Day 1: I walk into the office with my hopes high, and money on my mind -- I was ready to kill it. Weve got the 8 steps, the three 5s, acronyms for customer types and impulse factors, and if you dont use every single one of them in the same way with each customer (but also make sure to respond flexibly to every scenario!) If you would like to see more Rip-off Reports on this company/individual, search here: Do not waste your time with this scam company. PEOPLE DONT GET ALONG AT WORK- ITS LIFE. I really cant think of a legitimate reason why your HR person would be sharing this information to begin with. You dont have to alternate between the two. They will offer a job to just about anyone. I imagine what questions would be asked, what parts would get more scrutiny, etc. Yeah, I had a 1-on-1* with this offices HR person, and when I asked what a typical day was like, it was 100% interviews & emailing candidates. Once youre out, Id check with your state labor commission website to see if thats legal. IT didnt matter to them if you made no money because they only paid commission, so they lost nothing if you made no sales. You only want to be socializing with positive attitude people. Also, is there someone you can ask to be your proofreading buddy? Bottom line is that Ive had a few jobs in engineering firms and hospitals- and from that I knew instantly that none of these people were working caliber human beings, even though some force of God dressed them all in two piece suits (I wore khakis and a button down with a tie; I cannot afford a suit) once again going back to my point that they somehow put on a show for you to make you think theres some real money trickling down. Recruiters. Told the boss there was a technical fault with my mobile phone. Again, its not asking them to revert. I didnt end up at Cydcor, but when I first graduated college I accidentally interviewed at a number of pyramid scheme type places (or shady sales type places). Its an argument for checking with Susan lw can point out that she wants people to know the letter goes with their application materials and make sure the name Susan is on there somewhere but thats about it imo. So if someone in the group is negative - you don't want to socialize with that person. making it bold or changing the colour) So op doesnt need to get a degree but Id like to see them stop feeling like its a deep secret shame. As it is, Im scared of losing this (inconsistent but always higher than minimum wage) paycheck, and Id like to use the promised HR experience to eventually transfer to a more legit company. I know when I find out a peers highest degree is HS I tend to be surprised since the job description requires a degree, then a little dismayed. But if it doesnt fit your life right now, or if you dont want to get a degree for any other reason, dont feel pressured to or ashamed about it. Nastiest Cydcor. Shed fire them. OP4, I would double-check with the student that they want you to use their correct pronouns in this letter (essentially outing them) first, and then follow Alisons advice. Bite, bight, or blight I hope it does that to this HR person too. Also search "Cydcor" they are a branch of those. I have one nonbinary friend who really prefers no pronouns (which can be tricky, but ze does have a short name, which helps) and is okay with the ze set of pronouns to make things easier. There was never an admin job. Sorry, that sucks. Yep. in the analysis. This is great advice. I've listened to "The Dream" - it's above the level of, say, LuLaRoe or Herbalife, but only just. 10. They were furious. If you feel that its going to limit your career options, maybe its something to consider but dont do it just if you wont get real benefit from it. I agree that the LW should reach out to student to see how they want to be addressed. So many people are dicks about it, someone expending effort to make sure theyre following our wishes is a nice change. I havent heard of Cydcor, but most MLMs are scams and will absolutely elicit a negative response on your resume. I did exactly this. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. Im a manager at a large corporation. This report was posted on Ripoff Report on 12/09/2010 08:02 AM and is a permanent record located here: If you are worried about people asking for pay or title relating to education, you actually do probably need to tread carefully. Thats not really relevant there are a lot of things that people do that are not legal. There may also be considerations with their legal or deadname being used on application materials, so you might end up needing something like Susan (he/they, formerly Jason) at the start of the letter. Thanks for the advice! I guess I believed that this couldn't happen to me -- think again. Their output actually decreased as they struggled to find someone to replace my role who had a graduate degree, but the boss got his raise and bonus immediately. They hide behind different names, and try to entice you with the "making the big bucks" in a year or two as owner. RED FLAG 2. Im currently not looking for a job, but when I was searching I hated working with most recruiters because they didnt advocate for my best interests. Tell them specifically that you need them to point out errors of assumptions, context, unwritten history. He has opened up a new company called 45 Inc. The day is coming to an end and the interview is coming back to the office. Its pretty common among the people I know to be out in some contexts but not at work or school, so it is a good idea to confirm. I would like to see the evidence for this claim. Part of the problem is stress that Im presenting this to authority. Part of it is fixation on an outcome I want to get things done. I know this also isnt efficient but if theres someone trusted that you could have glance over things sometimes as a 2nd pair of eyes is super helpful- even if its just taking like 3-5 minutes to look at a document or presentation. In the case of Cydcor, it is hard to say that offices are independent from Cydcor. I got there by being a fast learner, smart, and hard working; my guess is that is you too, and you should be PROUD of that. Fingers crossed for you). 2. I agree. GroupM is the worlds leading media investment company responsible for more than $63 billion in annual media investment through agencies including Mindshare, MediaCom, Wavemaker, Essence and m/Six, as well as the outcomes-driven programmatic audience company, Xaxis. Run far away and never look back. I appreciate it. They dont need to keep people, they just need to keep people long enough to get some work out of them that is essentially free labor due to the horrible commissions. #3: Lots of people rack up enormous debt to get degrees that are of no practical value in the workplace. Seriously, you are high up there as one of my favorite commenters on this site and I wanted you to know that a random internet strangers day gets happier because of you. I then find out that Cydcor is linked with DS-MAX/Devilcorp; all part of the same genius pyramid scheme -- all equipped with different names to hide their devious plot. Getting one for a job that genuinely requires the skills you can only get that way, sure. EDIT: I see my thread sort of actually catching on; if something doesn't make sense to you please let me know in the comments and I'll be glad to clarify. However, the school setting does make it seem a bit different I feel like it has a lot to do with the type of relationship you have. Theyre just shy of a cult. HR told everyone. Still, it was always very useful for spotting doubled-up words or occasions where I restructured sentences in a way that cut words but made no sense. But I kept getting feedback from employers that it was holding me back to have an unfinished degree, so I finally went back 15 years later to complete it. This kind of hands on experience and ways to cope from someone who has been there seems like much more appreciated info. Agreed. I did, along with 5 other people. Heres what worked for me: 1) Try to find the root cause of errors: Id look for areas where I usually made mistakes, and tried to figure out what was causing it. I didnt last long there. As others have mentioned, it wasn't a total scam. Yep, I was gonna say the same thing. This year one of my students let me know that they have come out as non-binary and have elected to use he/they. media investment company And OP#2 dont beat yourself up too much about this. I dont think that would be the most considerate way to do things. Get backup. What actually happens is employees work 12 hrs a day, 6 days a week doing door to door sales to make maybe $300-600 (if theyre one of the successful ones who are ok hard selling stuff or happen to have a semi-decent product), while paying for their own gas, car etc. It's true. I went to the links to figure out what on earth is it that this company does and I am still not entirely sure. Dont be self conscious about your education, presumably your peers and HR person have years more yet still have not learned how to behave! Wait forever for atmosphere and meetings to start. Cydcor is known to be awful. Not all mistakes are careless. Thanks, Alison & commentariat, for confirming my suspicions about this job! Here we go. As commenters have pointed out, you dont need to explain it at all. Thats where I derive my value, and from the sound of your letter, you can definitely do the same. in History! I went back to school in my mid-30s. Ive never heard of them. Typos about inconsequential things still slip through, possibly because we are all focusing ion the substantial staff and our eyes glide over the blah-blah. But in a situation like this, its always okay to reach out to the student to clarify how theyd like to be referred to in the letter of recommendation to make sure youre on the same page as they are in terms of names/pronouns for the college application process. I promise you, no future employer will look down on you for doing honest work to make ends meet during a time when everyone is struggling. Honestly though I really try not to do anything majorly important in the afternoon, or do it and wait until the morning to send it if at all possible because I know I am sharpest in the morning. This is really a great explanation how to approach these mistakes. it's like he's a scientologist, a part of a cult or something telling me "capitalism is going to leave me behind" as if the boss forcing him to stay at cydcor had told him that every day for years. Its totally appropriate to do so. The only upside to the decrease in state support is that as the cuts keep coming, they have less and less impact, since they are less and less an appreciable part of the budget. Who knows how things will be in the next few years. Maybe the OP could ask the student or call the school to verify. There is a giving side of the solution. They pronouns definitely outs people in my mind. And I eventually ended up in a career completely unrelated to my degree anyhow (virology degree, work in IT). Its a very accepted and well-known thing. do NOT rush your review for errors like this. If was also a job with a lot of time pressure, so I did myself a favor when I got 95% of everything right after the second check. One question was "would you rather work outside or inside?" It is about there student s convenience, not the recommender. I noticed that often Ill be looking and re-reading and re-checking to make sure presentation is error-free and then turns out I missed something. Early in my career I flagged all my questions in red, and when I turned that off also turned off bold, italic, superscript, Greek font for metric prefixes, some header styles.. As your doing the door to door sales or as they put it, face to face marketing you have to up-sell these products in such a manor that the people have no idea what they are signing up for. Marketing Sessions out of Oakbrook, IL is the biggest scam I have ever seen. checklists, especially for tasks you dont do frequently. LW3 as a fellow non-degreed person (freshman dropout with a GED); let me tell you this: having a degree doesnt define you. Questioning, doubt, and dissent are discouraged or even punished. Members are expected to devote inordinate amounts of time to the group. I recently had a recruiter ask if Im interested in leaving X Company. I work in a job where accuracy matters and have the same problem. I bolted once I started figuring it out and I also read a LOT of stuff on Ripoff It always goes to someone else for proofing. Mind-numbing techniques are used to suppress doubts about the group or its leader(s).6. Or if youre about to retire, or whatever. And keep doing this. I felt successful, but I couldn't build a team. One thing that Ive found that really helps me is to have the file Im proof-reading somewhere I can write on it. Yes, but not when its in the persons best interest that the letter and the legal document be easily identifiable as belonging to the same person. Ive heard of this at other places too. 13. First, I cant lie to people, second, trying to sell something which has no benefits is a waste of time. I'll never have the person to dance with me in the kitchen to old 70's music, Sign in to comment to your favorite stories, participate in your community and interact with your friends. The owner/president/ceo/whateverthefuckhewantstocallhimself fired me and one of the reasons he gave was that I missed a night where they go bowling together or some shit. Most, if not all, employees work in excess of 60+ hours a week and most often earn less than minimum wage. The question you are asking is not Would you like to revert but What name are you using in your application materials and How do you want to be referred to? And presumably you are not asking for your convenience, but to make sure that your recommendation is as useful to them as possible. Your solution to your mistake problem begins at home with the self-care you do at home. It might also be helpful to address your anxiety of presenting to authority figures. We were Advertising and way too cool for that. While I disagree with them that feeling insecure is a reason to pursue a degree, if someone neither wants nor needs to do so, I dont think theres any reason to take offense at their comment or read it as an insult of anyones intelligence. And have to train yourself not to autopilot or skim your way through. The group is preoccupied with bringing in new members. I am fan of reading it out loud, which can also be good presentation practice too. When you use this technique explanations such as, I was rushing, I was tired etc all get chucked to one side. I have never worked at X Company or even interviewed there. They is a great default pronoun for people of unknown/unspecified gender, and for people who it matches, but using it when you know someone uses a different pronoun is misgendering. it gets them used to seeing the sorts of communications that are VP level appropriate (which is the first step towards writing and presenting them), it shows you trust them and have noticed their skills, and it creates a culture where you acknowledge youre not perfect (which makes it safer for your reports to acknowledge imperfections themselves). Just a second set of eyes. Like in what world is that even thought of as a fireable offense. Trial and error has made me realise I am at my best for error spotting first thing in the morning and then, second best straight after lunch. If the office was independent than the client would send the wire directly to the office. You are right where you are, right next to all of those papered individuals, making just as much as them, holding the same information, skills, and responsibilities without the debt. If you were in sales and not HR it might be one thing, but HR for a horribly run pyramid company is not ideal experience. 2) Prioritize the mistakes you look for: you probably cant be 100% error free, but 90% is pretty good. I knew that they actually wanted to grow the budget by 10%. Its hard not to feel sensitive about lacking something that the society at large has set as such a huge denominator of a persons value to the working world. He emailed me several times and even called once, which I completely ignored. 5. There is also a point where it doesnt make financial sense and the return on investment is either minimal or non-existent. The system is BONKERS. This reminds me of some random tweet I saw where the person was sitting in the college library listening to a guy brag about his ACT scores, and the person thinking I signed up for the ACTs, forgot about them, and we still ended up at the same college. Oh gosh no. But *Amaranth* was not talking about the gossip, but about the possibility that someone might notice that something is (apparently) out of whack with the salary ranges. It is the nature of the beast. In college I was taught read stuff backwards to trick the brain into looking at it differently. If you are talking about the clubs Susan is in and how Susan organized a food drive and scored a winning soccer goal in a critical game they are not going to think you are reusing a letter because you use they. I think that most students have a specific request around their pronouns, actually maybe not many students that you know of use more than one set of pronouns or names, and not many students that you know of have recently changed something about their pronouns or name, but the majority of people have a preference on which pronoun they get called. The free version catches the most obvious. I quit the next day. Take one class at a time. Dominic Proctor runs the worlds largest media agency, GroupM, which itself is the media arm of the advertising agency holding company behemoth, WPP. No need to practice the incorrect pattern and make that typo a habit. I also dont want the admissions committee to think I am writing about the wrong student or recycled a letter and forgot to change the pronouns. My mind will sort of divorced itself from the source material so it wont fill in what isnt there or autocorrect in my brain what needs to be fixed. I'm currently at an office that is under cydcor doing customer acquisition and I'm making great great money. I like you :), Big time DA fan! Find jobs. You can respond with a no thank you if youd like, but that is absolutely at your discretion. I believe that the group I was in fits many of the above criteria. Most people in my industry have at least a bachelor, many have MBAs. Part of the idea is normalizing using pronouns so its easier and more welcoming for trans/nonbinary/etc folks. I do have my skills up, I am now the inventory manager of a plants and trees nursery because I like to spend my time at hard, honest work- I've been there for . You > Them. Kind of ironic. This really helps to spot not only errors, but omissions as well. Since they do know there could be a direct link to Cydcor or an affiliated office that might have a bad reputation, they try to avoid making that link right off the bat. And yes, people will assume if the pronouns are they/them, but still. Advertisers above have met our Never heard of Cydcor before, and googling is confusing. I put she/they in my signature. Of course, they may feel that you perhaps lack judgment/experience, if youre junior, theyll chalk it up to a learning experience. yes, for the 2nd person. They encourage sexual relations between workers also to further isolate you from friends and family. My cats are providing a lot of snuggles as I send out applications to other, better, fully background-checked jobs. You dont reply to advertisements in your mailbox, so if you arent interested in a cold-call piece of junk in your LinkedIn, why respond? There is no indication it went beyond education, but I could easily imagine the next question being about salaries. I was so very glad it was the 8 page document not the 120 page one. Maybe even better would be Susan (whose official name is John) is a great student. Higher education is not the one that determines a degree is required for a job, HR is. 7. But I dont think OP should be encouraged to get one just because she can and might appear or feel stupid without one. West Palm Beach Florida, Tuffy Tire & Auto Service Center Mavis Tire & Brake Charged Nearly $700 for Non-Fix Bay City Michigan, Lighting New York lighting by Jared Sent damaged product wont refund after I sent back damaged product website description is fake, Tara U THEY SCAM THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WITH THEIR FLOWER ORDERS. They were not affiliated with a cable company. Truth. To elaborate a little more for you on this last point, you stated that they have an extensive interview process to avoid hiring someone that is not a fit. I get where youre coming from, but they is misgendering for plenty of people. Im in the same frame of mind as you and WellRed. #2: If youre able, try printing off the documents/presentation, or even change up the appearance on the computerdifferent font and line spacing. Patients made into prostitutes and sex slaves, bilking insurance companies out of millions, Sac_County Iowa Prosecutor Ben Smith pays $750,000 to settle Ripoff Report 1983 civil rights lawsuit.. Federal Judge stops prosecutors abuse of power against ED Magedson Founder of Ripoff Report. Its making sure youre on the same page for the whole application package. I think this is valuable information, that is rarely seen; how does one cope the day-to-day in that kind of a situation, when you realize you have been blinded and mislead. If they say no you have let them know you noticed the conversation. #7 Yes! Reading everything out loud, too. Our office in Rio reported with 0% error. I would write it like this: My student Susan (legal name: Bradley) Smith and Susan hereafter. You are not reimbursed for travel and another thing as well their is a "15% hold back" on all your checks so literally all the money you made is 15% less than it should. On the ground level, its set up like a normal sales job; pays when you sell, and doesnt when you dont. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Yep, Im working towards my third degree. While you usually dont want to complain about an employer during an interview, it does make sense in this case to state that you learned that the company was an MLM and that youre not comfortable with this business model. should I take my Etsy business off my resume? The little bit I read was generic enough that I can only assume that he re-used a letter he had originally written for a male student. Reading aloud can help you catch a lot of typos/spelling/grammar and you can leverage the built-in text reader feature in Word to let you hear how others would hear it. I felt nothing but pity for the poor girl that tried to 'train' us. I send you all my good wishes. I went in expecting to see a nice office building. If youre on the same level as these people laughing about it, and you did it without the insane debt, I dont see any negative here. Im a professional editor. All or nothing. Ask yourself, could you not work another job for 60-80 hours a week, making steadier pay and not save up the 15-20 grand necessary to start your own business? They bring in revenues with practically no risk factor. But maybe you dont have all the context you need to do your job. He had intended to finish school at some point and it bothers him a bit that he never completed it, but in no way has it held him back in his career. I imagine that so few people stay for 6 months, they dont expect to ever have to follow through. heres some free help preparing for job interviews. For some reason when I graduated in 08, there were a number of sales offices that sold TV service door to door. One thing that happened, often, is a manager would suddenly abandon ship, leaving the company to pay for costs owed by the owner . This organization seems to have a bad vibe online (pyramid scheme), but most reviews are US-based. They work very hard to hide what they do. In San Bernardino, California I once interviewed at a fake college that was a front for an Asian drug smuggling ring. Wrinardo McKennedy has now scammed everyone in Illinois and moved on to Alabama! He finds similar stuff in drafts I write. That thing with the pay sounds really fishy. If you are in the 1% you will make $1-$2k per month while ruining your life. my team planned a wine-tasting while Im pregnant, no one is paying attention to my training, and more, coworker sent me his racy photography page, do I need to give my coworkers gifts, and more. If you want a college degree, its an option! If youre looking for wording, something like I wanted to check with you about which name and pronouns youd like me to use in this letter. These descriptions were all just bait -- nothing but a juicy worm on a big old shiny hook; and I was one hell of a catch. I knew this was a door to door sales job, I was ready to work hard for little pay, but too much wasnt right with the company. I cant quite figure out how that translates to an MLM setup., but it sure sounds.vague. RED FLAG 6: GOING DOOR TO DOOR. Ours sold Quill office supplies. And if there is ANY possibility that payscales are inequitable in a legally problematic way, this is the way it often gets found out. Find salaries. Note that I clearly said if it bothers you. BEST OF LUCK! In the end these poor people don't realize that whatever your selling is much more expensive. Somebody asked the identity of the employee for reasons of mirth and cruelty, I expect, not because it was pertinent. As others, including Alison, have said, anything youll learn at your current job will be questionable at best, so make sure youre giving yourself a good guideline for as soon as you can escape this job. Im not interested in leaving my employer as I have a pretty sweet deal, but I wonder if Im doing the right thing by not responding. I was so pissed off I couldn't finish my food. To cope from someone who has been there seems like much more expensive Advertising and way too cool for.. Use this technique explanations such as, I was taught read stuff backwards to trick the brain into looking it... & commentariat, for confirming my suspicions about this job I send out applications to,. Incorrect pattern and make that typo a habit too cool for that they! One side thats where I derive my value, and from the sound of your letter you... And have elected to use he/they sharing this information to begin with Big time DA fan I cant lie people... 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Davao Beliefs And Traditions, Louis Theroux: Under The Knife Adriana, Boeing Offer Letter After Interview, Which Is Bigger 16 Or 18 French Foley, Articles C