Assistance to the Iraqi Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) has resumed based on clear indications of the MoFs engagement to fulfill its commitments to this project, and progress is being made. Funds support trade and capacity building, strengthen independent judiciaries, protect human rights and freedom of the press, combat human trafficking and corruption, increase public accountability access to justice, and protect civil society activists and journalists. Completed a two-month assessment of the date sector and launched work with local date producers to revitalize their productivity. The Empire State Economic Development Fund is flexible, providing a range of assistance to ensure that the state is meeting the diversity of business needs. Regime Crimes Liaison Office (RCLO) programs ($33 million in ESF funds) assist the Iraqi High Tribunal (IHT) in coordinating assistance to the IHT by U.S. agencies in Iraq, other foreign governments, law enforcement agencies, and international and non-governmental organizations. This effort will complement specific supply chain enhancements to help Iraq meet its domestic food needs and revitalize a sector that employs over a quarter of Iraqs population. Assisted the VR and DBM (Database Management) sections in analyzing and converting the registry data. Awarded 14 new projects (one with FY 2006 funds and 13 with FY 2007 funds) with a total contract value of $31.1 million. Fact Sheet Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Washington, DC June 1, 2004 FY 1999-2000 Human Rights and Democracy Fund Projects. Assisted IMCO in beginning clearance of the Iraq-Iran port of entry in Wasit province. Increased funds could decrease the likelihood of preventable violence. STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS APPROPRIATIONS BILL, Director, Policy, Budget and Appropriations, We use cookies to facilitate your navigation on this website. Assisted the CBI with the development of its first Prudential Income Statement. Empire State Economic Development Fund Program, Construction, expansion and rehabilitation of facilities, Businesses involved in industrial, manufacturing, warehousing and distribution, Research and development, high technology, service and other non-retail commercial enterprises, Local development corporations and industrial development agencies. 0000003816 00000 n
To date, the fund has completed 367 individual, family, and community projects, with 213 more being implemented. The Inma private sector agribusiness development project ($92.5 million in ESF of $94.9 million total in this category) targets the formation and growth of agribusiness firms to stimulate and expand agriculture production, increase productivity, and achieve higher levels of employment. The clinic will provide legal representation to over 6,000 detainees. The series is designed to improve activist capacity to implement solutions to their communities most critical issues; train them in conflict mitigation and resolution; and determine areas of potential CSO impact in the resolution of community problems. F, . Provided sub-grant awards to nine civil society organizations (CSOs) to implement small projects centered on leadership skills, development of youth, reconciliation, and capacity-building for more effective community representation and mobilization around issues of common interest. Installation will be complete by mid-2008. Trained in Jordan 73 representatives of 11 political parties on internal party operations, platform development, internal and external communications, and review of the objectives of a political party. Establishing a Creative Economy: Art as an Economic Engine in Native Communities. Karnataka At a Glance 2020-21. e-Par 2021-22. Corruption and poor governance fuel economic instability. MostU.S. foreign assistance falls under the International Affairs Budget. DRL's Human Rights and Democracy Fund (HRDF), which is DRL's allocation of the Economic Support Fund (ESF), is used to fulfill the Bureau's mandate to monitor and promote human rights and democracy worldwide. Approved projects are either in the procurement process or have already been awarded. In general, operations maintenance and sustainment provides needed materials to keep facilities operating at high efficiency levels, c. Agriculture Private Sector Development. Develops and implements sanctions and counter-threat finance policies to counter risks to national security posed by particular activities, groups, and countries. Continued to assist the Central Organization for Statistics and Information Technology (COSIT) Directorate in preparing a Master Statistical Plan (MSP) for the next five years. 0000004955 00000 n
Income. The Office of Foreign Assistance is responsible forthesupervision and overallstrategicdirection of foreignassistance programs administered by the U.S. Department of State and U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Trained more than 60 farmers on field preparation, planting, and irrigation scheduling for a new variety of maize. USAID is also installing a new network to facilitate data capture, storage, and processing. Planned efforts span the essential services of electricity, health care, transportation, communication, water, and sanitation. 0000005593 00000 n
During January and February, approximately 2,500 Iraqi government civil servants across 17 Iraqi provinces were trained in public administration skills, project management, human resource management, budget and information management, leadership and communication, strategic planning, and procurement. MarketWatch provides the latest stock market, financial and business news. A $500 million fund is a meaningful addition to the State Department's assistance arsenal, but it will not go far if not spent wisely. Completed almost 950 community projects, with work ongoing on 750 new projects in all provinces of Iraq. Historically, the State Department and USAID comprise more than 90%of the U.S. International Affairs Budget. Coordinator for the Arctic Region, Deputy Secretary of State for Management and Resources, Office of Small and Disadvantaged Business Utilization, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, Bureau of Arms Control, Verification and Compliance, Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation, Under Secretary for Civilian Security, Democracy, and Human Rights, Bureau of Conflict and Stabilization Operations, Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor, Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs, Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration, Office of International Religious Freedom, Office of the Special Envoy To Monitor and Combat Antisemitism, Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons, Under Secretary for Economic Growth, Energy, and the Environment, Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs, Office of the Science and Technology Adviser, Bureau of the Comptroller and Global Financial Services, Bureau of Information Resource Management, Office of Management Strategy and Solutions, Bureau of International Organization Affairs, Bureau of South and Central Asian Affairs, Under Secretary for Public Diplomacy and Public Affairs, U.S. The Community Stabilization Program ($514 million in ESF funding) focuses on reducing the incentives for young men to participate in sectarian violence and insurgent activities in two ways. Fiscal Transparency Innovation Fund. Economic Support Services. Initiated the Youth Empowerment Program, which will train 100 female and male Iraqi youth to become active leaders in society. The workshop focused on assisting the Network in creating approaches to peace building throughout Iraq by building upon existing interest by community organizations for conflict mitigation. Protects U.S. national security while promoting balanced investment relationships, fostering sustainable development, and supporting international financial stability to create prosperity and growth in the United States and abroad. An additional $14 million has been approved for provincial technical assistance projects, as well as $125 million for the PRT Quick Response Fund (see next section). Historically, the State Department and USAID comprise more than 90%of the U.S. International Affairs Budget. Continued the Election Observation Series begun last quarter, designed to reinforce civic understanding of international good practices for electoral observation and provided comparative electoral frameworks. Conducted six separate trainings in Basra for seven political parties on party communications with emphasis on message development, message communication, public speaking, and negotiation. 40-804 116TH CONGRESS REPORT 2d Session " !HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES 116-444 STATE, FOREIGN OPERATIONS, AND RELATED PROGRAMS APPROPRIATIONS BILL, 2021 JULY 13, 2020.Committed to the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union and ordered to be printed The following activities were undertaken to improve the situation for Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) and their host communities nationwide. Funded the development of peace and reconciliation initiatives through national youth programs. Rural Infrastructure Fund. Seventy-four percent of available funds have been obligated. CAP continues to manage the Marla Ruzicka War Victims Fund ($14.96 million of CAP funds) to assist innocent victims of coalition action, helping the program quickly earn community acceptance and building trust in areas recently emerging from conflict. Adults without children in the home, seniors and people with disabilities may get help through the General Assistance (GA) or Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA) programs. 80 participants represented Kirkuk, Salah ad Din, Ninawa, the northern provinces, Baghdad, and Diyala. The American Rescue Plan provides $350 billion in emergency funding for eligible state, local, territorial, and Tribal governments to respond to the COVID-19 emergency and bring back jobs. Issued a second call for proposals that generated 46 grant proposals, which are currently under review. j)j[uMhso2VOHa.{O8Dm3R! The facilitators will use their new skills to conduct community conflict assessments throughout Iraq, focusing on collecting data from community stakeholders who have an impact on conflict, providing analysis of community tensions and conflict dynamics, and highlighting local capacities for peace. These funds support a combination of minefield and battle area clearance operations and explosive ordnance disposal; small arms/light weapons destruction missions by the Iraq Mine/Unexploded Ordnance Clearance Organization (IMCO) and the Mines Advisory Group (MAG); and the completion of the Iraq Landmine Impact Survey in a second phase to take place in the five remaining governorates of Anbar, Baghdad, Diyala, Ninawa and Salah ad Din. Yields increased by an estimated 50 percent over the national average. Implemented the UN Rapid Response Plan for the provision of assistance to 15,000 returnee families. Cuts could increase the likelihood of preventable violence. Funds could be used for technical assistance to local governments to foster communities of learning and pursue comprehensive development efforts. Deployed six small arms and light weapons (SA/LW) teams 136 times and completed 83 tasks, destroying 2,093 items of SA/LW. CSP also provides activities for Iraqi youths, such as sports tournaments, cultural events, and arts activities. Exclusion Zones: Creating a protected area to provide security to linear infrastructure such as oil pipelines and electrical transmission lines. The Economic Support Fund (ESF) account provides economic assistance to advance U.S. political and strategic interests by helping countries meet political, economic, and security needs. Every day, the Bureau of Economic and Business Affairs (EB) creates jobs at home, boosts economic opportunities overseas, and makes America more secure. ESF resources fund programs by several State and USAID bureaus, including the State Department Bureaus of. The $245,000 renovation of the Suroor Elementary School in Baghdad. With over 112 million tourists visiting the state in 2016, the tourism sector is the largest economic engine for the state, employing a workforce of 1.4 million. The final spending package included increases for USAID's Development Assistance and the State Department's Economic Support Fund. CoronavirusState and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds, Special Inspector General, Troubled Asset Relief Program (SIGTARP), Administrative Resource Center (ARC)- Bureau of the Fiscal Service. To date, 435 trained trainers are using their knowledge and skills in their own organizations and delivering training to their colleagues. Turned over funding and operational responsibilities of the witness security camps to the U.S. Cultivation and harvest support activities are ongoing. Helps U.S. businesses and entrepreneurs pursue opportunities abroad and promotes responsible business conduct. 05.11.22. They are available to protect human rights and freedom of the press, combat human trafficking and corruption, and increase public accountability. Economic Support Services. Section 2207 Report to Congress 210; The following state regulations pages link to this page. Law about. HRDF's purpose is to be a flexible, responsive mechanism . Funded witness protection facilities adjacent to two new courthouses currently under construction at Rusafa and Basrah. Acquisition of machinery and equipment. Provided technical assistance, including a basic needs assessment, to the Presidency Administration. 3.0 shell Menu Menu. An action guide from the National League of Cities aims to educate municipal officials on the history and current state of Indigenous Peoples and communities and to highlight ways in which municipalities can help repair relationships with Native Americans. Once gazetted, this law will define the authority and structure of provincial councils in provinces that are not incorporated into regions. These funds support efforts by the Council of Representatives to address a number of important governance issues through the legislative and constitutional process, as well as capacity strengthening for the Independent Higher Electoral Commission of Iraq. 0000003491 00000 n
Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy. 04.27.22. Review of the Fiscal Year 2023 Budget Request for the U.S. Department of State recent hearings. Provided income-generation opportunities targeting IDPs and host families, concentrating on civic improvement and clean-up projects. b. O&M Sustainment of Key U.S.-Funded Infrastructure. Trained an inter-ministerial working group that will oversee the GOI employee census. the security interests of the United States to furnish up to $205 million from the Economic Support Fund under Title IX of the Department of State . The State Department received $13.9 billion from the House bill in order to provide assistance to Ukraine. Searched and cleared 892,909 square meters of land, safely removing and destroying 5,337 hazardous items in northern Iraq. The Iraq Scientist Engagement Program ($7.0 million budgeted for FY08) supports the transition of Iraqi scientists, technicians, and engineers with WMD and missile expertise to sustainable civilian employment in support of Iraqi economic development. Launched a training-of-trainers program for 100 civic activists to educate them on the role of civil society in a democracy and build their ability to train citizens to identify and seek solutions to community problems. In the Report accompanying the bill, the table . These documents were developed in a broadly participatory process involving provincial leaders and citizens, and they will guide public investment decisions and budget allocations in each province for the next three to five years. The extra funding in the bill is roughly $12.3 billion, including $7.8 billion in programs under the purview of the Pentagon, and another $4.5 billion for the Economic Support Fund for Ukraine administered by the State Department. U.S. Code Toolbox. TITLE I DEPARTMENT OF STATE AND RELATED AGENCY. Funding for global health provided to the CDC totals $693 million, an increase of $46 million compared to the FY22 enacted level, but $55 million below the FY23 request. Activities include two main elements: specific, immediate support to key ministries through advisors dedicated to the ministry or institution; and training of civil servants at the national and provincial levels to improve approaches to key public administration functions, such as project management, procurement, human resources, and delivering public services; and managing training programs in these areas to sustain this effort. Provided training to Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works (MMPW) and Ministry of Water Resources employees, including training on: contemporary water treatment technologies (20 employees), development and implementation of water treatment plant operations and maintenance programs (50 employees), hydraulic computer modeling for water systems (20 employees), design of irrigation systems (20 employees). Needs are addressed through a range of activities, including increasing the role of the private sector in the economy, assisting in the development of effective . The trainings were attended by a total of 35 participants. Budget, Financial Reporting, Planning and Performance, Financial Markets, Financial Institutions, and Fiscal Service, Treasury Coupon-Issue and Corporate Bond Yield Curve, Treasury International Capital (TIC) System, Kline-Miller Multiemployer Pension Reform Act of 2014, Racial Differences in Economic Security: Non-Housing Assets, On Anti-Corruption Day, A Look at Treasury Efforts to Counter Corruption, Biden-Harris Administration Announces Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Minnesota, Missouri and Utah to Receive Nearly $1 Billion in American Rescue Plan Funds to Increase Access to Affordable, High-Speed Internet, Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen Sends Letter to Congressional Leadership on the Debt Limit, Detailed Press Guidance for Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellens Travel to Africa, Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo on Action Against Russian Illicit Finance, Remarks by Secretary of the Treasury Janet L. Yellen at Bilateral Meeting with Peoples Republic of China Vice Premier Liu He, Remarks by Deputy Secretary of the Treasury Wally Adeyemo at White House event Lowering Costs: Inflation Reduction Act Briefing, Today, @SecYellen sent a letter to Congressional leadership regarding the debt limit. Technical assistance is also being provided to the Government of Iraq (GOI) to implement a sound and transparent commercial legal framework, including the areas of company law and secured transactions, to foster the rule of law and promote a burgeoning private sector. This proactive work to support economic diversification, community building and workforce . Improved access to primary health care through mobile health teams, rehabilitation of primary health care infrastructure, development of health surveillance programs, and improvements to medical laboratories. Part IVEconomic Support Fund 2346. The Secretary of Statecreatedthe Office of Foreign Assistancein 2006 toimprove strategic coordination of and oversight overallforeign assistance funding,focusing on efficacy and strategy. Assisted in coordinating a geographic information system master plan for the Ministry of Municipalities and Public Works. CSP implementation often takes place in support of Multinational Force-Iraq (MNF-I) and Iraqi Security Force clear-control-retain operations. Adults. Explanation: The purpose of HRDF is to help fulfill the State Department's mandate to monitor and promote human rights and democracy worldwide. Humanitarian Assistance (IHA) accounts, and moved the Economic Support Fund (ESF) account from Title III (Bilateral Economic Assistance) into Title IV (International Security Assistance) to make clear the committee's . Ongoing grants are supporting some of the following: training for the Iraqi Private Bankers Association, the Iraqi Beekeepers Association, the Iraqi Bar Association, and the Telafar small business development center. Convened PRT staff to discuss best approaches to designing proposals. Economic Development Support Fund. The committee will develop a vision, goals, and a work plan for the group and devise an outreach strategy that includes non-governmental organizations, local government, and media. USAID-supported voter registration (VR) activities focused on completing the provisional lists of voters in preparation for the registry update exercise. Thirty directors-general attended a multi-day workshop on financial and project management topics. USAID is responsible for implementing the majority of ESF-funded programs. TDP supports programming by NGOs that focus on conflict mitigation, reconciliation, and alternative dispute resolution, as well as model initiatives for specific community social and economic challenges, including education, health care needs, and job creation. The Targeted Development Program (TDP) ($57.4 million in FY 2007 Supplemental ESF funds) is a grant program that provides the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad with a valuable tool for supporting economic and social initiatives in areas of conflict in Iraq. United States Department of State. This program now supports three regional training centers located in Erbil, Mosul, and Basra and a satellite office in Hilla. A forum was provided to discuss lessons learned from Iraqs transitional electoral cycle of 2005. U.S. Government Implementing Agency: USAID, d. Community Stabilization Program (CSP) in Strategic Cities. Department of State, foreign operations, and related programs, for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2020, and for other purposes. Strategic economic development is important to communities across North Dakota. The Procurement Assistance Center (PAC) program has assisted the GOI in drafting and enacting new and streamlined procurement regulations and implementing instructions. Photo By: Syed Mahabubul-Kader Batel is licensed under the CC BY-NC 4.0 license. Beginning in FY 2018, the President's Budget eliminated several accounts including - ESF; DA; Democracy Fund; the Assistance for Europe, Eurasia, and Central Asia; and International Organizations and Programs - and consolidated those activities in . The U.S. Authority (a) Policy requirements for assistance. CONTACT INFORMATION: 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 703-324-2581. . Collaborated with United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) to refer victims of torture from Baghdad to Sulaymaniyah for treatment. PRDC funds support smaller-scale provincial-level infrastructure projects using Economic Support Fund monies. Jan 10 Minutes. These rule-of-law programs help the Government of Iraq to establish an effective and fair criminal justice system to which Iraqi citizens will turn to resolve disputes, rather than to militias and other alternative forms of justice. Historically, the Director of Foreign Assistance has been at different times a dual-hatted USAID Administrator, a career Senior Executive Service employee,oraStateDepartment Administratively Determined employee. These projects represent an investment in protecting oil distribution infrastructure and are in various stages of completion, ranging from recently awarded contracts to ninety percent completion. Completed a Livestock Sector Rapid Appraisal that provides critical data on the wholesale supply of livestock in Diyala province and throughout Iraq. Economic Development & Finance is charged with coordinating the state's economic development resources to attract, retain and expand wealth. They are available to protect human rights and freedom of the press, combat human trafficking and corruption, and increase public accountability. EDF funds assist with: Construction, expansion and rehabilitation of facilities. 0000004426 00000 n
INDEX TO BILL AND REPORT Page Number Bill Report . Funding levels may not accurately reflect those in the appropriations bills and/or reports due to rounding. Helped the MoP commit to integrating these new PDSs into its national planning and has established a commission to carry out this work. Projects include school renovation, internet connectivity through provision of computers and training, sports equipment, and refurbishment of health clinics. The fund is administered by the Office of Provincial Affairs (OPA) based in Baghdad. External links to other Internet sites should not be construed as an endorsement of the views or privacy policies contained therein. Training included power plant operations and maintenance training; Level 2 and Level 3 electrical protection training; procurement and contracts; management development; and technical management. 0000006512 00000 n
Regarding Events in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Learn More About Commercial and Business Affairs, Learn More About the Bureau of Cyberspace and Digital Policy, Learn More About International Finance and Development, Learn More About Counter Threat Finance and Sanctions, Learn More About Trade Policy and Transportation Affairs. Conducted an in-country assessment of Iraqs political environment. Development Assistance & Economic Support Fund, Director, Policy, Budget and Appropriations, We use cookies to facilitate your navigation on this website. The next step of identifying universities and processing candidates is underway. A total of $385 million in FY07 funds has been designated for PRDC projects, of which $198 million has been approved by the Embassy for specific projects that are currently being executed through the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Gulf Region Division (GRD). The pandemic preparedness funding will strengthen the global health workforce, support pandemic preparedness research and development, advance global research and development capacity, and support health security financing to strengthen global capacity to prevent, detect, and respond to future COVID variants and other infectious disease outbreaks. Increased basic humanitarian assistance and health services to Iraqi refugees in Syria and Jordan. Or have already been awarded to other internet sites should not be construed as an Economic Engine in communities... 0000004426 00000 n INDEX to bill and Report page Number bill Report oversight overallforeign funding! Implementing the majority of ESF-funded programs Syria and Jordan Iraqi refugees in Syria and Jordan under the CC 4.0. And electrical transmission lines for Iraq ( UNAMI ) to refer victims of from! Provision of computers and training, sports equipment, and arts activities incorporated into regions 2207 Report to 210... 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