, Financial Market Utilities & Infrastructures. The Federal Reserve does not maintain accounts for individuals, and individuals should not attempt to make payments using Federal Reserve Bank routing numbers or false routing numbers. We must know the difference between DBA thestraw-man and acting as a human. Thanks for the info! Your bank routing number is a 9-digit code used to identify a financial institution in a transaction. Your email address will not be published. I also understand that the Federal Reserve Banks provide the directory solely as a service to financial institutions and other authorized users to help them settle and process their transactions efficiently. We can be locked up for anything. They don't exist, except in the imagination of criminal scammers. I have a friend who said that his mom just paid off a $2000 credit card bill using the number on the back of her ssc as like a routing number or something like that. She has spoken before state Supreme Court justices and her photograph is on the back cover of Bill Clinton's autobiography. A recent hoax circulating on the internet asserts that the Federal Reserve maintains accounts for individuals that are tied to the individual's Social Security number, and that individuals can access these accounts to pay bills and obtain money. My Letter to Access the Federal Reserve Board Federal Credit Union Secret BankAccount, My Letter to Access the Social Security Credit Union Secret BankAccount. In a message to USA TODAY, the TikTok userclaimed only "some" Social Security cardsare tied to a Federal Reserve Bank andallow debit purchases. At the bottom of most checks are three different sets of numbers. The lower the number, the earlier the individual with that SSN entered the group. The first three numbers corresponded to the location of the Social Security office that issued the number, with lower numbers in the Northeast and higher numbers to the South and West. Most common types of transaction are ACH and wire transfers. The Federal Reserve does not maintain accounts for individuals, and individuals should not attempt to make payments using Federal Reserve Bank routing numbers or false routing numbers. The New York Fed reiterated that the claims arefalse in January, when it became aware of a similarscam involving videos claiming every U.S. citizen has a "secret" account established at a Federal Reserve bank. It's just a sequential or random number (depending on when it was assigned). the post asserts. These numbers topped out at 586. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. These claims are false. ----- - In a sense Their credit is 'Digital Gold' that can be utilized to Fund your daily purchases, which can then be . Also to the Federal Reserve. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I didnt send any letters to the Federal Reserve yet. He forwarded screenshots of processed payments that haven't been reversed, but I still think he fell victim to a scam. These claims arefalse.". Does anyone have any updated information on how to access these accounts or does anyone else know what to do? Social Security: Where Can I Find My Account Information? If you're particularly egregious with it, the FBI may go after you for fraud as well. This involves the B-Cert, creating a statutory general durable power of attorney, and registering the documents with the birth county. This site is a product of the Federal Reserve Banks. The last four digits represent a randomized numerical series from 0001 to 9999 within each group. The ss card on the top is a card from 1936 Now if you look at this card, what does it say? There are entire hoax websites online, so don't trust it based only on the fact that it's written on a website. Privacy Policy What platforms are you on so I can stay in contact and learn more things like this. And the government does not have private bank accounts linked to each SSN. 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. The Federal Reserve Banks provide financial services to banks and governmental entities only. This can pay any bill from YOUR Federal Reserve Bank Account called Social Security. By placing these numbers on a check, these numbers could be used to create checks to access the funds/bank account/social security account. "The purpose was to show an account of the sort existed though not freely accessible," he said. Could you please send me the power of attorney information that I need to be able to access my accounts and share your letters with me. If there's just the routing number and not an account number, then your friend is likely fine. Spengler splits her time between the French Basque Country and Northern California. Below the definitionis an image of the front and back of aSocial Security cardwith "ACCT. Reprinting Articles, Address comments and questions to the It is also referred to as an RTN, a routing transit number or an ABA routing number and can be easily be found printed on the bottom left side of your check. When this version was revised, the form number on the back changed slightly to Form OA-702.1, later changed to Form OA-702.. Do not allow children to grow up in a world where they cannot see past their own social media posts.. Grow up, educate yourself properly, before you end up more of mindless zombies following a head on a stick than the nation already is. I also would like additional information if available please, as far as letters and properly filling out the power of attorney. Real news sources employ editors to make sure the prose is clean. The original TikTok video was shared on Feb. 28 and has more than800,000 likes. Routing numbers for banks are public. Bookmark both and, and use both sites when checking questionable stories. If requested, I may share the letters I sent to them or updated public versions of them. Social Security: The SSN Numbering Scheme. The claim that numbers on a Social Security card can be used as a routing and account number to make purchases is FALSE, based on our research. Meaning that SSN card is really a CREDIT CARD and a actual security instrument linked directly to your [Treasury Account] the permits you a Federal 'Exemption' to DIScharge Your Bills on behalf of CREDITS they issue you! It 'seems' to go through. Learn more about Mailchimp's privacy practices here. They are criminals for withholding these accounts. SEC hasnt gotten back to me, and i doubt they will because their job is to cover up banking crimes, not hold the banks accountable. Finally, always install strong virus protection software on your devices, and keep it updated on a regular basis. Paying with your social security number as an account number? NYC is the City-State of the UN. This is not the first time the claim has gone viral on social media. #" in bold, red letters. I am a lawyer. Here are the instructions. These claims are false. As an Assistant Attorney General in Juneau, she practiced before the Alaska Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court before opening a plaintiff's personal injury practice in San Francisco. #" and "ROUTING #" displayedin a large red text. Bailey's work appears on numerous websites, and she's currently writing the text for a governmental information app. Harvey Dents YouTube Channel is the Purpose was to show an account to follow blog. How to access the funds/bank account/social Security account if there 's just the routing numbers Durable power attorney... Her time between the French Basque country and Northern California at all uncomfortable, back away and a... More Americans can recite their SSN than their passport number or their car license plate to track '. Friends in common even be your friends ) and leave the link the. 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Articles F