According to the study, the top 5 causes of death in Dalmatians are: In this article, we will explain each of these diseases and discuss how to prevent the early occurence of each in your Dalmatian to make your Dalmatian live a longer. Report your lost pet information on the Pet Reunite Lost & Found website here. They also provide years of love and devotion. Since they are medium-sized dogs, they usually live longer than larger size breeds such as German Shepherd and live shorter than smaller size breeds such as Chihuahuas. As one of Europes oldest dogs, theres debate about where dalmatians originated. (For example, many, because they were bred to emphasize their sloped back. The main symptoms refer to the discomfort in the hind legs, such as lameness and stiffness in it. The best practices and recommendations are as follows: Looking at the history and origin of the Dalmatians, they have been used for various purposes back in the day. To treat the condition, your. Its just the way things are. Post on Local Lost Pets Facebook Groups Here. But despite their average lifespan, dalmatians arent considered a healthy dog breed. This leads to inbreeding, which makes the dalmatians inherited health problems more prevalent, shortening the dalmatians lifespan. Here are the causes of death, starting from the most common cause. The maximum they can reach is 15-17 years. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Can a Dog Take Metronidazole Without Food? Use positive reinforcement, with plenty of praise and a few treats thrown in, and training will be a breeze. Report the found family pet details on the Pet Reunite Lost & Found site here. Pet owners are not being told about some risks associated with neutering male dogs, especially neutering too early [read more], Make Sure Your Vet is the Best! She loves goldfish, tetras, and mystery snails, and recently began experimenting with a saltwater aquarium. An easy way to protect your dog from gastrointestinal problems is to make sure they are on heartworm, flea, and tick medicine all year long (no matter where you live). Please consult a professional veterinarian in your area for pet health advice. 1. You should also talk to your veterinarian if your Dalmatian`s gums look pale.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'petcalculator_com-large-mobile-banner-2','ezslot_7',150,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-petcalculator_com-large-mobile-banner-2-0'); Urogenital problems most often involve infections and blockages, which various degrees of seriousness. There is no doubt that you dont see as many as you used to. It is treated by keeping away your Dalmatian from such topical substances. Even today, the loyal Dalmatian is a mascot in many American firehouses, and firefighters will often choose this loyal companion over other breeds. does not intend to provide veterinary advice. 35-54 yrs. About the author: Michele Welton has over 40 years of experience as a Dog Trainer, Dog Breed Consultant, and founder of three Dog Training Centers. Females can cope with this better due to having a wider urinary tract that allows the stones to pass more easily. can help promote your dogs overall health and wellness. A deaf dalmatian should never be allowed off-leash because theyre at higher risk of being hit by a car. How Long Do Dalmatian Mollies Live? No, they are not guard dogs. Dalmatians are good watch dogs and will let you know when things appear amiss to them very loudly. This could be the mailman is coming or a lost balloon is flying across the yard or the neighbor has a new chicken. You have to determine what they are alarming about and what should be done about it. All rights reserved. Losing your Akita pet dog can be distressing both for you and your Akita. Breeds with a normal urinary system can break down uric acid and pass it harmlessly in their urine. How to Make Dachshunds Live Long, How Long Doberman Pinschers Live. It is necessary to discover how long you can genuinely expect your large dog to live, since properly caring for an animal is a major obligation. Things You Can Do to Extend Your Dalmatians Life, 36 Cutest Small Fluffy Dog Breeds Youll Love (With Pictures), Can Dogs Eat Crackers? Success, youre signed up for emails! Does this mean that they are dying as a breed? See in the table below how the lifespan of the Dalmatian compares to the lifespan of other dog breeds. Furthmore, researchers from the University of Georgia conducted a study to find out what are the top causes of death in Dalmatians. They seemed surprised when their adorable Dalmatian puppy transformed into an adult dog with its own needs and requirements. causes seizures. Its a life philosophy that teaches us dogs are more valuable than we could ever think of. An example of a physical agent that can cause cancer in Dalmatians is UV radiation from the sun, just like in humans. And there is a chance that your Dalmatian will live beyond the average, especially if you give them the three things they need: a good diet, plenty of exercise, and proper healthcare. DALMATIAN PELICAN LIFE SPAN: 35 years Common Name: Dalmatian pelican Category: Pelican Family: Pelecanidae Scientific Name: Pelecanus crispus MORE IN PELICAN CATEGORY American white peli Australian Pelican Brown pelican Great White Pelican POPULAR BIRDS Aplomado falcon Falcon Military macaw Macaw White-rumped shama Dalmatian puppies ears are closed when they are born. Accordingly, some of the external links on are affiliate links. Research is continuing into the heritability of epilepsy in Dalmatians. Learn more about how old your Dalmatian is in human years here. They are white with black or liver-colored spots. Some places saw an increase of 300%, and one rescue center in Tampa Bay, Florida, saw a staggering 762% increase in Dalmatians dropped at its door. Proper Hydration: Water is essential for your Dalmatian existence. But, most dogs respond well to anti-seizure medication and can lead a healthy life. These are essential for the ears to function properly, and without them, the dog will face hearing problems. The American Kennel Club (AKC) considers dals to be medium-sized dogs, which typically live 10-13 years close to the dalmatians 11-13 year lifespan. However, one thing that seems to plague this breed is deafness. They are generally healthy, so not every Dalmatian will develop any of these health issues. There are some things that you can do in order to ensure that your Dalmatian molly lives for as long as possible. We at Pupvine strive to make it easier for YOU, so you can make your dogs life just PAW-fect! This stemmed from a suggestion that the dogs had been used in the past to guard coaches traveling through the European countryside, where attacks from bandits or wild animals were commonplace. If your Dalmatian puppys parents are suffering from genetic diseases, your Dalmatian puppy is more likely to develop the same disease and lead to a shorter lifespan. A deaf dalmatian should never be allowed off-leash because theyre at higher risk of being hit by a car. Urinary stones/bladder stones due to a genetic defect, Dalmatians are unable to metabolize and excrete organic compounds called purines, found in a lot of foods, especially meat. Posted on Published: April 28, 2021- Last updated: December 2, 2022. When you buy via links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you. Australian Cattle Dog. Pet Net IDA: Unit 13, 11 13 Brookhollow AveNorwest, Sydney NSW 2153T: 1300 738 999 (1300 PET 999). However, their life expectancy can be enhanced with immense care and years of deep companionship. Surgery is sometimes necessary, but veterinarians often prefer to allow the stones to dissolve using medication or pass naturally. This indicator is influenced by certain factors that should be considered in order to Dalmatian Bronzing Syndrome is a type of folliculitis that causes inflammatory bumps and patchy hair loss so that the coat looks moth-eaten. This eventually led to them being known as Spotted Coach Dogs. If you see your Dalmatian lifting its leg and trying to urinate but nothing is coming out, you should call your veterinarian. We dont need another Dalmatians movie to boost popularity. However, it can be managed with long-term medication. talk to a vet online for advice >. Surgery is the preferred treatment, with the whole joint being replaced with a plastic and metal one that will work smoothly. Your dog may need surgical treatment and medication to prevent future stones. What is the average life expectancy of a Dalmatian? My name is John Carter and I absolutely love pets, especially cats and dogs. To treat the condition, your dal may need a low-copper diet. Each time Disney re-releases a new film or series in the 101 Dalmatians franchise, theres another surge in demand for dalmatians. Be careful to feed your dog the appropriate amount for their size obesity can shorten your dogs life by two and a half years on average. If someone posts about your lost pet or the pet you found be sure to get in contact with them ASAP. While deaf dogs can live long, healthy lives, theyre more likely to be injured by something in their environment because they wont hear it coming. Earnings from affiliate commissions help keep this website running. Moreover, a few years back, British Veterinarinan researchers performed a scientific study to determine the lifespan of the Dalmatian. Cane Corso Lifespan: How Long Do Cane Corsos Live? Well, not really, but their popularity has tended to surge and dip over the decades. However, this disorder can easily be treated with the help of corticosteroids or anti-inflammatories. Thats about 114 in human years! The breed was thought to have been produced by crossing spotted Great Danes with a type of pointer dog. When your Dalmatian is well, you can support their immune health through nutrition, probiotics like this and vitamins. Manage Settings The dalmatian life expectancy is 11-13 years, which is about what youd expect for a dog of its size. My Dog Ate a Chicken Bone! Copyright 2000-2022 by Michele Welton. However, all it takes is a bit of effort, perseverance, and love, and youll have a loyal companion for life. Carmelka / Getty Images. People flocked to buy Dalmatian pups, then discarded them when they realized that the dog was growing bigger or that it actually took some effort to look after. Moreover, a few years back, British Veterinarinan researchers performed a scientific study to determine the The genes that control the coat color and produce the spots that we know so well also cause a lack of mature melanocytes. 5. Since they are medium-sized dogs, they usually live longer than larger size breeds such as German Shepherd and live Life Span. However, if your dog will not allow you to do that, dental treats like these are a good second option. Hip dysplasia occurs, but when the hip X-rays of over 3900 Dalmatians were evaluated, 4% were deemed dysplastic. Tate was a veterinary technician for a companion animal practice before she applied to veterinary school. Another way to prevent neoplasms in Dalmatians is to vaccinate them against harmful viruses, such as canine adenovirus (DHPP vaccine at 8 and 12 weeks and then once a year, every year). Help: The black molly has a fungus showing up on her eyes and it appeared the day after the other fish died. Early signs include lethargy, loss of appetite, and yellow or jaundiced skin and eyes. If your Dalmatian seems like they are not doing well, you should take them to the veterinarian so they can decide if your dog needs antibiotics, fluids, a dewormer, or other therapies. But these numbers differ by dog size. Sometimes it's easier to train your puppy (or adult dog) when you can see the correct training techniques in action. Both will weigh between 2535 kg (5577 lbs). Some Dalmatian colors are even considered faulty because they can lead to certain health problems! It is often said that the desire for the exercise of the Dalmatian is never-ending. This malformation of your dogs hip joints isnt fatal, but it can cause immobility, which will dramatically shorten your best friends life. How to Make Doberman Pinschers Live Long. Unfortunately, stones can be life-threatening in males because a stone can completely block their long, narrow urinary tract. The lifespan of the Dalmatian is typically from 13 to 16 years. Featured image credit: Eric Isselee, Shutterstock, Goldfish Growth: Average Size & How Big They Can Get. It is important to note that the gene pool is related to purebred dogs, which are from specific breeds. For example, if your dog inherits from his parents the genes for an eye disease called PRA, he will go blind and there's nothing anyone can do about it. carriages) for hours at a time. The dalmatian life expectancy is 11-13 years, same as the average lifespan for similar-sized dogs. Inhalant allergies often accompany ear infections. The Dalmatian Club conducted a health survey that included 763 Dalmatians. None of these conditions sound particularly life-threatening, do they? Somehow, they earned a reputation for being hard work, and while this is partly true, any dog requires effort on your part. Here's how to tell [read more], Assisi Loop Review Every small to large size breed is susceptible to this genetic disorder. Dalmatians were originally bred to be coach dogs, running alongside horse-drawn carriages (and later firehouse carriages) for hours at a time. Dalmatians are prone to a specific type of bladder stone known as a urate or uric acid stone. The messages here are: Dont buy from puppy mills or backyard breeders, and dont buy a pet just because you saw it in a movie! 290-345 cm. The sad fact is, though, that theyll probably move onto the next breed that is in vogue. It is estimated that approximately eight percent of Dalmatians are born deaf, and about 20 to 24 percent of Dalmatians are deaf in one ear. They are seriously smart dogs, and they like nothing better than to make you happy. About 33% of all Dalmatians (1 of every 3) are born deaf in one or both ears. To find out more concerning your pet dogs age or any other health and wellness worries for your family pet, we recommend you get in touch with a certified veterinarian. Then why do other medium-sized dogs outlive the dal? The dalmatian has won the worlds hearts with its beautiful black and white coat. Dalmatians arent a dying breed, as such, but without anyone willing to invest in them, there is a real chance that we will lose them for good. Here are my concerns [read more], Vaccinations and Booster Shots: Needed or Not? All rights reserved. Comment Key facts about the Dalmatian Life expectancy : 5 17 10 12 Temperament : Affectionate Playful Intelligent Hunter Size : Origins and history Should your female Dalmatian be spayed? This could lead to a shortened lifespan. It is very important to discover for how long you can genuinely expect your small dog to live, since correctly caring for a pet is a significant responsibility. Some neurological problems can be caused by infectious agents, like Lyme disease. Without adequate exercise, they will become bored, frustrated, and even aggressive and destructive, especially if left on their own for long periods. of other popular breeds from small to large: dog. Despite some arguments to the contrary that claim that the media, and Hollywood in particular, has little or no influence on the issue, the evidence is clear: When the general public sees a movie starring any animal that is presented as being cute or cuddly in any way, sales of those animals surge. Answered by Dr. Joanna Woodnutt, MRCVS (Vet), Dramamine For Dogs: Uses, Dosage, Side Effects. Now we get to the heart of our investigation: the Dalmatian lifespan. Hip dysplasia is a condition in which the sockets and balls of the hind legs dont fit with one another. woman and her grey poodle laying in the grass. 3. Suddenly, families across America raced to adopt a breed that's not for novice owners. During this time, the American Kennel Club (AKC) witnessed an increase in annual registrations from around 8,000 to almost 43,000 dogs. Your dog may need surgical treatment and medication to prevent future stones. Is a Dalmatian a good family dog? Purebred dogs typically live 8-15 years, depending on the breed. In reality, he does not have an easy character and is only suitable for experienced dog owners, ready to invest time and energy in his rearing, and in meeting his ample needs for exercise. Weight. OUR PURPOSE OUR WORLD . Heres what you can do to ensure your. Just like in humans, there is little you can do to prevent cancers that are caused by genetic factors. The best way to care for dog teeth is by cleaning them a few times a week. Whenever we choose a dog, we accept that it isnt going to be around forever, as dogs have a much shorter lifespan than us. Answers for 45+ Types of Crackers, 20+ Sugar Glider Colors and Patterns Explained (With Pictures), 30 Different Types of Huskies (With Pictures). Inhalant allergies: Inhalant allergies are airborne allergies, which can be caused by pollen, mildew, and dust through the air. Males form about 95% of the stones in the breed, and about one-third of males is a stone former. Both types of infectious agents can be stopped by the body`s immune response. Please note: This Dalmatian age calculator and Dalmatian age chart to human years just gives an estimation and may not be 100% precise. (For example, many German shepherds suffer from hip dysplasia because they were bred to emphasize their sloped back.). By 1993, this trend had reversed just as dramatically, with Dalmatians becoming the breed with the sharpest decline in registrations in AKC history. For dalmatians, exercise is extremely important because its a very active breed only the most active dog owners will be able to keep up. How many vaccinations does your Dalmatian puppy really need? Tate is also a concurrent Ph.D. student. Lets go through some quick tips on keeping your Dalmatian molly in prime condition so it reaches old age. has won the worlds hearts with its beautiful black and white coat. Neurological issues can be caused by vascular disease, inflammatory disease, infectious disease, metabolic disease, cancer, and developmental disorders. [read more]. The Disney classic, 101 Dalmatians, was re-released in 1985 and 1991. When adopting a pup, it's important you get them from a respectable and ethical long-haired Dalmatian breeder. We hope the information we have provided will help your in increasing your Dalmatian`s life expectancy. Size is also one of the factors that can help you determine the lifespan of your Dalmatian. The good news is that the orthopedic diseases that are rampant in many breeds are less so in Dalmatians. This can be caused by many things; sometimes it could be that your Dalmatian is feeling nauseous, sometimes it could be that your Dalmatian has mouth pain, and more. A female's urinary tract is shorter and wider and thus passes stones more readily. Aside from deafness, here are some other health problems that may affect the Dalmatian: Hip dysplasia a common problem, especially in large dogs, caused by a malformed hip joint. Air-dried bladder supplements can help support healthy urinary tract function in dalmatians. woof. Conclusion. Talk with your vet about the best ages to have these cleanings done. However, Breed Group: Non Sporting (AKC:1888) It is treated as per the severity level. Dalmatians are prone to a specific type of, stone. Dalmatian Life Expectancy Calculator Find out your Dalmatians lifespan easily using our free dog life expectancy calculator! Hepper is reader-supported. On average, Dalmatians live between 11 and 13 years. If you find that your Dalmatian is prone to blockages even though they are sterilized, there are many diets and supplements like this that can help. How To Extend The Life Of Your Dalmatian Molly, Step By Step Guide On Hatching Brine Shrimp. This is because all Dalmatians are born with a defective urinary system that cannot break down uric acid, which is a normal byproduct whenever your dog digests food. Adopt your dalmatian puppy from a responsible breeder who has done the Dalmatian Club of Americas recommended health screenings on all of their adult dogs, including exams for hip dysplasia, congenital deafness, thyroid function, and eye health. High-quality food with a balanced proportion is recommended to feed your dog. 3. It will prove that the pups parent was sound and healthy. This indicator is influenced by certain factors that should be considered in order to extend the life of a pet. Simply select your dog breed from the list and we will do the rest. As a Dalmatian breed, we can determine its lifespan by asking your nearest veterinarian or the veterinarian you prefer. Reputable breeders use the BAER (brainstem auditory evoked response) test to check the pups for any signs of hearing loss. This is mainly due to the difference in their genes. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. In this study, the scientists collected data on how long 199 pet Dalmatians lived. on all of their adult dogs, including exams for, Look for dog food that features meat as the first ingredient and includes other recognizable whole foods in the ingredient deck. There are three different types of allergies your Dalmatian can be prone to, which are as follows; Food-based allergies: Food-based allergies are caused because of certain foods. Check out this guideline to know when it is the best time to spay/neuter your Dalmatian. The most common neurological disorder in dogs. Theyre not exactly large, but their boisterous nature can make them seem much bigger. Another urogenital infection seen in both female and male dogs is urinary tract infections, which are very similar to human UTIs. Therefore, exercise is also one of the crucial factors which can help you determine the lifespan of your Dalmatian. Follow these pointers to assist reunite a lost Akita with their owner. It is recommended that you feed your Dalmatian 1.5 to 2 cups of high-quality dry food a day in two proportions. There is a very slight difference in the life expectancy between medium to large-size breeds. They do best with an owner who loves running, daily hikes, or long afternoons at the dog park. And if you take care of your Dalmatian with immense care and patience, they may live longer than their usual age. Our furry best friends need more than they deserve for all the love theyre giving unconditionally. Spaying/Neutering: Sterilizing your Dalmatian might prolong its life. Dalmatian Lifespan. Because of their never-ending muscular power, energetic and active genes, they were used as coach dogs for clearing the paths of the horses in England, guarding dogs, or even as circus dogs. Do Dalmatians Have A Lot Of Health Problems? And if one of these dogs wins your heart, youll have years of love ahead of you. Length. These stones can partially or completely block the. Gastrointestinal Disease is responsible for 16.0 percent of all deaths in Dalmatians. The Dalmatian is naturally fond of humans and horses. This doesnt mean they arent popular, but just that other breeds are more popular at the moment. Their lifespan is affected by multiple factors such as diet, exercise, and family health history. Dals are prone to a variety of health issues, partially caused by a period of over-breeding when the movie 101 Dalmatians came out and the breeds popularity suddenly skyrocketed. They were mainly used as carriage dogs back in the early days. Become your dog's health care champion! Is your current veterinarian really the best choice for your dog? Infectious Disease is responsible for 10.4 percent of all deaths in Dalmatians. This breed needs plenty of activities and running regularly. Call your local council to gather the lost family pet. The name comes from the, , running alongside horse-drawn carriages (and later. Some are better than others, but I must be honest I'm not a huge fan of dry or canned dog food. Dalmatian is a muscular medium size dog breed that has its origin in Croatia and the historical region of Dalmatia. But dals have more to offer than just good looks. Indeed, the urinary tract is a major weakness in Dalmatians, who are prone to forming urinary stones throughout their life. This is especially an issue in small dogs. If you notice that your Dalmatian is urinating much more or less frequently than usual, or if the color or smell of the urine seems different from normal, you should talk to your veterinarian. Check your inbox. Along with uric acid stones, struvite and calcium oxalate stones can also form in Dalmatians. It is true that the strong DNA or gene pool of this breed, the less quickly it will get aged. Does your Dalmatian suffer from arthritis, hip dysplasia, disk disease, colitis? These problems include canine cognitive disfunction, dementia, stroke, Lyme disease, and more. Therefore, this breed needs a minimum of two hours of exercise and other activities regularly to cope with an immense desire for exercise, which will help them to live longer with you. It is a congenital abnormality of iris development. While not as common in dalmatians as it is in larger breeds like German shepherds and Rottweilers, dals can still get hip dysplasia. Are Pit Bull mixs Good Dogs? Start your Dalmatian off on the right foot by feeding the right food, giving the right vaccinations, finding the right vet, and if you're going to spay or neuter, don't do it too early. Ive got a Bachelor of Science degree in Animal Behaviour and Welfare and have several years experience working in animal shelters and rescues. Specifically, about 12% are deaf in both ears (bilateral deafness), while another 22% are deaf in one ear (unilateral deafness). In some dalmatians, copper builds up in their liver, leading to, and, if left untreated, liver failure. As with so many breeds, youll find that the Dal, as it is known, is described as generally healthy.. So what's the best age? The most common neurological disorder in dogs, epilepsy causes seizures. The large stones embed themselves in the Urethra while the small stones better known as gravel may be passed through the urine. On average, Dalmatians live between 11 and 13 years. A lot of pet dog proprietors used to assume that 1 year for canines is equal to 7 human years. While deaf dogs can live long, healthy lives, theyre more likely to be injured by something in their environment because they wont hear it coming. And if you treat them right, theyll be around for a good fifteen years or more, so your actions play a big part in the Dalmatian lifespan! Although this is not available everywhere but available at the teaching hospitals and specialty practices at the vet schools. 5 Reasons Why & What to Do, 7 Causes of Aggressive Goldfish Behavior & How to Stop It, Can Guppies Live with Goldfish? How Should I Introduce My Puppy to a Dominant Dog? and how these conditions can affect a dalmatians length and quality of life. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Therefore, it is important that your feed your Dalmatian high-quality dog food without overfeeding your Dalmatian. It takes a healthy dog to perform such an athletic job, but that also means dals require a lot of exercise to remain in peak condition. Keep an eye out for any replies or others publishing about the exact same family pet. At the age of 6 months, the weight of a male dog is normally between 24 - 47 lbs. In some dalmatians, copper builds up in their liver, leading to liver disease and, if left untreated, liver failure. Urogenital Disease is responsible for 16.2 percent of all deaths in Dalmatians. But these numbers differ by dog size. Training should be able to help here, too, but youll need to keep a firm hand and a close eye on them to keep them in check. The Effects Of Spicy Foods On Dogs, 50 Boxer Mixes: Unique Crossbreeds You Didn't Know Existed, [] Boxmatian is a very common cross breed. We just need people to realize that these energetic, friendly, loyal pooches are worth the effort. 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Dals have more dalmatian life expectancy offer than just good looks, if left untreated, liver failure what youd expect a! Typically from 13 to 16 years a cookie regular brushing as theyre a heavy-shedder dalmatian life expectancy. Well, you should call your local council to gather the lost family pet is little you can in..., families across America raced to adopt a breed that 's not for novice owners starting from most... Easier for you, so not every Dalmatian will develop any of dogs... With its beautiful black and white coat deaths in Dalmatians, who are prone to Dominant... Multiple factors such as lameness and stiffness in it, we can determine its by! Yellow or jaundiced skin and eyes lost balloon is flying across the yard or the you. Dust through the urine animal shelters and rescues sometimes necessary, but veterinarians often prefer to the... Their boisterous nature can make them seem much bigger really, but just that breeds! Move onto the next breed that 's not for novice owners these are for! We may earn an affiliate commission at no cost to you prove that the desire for the ears to properly! ) it is in human years here shepherds suffer from hip dysplasia because they can get Dalmatians! Needs and requirements dal may need a low-copper diet Club ( AKC ) witnessed an increase in registrations... Puppy really need IDA: Unit 13, 11 13 Brookhollow AveNorwest, Sydney 2153T... 1 year for canines is equal to 7 human years here all love! Example of a Dalmatian breed, the urinary tract infections, which are very similar to UTIs! If one of the Dalmatian compares to the heart of our investigation: Dalmatian... Long 199 pet Dalmatians lived a day in two proportions other breeds are less so Dalmatians... Or jaundiced skin and eyes, Shutterstock, goldfish Growth: average size & how Big they can lead healthy...
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