C Comets formed from the jovian nebula while asteroids did not. Why?, all water found on earth cannot be used for drinking why ? C It is thought that comets are far more numerous than asteroids. Comets are often smaller than asteroids. Which of the following statements about planetary orbits will be true? Describe some ways in which a meteorite can be distinguished from a terrestrial rock. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. A:Given: Use the convolution integral to find the output voltage if the input signal is 10u(t) V. b) Repeat (a) if the voltage impulse response is h(t) = 0, t < 0; 10(1 - 2t), 0 t 0.5 s; 0, t 0.5 s. c) Plot the output voltage versus time for (a) and (b) for 0 t 1 s. The claims of Dalton's atomic theory have been revised over the past 200 years. Most comets have elliptical orbits with periods around one hundred years. a. What is the final energy of the proton that was originally at rest? 1) Which of the following statements about comets and asteroids is true? What are comets?. however, certain plant viruses are getting access to the plant cells through what? Q:Use each of the following terms in a separate sentence. Asteroids, comets, and meteorites are the most primitive objects in the solar system and observations of them can tell us about the conditions of the solar nebula as planets began to form. E) There are about 1 million known asteroids in the solar system. (D) They always point in the direction away from the Sun. Which of the following statements is not true? Which of the following statements is not true? h(t) = 0, t < 0; 10e^(-4t), t 0. c) The Sun's diameter is about 5 times that of Earth. Which of the following statements is not true. A. D. Comets have very elliptical orbits that usually take them closer to the Sun than Earth, but rarely do they get further away than Pluto. By applying Ampere's law, derive an expression C. Most comets have a circular orbit that keeps them in the space between Mars and Jupiter, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . B. Because you're already amazing. However, the high reflectivity can be explained by its large size; as volatile ices sublimate when Pluto approaches the Sun, Pluto's gravity holds them until they refreeze onto the surface. a. Pancreatic duct c. Arterial capillaries b. Comets generally have elongated elliptical orbits. The following statements about the tail of a comet is correct: The tail always points away from the sun. (6) The asteroid belt would not have gaps. LET 1998 112. A. Most meteorites collected on Earth are of the rocky primitive variety, although most asteroids are of the carbon-rich variety. The tail of a comet points towards the sun B. ob. Most comets have a circular orbit that keeps them in. b. Comets are mostly frozen gases and cosmic dust. B. Comets are held together by frozen gases. Why aren't small asteroids spherical in shape? . d. It is thought to be the first example of a new class of object. Which of the following does not lend support to the idea that Pluto is a Kuiper-belt object? c. Most comets have perfectly circular orbits. Comets and asteroids come from different origin. . Once the reflectivity and size are known, the size can be determined from the asteroid brightness: for a given reflectivity and distance, the brightness depends on how large the asteroid is. A long wire has radius R =5 cm. $$ All else being equal, find which air conditioner is a better buy. D) All asteroids lie in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. D. The tail always points toward the sun. Comets may go around the Sun in any direction. ( give reason). please need help bukas na po deadline,, salamat po sa makakasagot ehe , 1. a) It is the largest and most massive object that is considered to be a dwarf planet. B. 4. D) All asteroids lie in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. B Most asteroids are located much nearer to the Sun than most comets. Most comets have elliptical orbits with periods around one hundred years. 3. The birthplace of comets is a cloud of icy dusty aggregates beyond the solar system. Why are most meteorites found in Antarctica? The following statements are all true. Britney suspended a bar magnet and tried to check if thin iron clips would hang from it. May be more than one correct answer if so leave an explanation A Most comets have much higher average orbital speeds than most asteroids. The coma can extend as far as a million kilometers outward from the nucleus. $$ Among discovered meteorites, we have found some with all the following origins except. What can we conclude? Comets are from the Oort cloud and Kuiper belt with a distance of 4248 AU from Earth and 3258 AU. Comets are thought to be dirty snowballs. Most comets have a circular orbit that keeps them in the space between Mars and Jupiter. The combined mass of all the asteroids in the asteroid belt is, We know that there are large gaps in the average distances of asteroids from the Sun (within the asteroid belt) because we, The large gaps in the asteroid belt (often called Kirkwood gaps) are caused by. Comets are made up of ice dust and gas. Both planets are nearly the same size. The volume of the earth is 1.08x1021 m3. Which of the following most clearly distinguishes asteroids and comets from planets? Objects in the asteroid belt are made mostly of rock and metal. This makes them very visible when they come near the sun. A typical shooting star in a meteor shower is caused by a ________ entering Earth's atmosphere. Be sure to use, A:Basic rule of significant figures which is followed while adding or subtracting numbers is that the, Q:(a) the increase in temperature that was required to fit the steel remnant of a supernova that, A:The current power output of this pulsur is : Nearly all comets orbit the Sun in same direction and roughly the same plane. Is there a sharp distinction? Which of the following statements about comets is not true? They have irregular shapes and varied sizes. Primitive meteorites can be distinguished from other meteorites and terrestrial rocks because they, Processed meteorites with low metal content probably are, Halley's comet is named after the English scientist Edmund Halley because he, In order to have a comet named after you, you have to. The Kuiper belt contains icy comets, not rocky asteroids. A:According to the newton second law of motion, a body having mass m and acceleration a then the force, Q:What is the pressure difference between two places, one 5.0 cm above the other, in a mercury, Q:Using dimensional analysis, evaluate the following and report in the unit required. Pluto was a large object in the solar system, and not near the asteroid belt, so it was regarded as a planet. Comets chemical compositions are olivine and pyroxene. C. How would the appearance of a comet in our inner solar system be different? ld hang. The brightness of an asteroid depends on its size, distance, and reflectivity. Which of the following is true about comets? Why? The isotopic ratios in meteorites differ from terrestrial rocks and they may also have a higher abundance of rare elements such as iridium than terrestrial rocks. View this solution and millions of others when you join today! Which of the following statements about the object called Eris is not true? Which of the following statements about planetary orbits will be true? According to current science, which of the following statements must be true? The following statements are all true. a large amount o Also as a comet approaches the sun its particles heat up so quickly that they dont have time to become liquid. DThe comet will not return for 3 000 years. The tail of a comet consists of dust and evaporated ices. \rho u \frac{\partial u}{\partial x}=\mu\left(\frac{\partial^{2} u}{\partial x^{2}}+\frac{\partial^{2} u}{\partial y^{2}}\right)+g Compared to the distance between Earth and Mars, the distance between Jupiter and Saturn is ______. 2. They both orbit the Sun and move relatively slow when viewed from Earth. C. Comets have very elliptical orbits that usually take them far . A Some comets are believed to have originated in a region near the edge of the orbit of the outer planets in our solar system called the scattered disk that overlaps a region called the Kuiper belt. b) All the planets orbit counterclockwise around the Sun. B. Comets are balls of ice and dust. The birthplace of comets is a cloud of icy dusty aggregates beyond the solar system. Kuiper-belt comets formed beyond the orbit of Neptune in the flattened solar nebula and their orbits have not been greatly changed. The correct statement about comets is: C. Comets are mostly made up of dust particles, frozen water and frozen gases. what things would u need to survive the tropshere?. The visible coma is a huge cloud of gas and dust that has escaped from the nucleus, which it then surrounds like an extended atmosphere. Fitur pertama terkait manaj, Which of the Following Best Describes an Ecosystem, Which of the Following Statements About Comets Is Not True, The Strange Thing About the Johnsons Ending Explained, Rumah Idaman Sederhana Di Desa Keren 2018. (5) Saturn's rings would not be broken into rings and gaps. Give a brief description of the asteroid belt. matter during eruption. Examine the soil profile and use the drop-down menu to select what each label identifies. Show the Punnett Square and percentage of each phenotype.. surface of layer, Q:In which of the following transformations undergone by Physics questions and answers. FIG. A.) Identify any dimensionless parameters that result. Viewed from Pluto, the Sun would appear more than a thousand times fainter than on Earth. Asteroid masses can be determined only in those cases where they have a moon or a spacecraft pass close by and feel its gravitational influence. Magnetic, Q:The pulsar in the center of The Crab Nebula (shown in the figure) is the b. transpiration. 2. Here, I is the current and R is the, Q:ou have a container filled with 33 moles of neutral lithium. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. d. Comets glow by their own light. Which statement about the umbilical cord is true? a. Asteroids orbit the Sun while comets just float randomly around in the Oort cloud. 13 Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about comets. A. A) They have highly elliptical orbits around the Sun. A) Only asteroids collide with Earth. c. Terrestrial planets contain large quantities of ice and jovian planets do not. Explain how observations of asteroids, comets, and meteorites test our theory for the formation of the solar system in unique ways that are not possible through observations of the planets. The mass is then determined from Newton's version of Kepler's third law. Comets rarely fall into an orbit around the Sun. Comet tails appear because gas and dust is pulled off of the comet by the Sun's gravity All comets come from the Oort cloud Comets are composed of metal and rocky material Meteor showers occur when the Earth passes through the debris . c) The inner planets orbit the Sun counterclockwise while the outer planets orbit the Sun clockwise. A ramp is being built to an entrance of a school. D. Comets are balls of ice and dust Between P and Q and between S and T, the magnet will not attract any iron clips. Geosphere How does the largest asteroid, Ceres, compare in size to other solar system worlds? 2. Question 12 (1 point) Which of the following statements is true about comets? Comets are mostly made up of rock. Median response time is 34 minutes for paid subscribers and may be longer for promotional offers. c) It has been studied closely by more than a dozen NASA spacecraft. Small glassy spheres that formed in an impact are found distributed in regions near the crater. First week only $4.99! Many Kuiper-belt objects lie in stable orbital resonances with Neptune, as Pluto does. A. Comets rarely fall into an orbit around the Sun. Choose all that apply. Which moons are sometimes called the Galilean moons? Which of the following statements about comets is true? They are usually very easy to see but as they approach the Sun the rock condenses and becomes much harder to see. $$ Falling stars and shooting stars are simply other names for meteors. A. Why are, Also as a comet approaches the sun its particles heat up so, The surface finish on the rotors also is important because , Let me say at the outset that I am not a pacifist. a) Asteroids and comets are much smaller than planets. What do we mean by a primitive meteorite? The tail of a comet points away from the sun D. Comets are mostly frozen gases and cosmic dust. Which of the following is not true of Mercury? Which of the following statements about comets is true? The Cassini mission to Saturn consists of: c) An orbiter that orbits Saturn and a probe that descended to the surface of Titan. d. They both reflect light from the Sun at varying amounts depending on the size and PLEASE HELP A:Density is defined as the amount of mass of object presentper unit volume of a body. o a Comets are thought to be dirty snowballs. On average, how often do impactors about 10 km in size, large enough to produce mass extinction, hit Earth? The dust and gases contribute to forming a tail that stretches millions of kilometers from the Sun. Which of the following is NOT true for comets. Both comets and asteroids have irregular and varied shapes. d. Because its surface is heated by an extreme greenhouse effect. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. A. Comets rarely fall into an orbit around the Sun. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser. Why didn't a planet form where the asteroid belt is now located? D) Their bright, glowing appearance in the night sky is due to frictional heating in Earth's atmosphere. It will therefore shine less brightly at infrared wavelengths, relative to its visible brightness, than the dark asteroid. $$ Air conditioner B has a seasonal average COP of $5.0$ and costs $\$ 7000$ to buy and install. Which of the following statements about our Sun is not true? b. (a) How much does the internal energy of the 6.4 kg of water increase? Which of the following statements about comets and asteroids is true? Further, glaciers tend to funnel rocks on their surface into a small area, increasing the concentration of meteorites in certain areas. Why does the plasma tail of a comet always point away from the Sun? This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Comets have very elliptical orbits that usually take them far beyond the orbit of Pluto but also take them closer to the Sun than Earth. find the time. of oscillation of the mass shown in Fig. Each individual spacecraft was able to visit more than one planet. V=2.2V d) The four largest moons of Jupiter: Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Explain how astronomers determine the size of an asteroid without resolving it. Describe the origin and eventual fate of the comets we see from Earth. , be the phenotype of the offspring? O Only asteroids collide with Earth O All asteroids lie in a belt between Jupiter and Mars O Comets are balls of ice and dust O Most of the trillions of comets in our Solar System have tails. 22 ^ { \circ } \mathrm { C } A Asteroids formed inside the frost line while comets formed outside. A rocky leftover planetesimal orbiting the Sun is, An icy leftover planetesimal orbiting the Sun is. 22 ^ { \circ } \mathrm { C } Highlight the objects or materials items that are made of cells and did originate from cells. Objects in the Oort cloud contain large proportions of ice. What scientific evidence led to its reclassification? Which of the following statements about comets is not true. Why do asteroids and comets differ in composition? Which of the following statements about comets is true. Turbines are to be designed to develop 30,000 horse-power while operating under a head of 70 ft and an angular velocity of 60 rpm. Long period comets must originate from well beyond even the Kuiper Belt c. The Oort cloud is the large cloud of gas surrounding a comet nucleus while it is near the Sun d. Tails of comets always lie along the path of the orbit Question 43 46. If we could put all the asteroids together, their total mass would be. by rain. The sun's corona creates the tail of a comet. While asteroids consist of metals and rocky material comets are made up of ice dust rocky materials and organic compounds. B) They are composed mostly of dense rock particles. If a single asteroid 1 km in diameter were to be fragmented into meteoroids 1 m in diameter, how many would it yield? How much negative electric charge is, A:GIVEN;- O Most of the trillions of comets in our Solar System have tails, Andrew Fraknoi; David Morrison; Sidney C. Wolff, James Shipman, Jerry D. Wilson, Charles A. Higgins, Omar Torres, Which of the following statements about comets and asteroids is TRUE? Which of the following statements about comets and asteroids is TRUE? C) Most of the trillions of comets in our solar system have tails. Q = U + W Select the true statement between the following list regarding the data set. Which of the following Pluto observations did not help convince scientists to change Pluto's status from that of a planet? D Comets are much larger than asteroids. Many Kuiper-belt objects also have the same period and semimajor axis as Pluto. Comets are small celestial bodies of the solar system that are usually made up of icy volatile gases, icy water and dust particles. It should be noted that the tails of comets always go in the opposite direction to the Sun (due to the radiation pressure of sunlight). Which of the following statements about comets and asteroids is true? (7) Kuiper-belt objects would not clump into orbital groups. (9) Io, Europa, and Ganymede would not be geologically active. New answers Rating There are no new answers. The following statement is TRUE about comets which is NOT. Why was it advantageous for the Voyager mission to consist of flybys rather than orbiters? Which of the following real things in our solar system would look most like such science fiction dangers? Which of the following statements is NOT true about comets and asteroids? (B) In adiabatic process, change in. 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