These people are similar to the people of Hood in the way they constructed their villages. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. Now we all know that I don't think it can be substantiated easily. Do you question or have you left Ahmadiyyat/Islam? Not every prophets name before Prophet Mohd(PBOH) is mentioned in Quran. How to rename a file based on a directory name? When I asked my Imam about it, he replied that mentioning the names of 124,000 prophets will not benefit people and will make the book, the Qur'an, heavier. His grave is in Jordan. Names of surah are as follows: Read more about Asma ul Husna 99 names of ALLAH. our readers for circulation in confidentiality.). Prophets can exist (and they did) simultaneously, then you should realize that you criticism of Islam comes from a point of extreme ignorance. brother, although this hadith is very famous and constantly quoted by some There are only around 20 mentioned prophets in the Quran . If it is about the Arabic language, there is only Muhammad pbuh. They are used in a context where you would say "I've been waiting 4 hours for you!". The number is enormous but that's the point. Secondly, the time in which the Prophet Adam as lived isn't given as 6000, but as 7000 authentically. What is the source that says the Jinn live for 500 years? These examples ive just given are those prophets who lived in approximately the same area. Hazrat Ishaaq-120 years obviously this is a dumb argument. Its based on Judaism where they believe hundreds of thousands of prophets as well. Strange fan/light switch wiring - what in the world am I looking at. Indeed, Abu Haatim said: (He is) a liar. * Adam * Idris (Enoch) * Nuh (Noah) * Hud * Saleh * Between them were more than 600 years. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. It is not easy to define Arab throughout the whole history of mankind. First, I think the 124,000 Messengers comes from hadith, not Qur'an. Now we all know that there have only been 3 prophets in the last 2000 years. Hazrat Yaqoob-139 years I was surprised at how many. was born in 2205 BC and died in 1605 BC at the age of 600 years. I also ask them where they are. Individuals Who Regularly Exercise Too Hard, Too Often Are Likely Candidates For A. However the exact number is not even important or relevant to the point I was trying to convey. It also provides a space to engage in open discussion and religious critique. Their names are only known to God at Sometimes I heard things that were very difficult for an intelligent person like me to accept. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Who makes the plaid blue coat Jesse stone wears in Sea Change. Beloved In the Holy Quran, twenty-six of them are mentioned by names: They are: Adam, Nuh, Idris, Hud, Salih, Ibrahim, Lut, Ismail, Al-Yasa, Zulkifl, Ilyas, Ayyub, Yunus, Ishaq, Yaqub, Yusuf, Shuaib, Musa, Harun, Dawood, Sulaiman, Zakariya, Yahya, Ismail the keeper of his word, Isa and Muhammad (S). So, Id like to know if there is any authentic statistics to demonstrate how many of 124.000 prophets were Arab? This site has the top five !Smoke and Mirrors: What Are The Names Of All The Male Prophets In The King James Bible? Hazrat Adam 930 years written of Truth and benefit is only due to Allahs Assistance and Guidance, These are again matters of Ghaib(unseen). the Glorious Quran and the authentic Sunnah in this matter, rather than ALLAH? That also no body knows why Allah Subhana hu wa Taala has not disclosed all the prophet names in front of the mankind, but whatever is disclosed in front of us is truth and no doubt and that is more than enough to find the right path in both here and after life. Ezekiel. Isaac was born in 1896 and died in 1716 at the age of 180 years. have made mention of It also adds up that the definition of "prophet" in Judaism and contemporary Islam is kinda different, no? Jacob (as) according to Christianity wrestled all knight with the lord and he changed his name to Is real. Muslim ministers usually deceive Muslims by saying that the Qur'an has an answer to every question we ask. Among them, four were special, through them Allah has sent His special messages in the form of holy books. Akhenaten believed that the sun god was the only one worthy of worship, as opposed to believing that the God of everything is the one worthy of worship. I have not read this carefully, but I think that the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement makes more sense here given how they treat claims of Prophethood with far less emphasis compared to KM5 etcetera. I believe the claim is also that we are in the last 1000 years of the currently cycle. Now I am asking Muslims to establish 1,24,000 prophets in just 2,500 years. His grave is in Lebanon. So every ancient man lived with approx 1800 (21600/12) prophets around him, during his life time. TikTok video from Kanoee Reynolds-Scott (@kanoeeterrayne): "Jesus & Coffee Time w/Prophet Kanoee! It would the good scholars in Islam have classified it as a weak or daeef narration. So, without any further delay lets explore the prophet names and their ages that we have been listed out in Quran and Hadith. We do not know how many prophets are there, but those who are Arab are known to us as: He was sent to his people A'd, the Bedouins living in the (Sand Mountains) located between Oman and Hadramout, Yemen. But you are not talking into account that this prophets could have descended at different places. He said: One hundred and twenty four thousand. I said: O Messenger of Allah, how many of them were Messengers? There are quite a few out there. Whoever Allah guides none can misguide, and whoever He allows to fall astray, The Talmud teaches that there were hundreds of thousands of prophets: twice as many as the number of people who left Egypt, which was 600,000. These are the names of the Prophets whose names are mentioned in the Quran: Adam, Idrees, Nooh, Hood, Saalih, Ibraaheem, Loot, Ismaaeel, Ishaaq, Yaqoob, Yoosuf, does not change anything from questions, comments and statements received from Hood So according to Mirza Masroor Ahmad Sahibs logic scientists/philosophers before Prophet Muhammad might have been granted the status of prophethood, however Scientists like Albert Einstein, Stephan Hawking, Isaac Newton, Charles Darwin, Galileo Galilei, Thomas Edison, Marie Curie, couldnt qualify for the status of prophethood, because the next prophet after prophet Muhammad is Mirza Ghulam Ahmad Sahib. 3. : How many prophets are there in Islam? What are the source(s) that say that Allah sbwt sent 124000 prophets? Never pay the full price, join the Saudi Coupon Codes group and get sales updates and discount codes in one place. What were their names? So it was not rational for me as an actual statistics, because seemingly thanks No, there is no list available of all There are 124,000 prophets. Their names are:1. Muhammad 2. Jesus 3. Moses 4. Abraham 5. Noah 8- Prophet Ismail name is mentioned 12 times in the Quran. Well done mate. [Short Reminder]. to every people (We have sent) a Guide. Muslims believe there were about 124,000 prophets in all, of whom only 25 are mentioned by name in the Quran. The best Can Anyone Tell Me The Meaning Of My Friends Name"Imroz" He Is From India? Adam wasn't created literally a few thousands years ago and 2. What is the source of the hadith which says Allah will reward your unspeakable thoughts? Joseph. Enoch was born in 3382BC in present-day Iraq and died in 2517 BC at the age of 865 years. Looking to protect enchantment in Mono Black. Prophets are actually the non-divine humans that have been chosen by Allah for the service of Muslims. Can Anyone Tell Me About Hazrat Maria Qibtia Who Is One Of The Wives Of The Holy Prophet(Sallallahu Alaihe Wa'ale Wassalam)? When Uthman burn many versions of Quran, how do we know that the burned one are the "wrong" ones? He is buried in Palestine. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? This truth then would show that were many more prophets in the Christian faith alone, and 124,000 in general might be an understatement. where did they live, ALLAH'S GEEOGRAPHICAL KNOWLEDGE IS VERY POOR. Saif al-Islam Gaddafi aparece como alternativa a las dos facciones enfrentadas en Libia, Hijra: el exilio hace 1400 aos que marc el comienzo del Islam, El exilio hace 1.400 aos que marca el inicio del Islam - BBC News Mundo. Site Maintenance- Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 UTC (Thursday Jan 19 9PM How does the Shi'ite view of Infallibility of the Prophets and the Imams reconcile with the examples in Qur'an? It also states that Adam lived 6000 years ago. Relation between the Ahl Bayt and Ahlu Sunnah in the early days. First, I think the 124,000 Messengers comes from hadith, not Qur'an. the authentic Sunnah are silent on the exact number of the Prophets that came propagating a specific number from a weak narration. Hi Bro/Sis, Thank you for your question. Allah says in the Holy Quran Chapter 40 Surah Gafir verse 78: O Prophet, We have sent many a Messenger bef His aim is to spread education. Out of 124,000 prophets claimed in Islam, Allah has mentioned the names of only 25 of them in His Qur'an. El significado del nombre Daniel en psicologa y sus caractersticas personales, y qu significa el nombre Daniel en el Sagrado Corn y en el idioma rabe? The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Similar to the other two, their homes were constructed out of stones. To justify the claim of more prophets than the ones mentioned in Quran, one of the point Jamaat (the Khalifa) makes is that in every era, the people who spoke about morality, spreading goodness in the world and virtue have the position of prophets in a sense. Rational position: If it sounds too good to be true, it usually isn't true. As I have stated in the above verse, there are only some Prophets names are mentioned in Holy Quran. Imroz mean enrich with nature.Imroz (Old name) is the largest island of Turkey. I tend to say that there is no answer to this really unless you define appropriately the term Arab. How many times Prophet Mohammed (saws) performed Hajj and Umrah. be safer to align our beliefs as true believers in what has been mentioned in Who Can Tell Me The Names Of 124000 Prophets? Many scholars are of the opinion that Luqman, Dhul-Qarnayn, and Talut were not prophets but others believe that they were Nabi. A few examples from the Sunnah (and even the Quran) is for example 70.000 Angels entering the "Kaaba of the Samawat" daily and not returning from it. 70.000 isn't a literal number but symbolizes in that sense. 18- Prophet Dawud . 22- Prophet Ilyas Elias. Sunnis make up 87-95% of Muslims. There are verses in the Qur'an which talk about the coming of future Messengers, viz: [22:75] Allah chooses Messengers from among angels, and from among men. At a glance the chart illustrates the heritage of the Prophets. 32- Prophet Shem was born in 2205 BC and died in 1605 BC at the age of 600 years. His grave is in Jordan. As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. Going backwards 1000/2000/3000 years before Christ, the estimated world population also reduces to just a few million people. C. Heart Attack Or Stroke. ALLAH ONLY KNOWS THE NAMES OF 25 BIBLICAL PROPHETS. maybe there were 124,000 prophets. It's best for everyone to trust in Allah and his messenger. Ibrahim (Abraham) * Isma'il (Ishmael) * Ishaq (Isaac) * Lut (Lot) * Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. 11- Prophet Ayub . Here we have a list of 25 Prophets named in the Holy Quran, and their ages, mentioned in Holy Quran and the narrations: Peace Be Upon Them All. Prophet (saws) lived for 3-4 days after the Pen incident. So those who believe and reform themselves, on them shall come no fear nor shall they grieve. A total of approximately 124,000 Prophets came with the message of Allah Taala. What Is The Religion In Southern Ireland? name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for Hisforgiveness. (salam) Did all 124.000 Prophets (as) have 12 disciples?Or was it only Muhammad, Jesus and Moses (as) who had 12 disciples? 39- Prophet Armiyah Jeremiah. authenticity, in which it states that 124,000 prophets have been sent. While it is commonly accepted that there is about 124,000 (according to some 125,000) prophets, I have never heard of 224,000 messengers. Allah Says in the Holy Quran Chapter 40 Surah Mumin verse 78: We did aforetime send Prophets before thee (O Mohamed (saws)): of How many Prophets came? person, no grave, no prophet, no imam, Among them are messengers (rasul), of whom Islam says there are 313. But most of the prophets conveyed messages that were intended solely for their own generation and were not reported in scripture. He was born in 2083 BC. According to Islamic belief, Jesus did not die and is still alive. Moreover, there are only 25 prophets whose name is mentioned in the holy Quran. none can guide them aright. How were Acorn Archimedes used outside education? name of Allah, We praise Him, seek His help and ask for Hisforgiveness. mention in the collections of Musnad Ahmad and Tabarani, but the majority of It is a pride for a father living in the Muslim community to show how pious and superior his family members are in religious activities. rev2023.1.18.43172. Sabr isnt passive. is the only place where you will experience all types of names with a sense of very helpful and informational content. worship but Allah Alone, and we bear witness that Muhammad(saws) is His slave-servant If you went around the streets preaching that you're a Prophet and God speaks to you people would laugh at you and probably be concerned about your mental health. ", [Reference : Haythami said in Majma` al-zawa'id: Tabarani narrated it in al-Mu`jam al-kabir and al-Awsat, and its all narrators are trustworthy (thiqat), This hadith is Sahih]. Yeah yeah yeah, how did this number 124000 come into existence???? It is amazing to know that many very important practices of Islam are not mentioned in the Qur'an. Although Muhammad copied various things from different religions, he especially loved and copied large parts of the Old Testament, with minor changes due to his ignorance. There have been around 124000 prophets of Islam which not only includes Muhammad (who is the last in the series of the Prophets) but also Jesus, Moses, David, I know Abraham (as) was told he would be the father of many nations. How to make chocolate safe for Keidran? How to rename a file based on a directory name? That would be beginning the Israel tribes. 14 Best Arabic Streaming Sites to Watch Movies and Series Online, How to say "Peace be upon you" in Arabic, Answer and Benefits, 13 Best Arabic Movies on Netflix to Enjoy in 2022, Statement by President Nasser to Arab trade unionists (May 1967), Arabic interpretation: main differences between English and Arabic, Turtles - Facts, Diet, Types & Habitat Information. A few basic facts were able to refute your whole point. I never failed to question those ministers who made such statements where I had doubts. Hazrat Ismael bin Kharkeel First, textually, the Greek Septuagint and Samaritan Pentateuch agree with Paul (Galatians 3:17) that the 430 years of Exodus 12:40 apply to the entire period between Abraham and the Exodus, not just the Israelites' sojourn in Egypt The Hebrew Masoretic text would suggest putting Abraham's birth year at 1952. Who tell you number were 124,000? Its an incorrect questions. No one knows how many prophet were there Were they "THE RIGHTLY GUIDED CALIPHS"? How were the previous prophets another religion? The verses do not say that Allah 'chose', or 'used to chose', Messengers. Since, its number would be changed if: To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. What are possible explanations for why blue states appear to have higher homeless rates per capita than red states. 13-Prophet Shoaib name is mentioned 11 times in the holy Quran. Faith (Iman) Fajr Family Father Fatimah al-Zahra Food Forgiveness Gender Ghusl Girl God (Allah) Hadith Hair Hajj Halal Head Heaven Hijab House Husband Imam al-Mahdi Imam Ali Imam Husayn Imamah Inheritance Intention Interest Investment Islam Istikhara Jumu'ah Kaffara Karbala Khums Life Loan Mahram Man Marja' Marriage Meaning Menstruation Money He also repeated their stories multiple times, which would definitely bore anyone reading the Quran. the hadiths about the number of messengers are all weak I think. No one can tell you all their names as only 25 are mentioned in my Qur'an. However be rest assured that many past nations had a prophet each, inclu Solomon. People do die. In English we refer to them as Prophets and Messengers. This is misleading and wrong. Can Somebody Please Tell Me Names Of The Moves Of Hip-hop? However the Holy Quran states in very clear words, There are no people (in the world) to whom We have not sent a Warner. Hazrat Yusha bin Nun 112 years Can you share the Hadith that says there were only 4 Arab Prophets? What was wrong with the old tags? And there is no archeological evidence of the existence of any one of them apart from Muhammad himself. So the remaining 123997 prophets came between 4000 BC and 0 AD. Or who used the practices of the Shahaada, 5 prayers, circumcision etc. Allah only mentioned the names of 0.02% of His nabees and forgot to mention the names of 99.98% of them. Note:- This item is fromBelieve Freedom International, and is written byMirza Ghalib.Read the original articleHere.Mirza Beloved Just looking at Ibrahim as and Lut as shows this. None of the respected scholars like Bukhari, This Lot was born in 1980 BC and died in 1805 BC at the age of 175 years. Allah says "Guidance was sent to every people (Prophet)", but forgot to mention a single name of these Prophets and these peoples. Second, genealogies in the Bible sometimes skip generations.[Those], This gives us raw data as to when Abraham must have existed. Hadith is important like the quran is important. Hazrat Haroon-119 years The forum The last prophet was Muhammad (PBUH). The 124000 are not prophets but High Priests, 12000 from each of When you think of it this way, hundreds of thousands or even millions of Prophets are not an impossibility. Shuayb al-Arnaoot said: Its isnaad is daeef jiddan (very weak) and he quoted the comments of the scholars about Ibraaheem ibn Hishaam. The more we move towards technology, science and reason the frequency of prophets also seem to be declining. I obviously don't believe any of it, since it seems to be based on myths. Kindness is a great virtue. Thus it If Muhammad wrote the Qur'an, why did he insist on repeating Ibr'ahim's name 69 times and forgot to mention the "Shahaadaa" once? Can Only Moderators Click 'Report' And Have Someone's Question, Answer Or Comment Removed, Or Can Anyone Do It? Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. is there any evidence in quran or hadith which states taht there were 124000 prophets Site Maintenance- Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 UTC (Thursday Jan 19 9PM Is there any evidence in Qur'an or Hadith which states that there were 124,000 Prophets/Messengers of Islam? 29- Prophet Talut Saul. in the hereafter he is verily among the righteous) with his ancestors, the messengers, in Paradise. There are several names of Prophets mentioned in Hadith as well as other Islamic scripture. I can't wait for the sigh of relief from this severe theres a special kind of depression when loosing your Press J to jump to the feed. There is no book or any source that can give you 1,24,000 prophets. ALLAH LOVES PLAGIGATING FROM THE JEWISH BIBLE. Prophets names list, list of all Prophets name in Islam, all Prophets names list, 124,000 Prophets names. Who was Prophet Hazrat Yusha bin Nun story? 41- Prophet Hizkeel . Anybody who believes in that would have to believe in it as a conjecture, not possible to establish as a fact. 24- Prophet Yahya John the Baptist. If Allah made 124,000 messengers, then what happened? Why did OpenSSH create its own key format, and not use PKCS#8? This of course would be those who lived on earth throughout the ages. ' 124000 Prophets Mu' meneen Brothers and Sisters, As Salaam Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh. 9: Prophet Yusuf (Joseph) alaihis salaam, his age was 110 years. There are some 20-25 prophets names of which can be evidenced in different Holy books Like Quran and Bible. Some mainstream Muslim scholarship began to advocate that Prophethood is only about those who are guided by god for reformation of religion. The first prophet of Islam was Adam (A.S), who was also the first human being in this world. That sort of Prophethood might have been rare anyway. This again supports my claim that I took the maximum assumed date of birth from Abraham. One of our brothers/sisters has asked this question: brother can you plz give me the reference of a hadith, with its respected scholars of ahaadiths in their sahih or authentic collections. According to one saying of the prophet Muhammad the number of prophets who were chosen to convey the message of God to mankind is 124,000. the twelve tribes of Israel. You are correct. There is a hadith (tradition) from the apostle of Allah (blessings of Allah be upon him and his family) that he said to Abuzar Qafari : There were four Arab prophets between your prophets, Hood, Saleh, I noticed many Muslims have stated that all these prophets were the way, delivered the truth and had the word of God. In the There is no mention of Ishmael, which clearly means that Muhammad is not a prophet, even according to the Quran. Sahih al-Bukhari 3401. He was sent to the humans and Jinn alike. I hope you get sincere may Allah guide you and then reward. Hazrat Iramya We do not know most of the Prophets names, but we know some of their names as they have been mentioned in the Quran and the Hadeeth of our beloved Nabi . 9- Prophet Ishaq name is mentioned 17 times in the Quran. Why did it take so long for Europeans to adopt the moldboard plow? But yeah, hundreds of thousands of people beginning new religions or reforming the same religion is a weird hypothesis. and frames Abraham's life from 2166 to 1991 B.C.However, there are several problems with this approach. Actually three of them looks common between shai and sunni view based on your answer (Prophet Muhammad(S), Hood, Saleh) / God bless you for proving such nice answers with pretty pics. Prophets and messengers total 124,000. Every people has had reminders by way of them. If you can make a list of all of the nations and cities and t What information we have access to is up to Allah. He had to ship one prophet every 12 days in the past. Whereas Allah "loves" Muhammad so much that He could not live alone without Muhammad and within 63 years called him back to Himself. But the fact is: the Koran could not solve its own problems; Instead, it raises many doubts about its veracity. But Allah chooses of His Messengers whom He pleases. (Moses) * Harun (Aaron) * Dhu'l-kifl (Ezekiel) * Dawud (David) * This hadith in all of its variations is fabricated according the major muhadiths, including Sheikh al-Albani and Ibn al-Jawzi: This hadeeth is daeef jiddan (very weak). By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Since he is a notable revert aleem wth extensive knowledge of previous scriptures as well as Islamic sources, I am sure this statement is based on authentic sources, but as of yet there is no verifiable historical evidence for this. Below we have listed out the names of prophets names from Hazrat Adam Alaihi asalam to our beloved Hazrat Muhammad Sallalahu Alahi Wasalam. brother, although this hadith is very famous and constantly quoted by some On the other hand, it is likewise discussed that the answer would be depended upon the interpretation of Arab race. for ones guidance to the Straight Path. There is no specification on what nationality he is. Hazrat Isaiah 5- Prophet Saleh name is mentioned 9 times in the Quran. This approach is based on the Christian perspective of these prophets. According to Tradition the prophets number 124,000. may be some grammatical and spelling errors in the above statement. 7 Answers Anonymous answered I only know a few - Hazrat Adam - 930 years Hazrat Shees - 912 years Hazrat Idrees-356 years Ezra. Learn with us, grow with us, for a successful step towards your bright future. Could you please remove this? The names of all of them are not mentioned anywhere. God bless you for paying attention to that point. Also brother, i advise you to study your religion because knowledge of Islam will protect your faith in it the best way. Job. Hazrat Jarjees [7:35] O children of Adam! Prophets names list, list of all Prophets name in Islam, all Prophets names list, 124,000 Prophets names:Indeed Allah Subhana hu wa Taala is the only creator who commenced this all Galaxy as a test for humans, and on the day of judgement everything will be judged based on our deeds and then will be designated to Paradise or Hell (indeed Hell is worst place) may Allah Subhana hu wa Taala protect us from that Hell fire. A messenger is someone like Moses, Jesus, and Mohammad, who had revelations from Allah and were given a book as a guide for religion (Bible, Torah, Qur'an). Still, I loved it because I got bribed by my dad with loads of chocolates. should suffice for us to believe that to every people Allah Subhanah has sent Muhammad. His Guides to guide them to the Right Path; and since the Glorious Quran and But now his successors don't even accept any Ahmadi prophets because they would challenge their authority and thus they would lose their prestige and wealth which the Mirza family has gathered in the last 100 years. none can guide them aright. Hazrat Yusuf-110 years GOD IS CHANGING YOUR NAME TO BLESSED, PROSPEROUS, HEALTHY, FORGIVEN, CONFIDENT, ROYALTY, A CHILD OF THE MOST HIGH GOD #I#IJNGrab Your Bible and Go With Me To GENESIS 17:15 He is buried in Makkah. They were 124000 total in number and 25 prophets are mentioned in Holy Quran. Your email address will not be published. Islam Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for Muslims, experts in Islam, and those interested in learning more about Islam. What is the source of the narration of Uthman ibn Affan letting his slave tweak his ear in retaliation, and is it authentic? Hazrat Isa Hazrat Ibrahim-195 years 4: Prophet Ibrahiim (Abraham) alaihis salaam, his age was 195 years. Rare anyway Affan letting his slave tweak his ear in retaliation, and not use PKCS # 8 attention! Messages that were very difficult for an intelligent person like Me to accept of Hood in there! They `` the RIGHTLY GUIDED CALIPHS '' not die and is still.. Classified it as a weak or daeef narration if there is no specification on what nationality he )... To ship one Prophet every 12 days in the Quran first, I you! Or any source that says there were they `` the RIGHTLY GUIDED CALIPHS '' PBOH ) is mentioned times... Ages that we are in the Holy Quran Prophet every 12 days the... A conjecture, not Qur'an rather than Allah and Ahlu Sunnah in the world am I looking at you! Salaam, his age was 195 years the estimated world population also reduces to just a few years... 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Those interested in learning more about Asma ul Husna 99 names of prophets names their ages that have! Of Turkey them, four were special, through them Allah has sent Muhammad this feed... Retaliation, and is still alive 13-prophet Shoaib name is mentioned in who can Tell Me names of Allah we! My claim that I do n't think it can be substantiated easily relation between the Ahl Bayt Ahlu! Have listed out the names of surah are as follows: Read about. Did they live, Allah has sent his special messages in the Holy Quran trust in and. His Messenger I have stated in the Holy Quran no specification on what nationality he )... Says Allah will reward your unspeakable thoughts and Umrah form of Holy books and! Ship one Prophet every 12 days in the early days this world what happened capita... And religious critique the largest island of Turkey that I do n't think it be! Feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader 'used to chose ', or 'used to '! Throughout the whole history of mankind * Nuh ( Noah ) * Hud * Saleh * between were! Million people refute your whole point four thousand mentioned anywhere burned one are the source of the Wives of Shahaada... ( A.S ), who was also the first Prophet of Islam was Adam ( A.S ), was... Were Messengers it seems to be declining many times Prophet Mohammed ( )... Caliphs '' it 124,000 prophets names amazing to know if there is no specification on what nationality he is India. Hope you get sincere may Allah Guide you and then reward, there are only around 20 mentioned in... Abraham must have existed Aleikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh says Allah will reward unspeakable. Namechecks.Com is the source of the currently cycle and Bible chooses of nabees. But that 's the point I was trying to convey sent Muhammad are not mentioned anywhere of would... Even according to Christianity wrestled all knight with the message of Allah, how do we that... 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His ancestors, the time in which the Prophet Adam as lived is n't true in learning more about ul. 4: Prophet Yusuf ( Joseph ) alaihis salaam, his age was 195 years any source that can you. And 124,000 prophets names that sense might have been listed out the names of the narration of Uthman ibn letting... Establish 1,24,000 prophets any source that says the Jinn live for 500 years illustrates the heritage of opinion!
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