$$ Which statement is true regarding the conduct of surgery in mice? B. Postoperative care records should be maintained at least a year after the death of an animal. Investigators must participate in all aspects of the Occupational Health and Safety Program, including immunizations. Assist with writing the basic science portions of a grant application A. B. In this edition, we will bring you up to speed on AO VET activities over the past five months. Which task is NOT a function of the IACUC? Members of the Council are chosen to serve based on their extensive experience in the fields of veterinary medicine, laboratory animal science or animal research, and their commitment to humane animal care and use. Regarding studies with infectious agents in animals, as the BSL and ABSL number increases from 1 to 4, what happens to the containment and safeguard practices? A. D. Institutional Animal Control and Utilization Corps. Restraint can be used as a normal component of animal housing, Restraint for brief periods of time during experimental procedures do not need to be mentioned in the animal use protocol. A library service (such as AWIC) can be helpful, but is not required. The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals provides: The basic information needed to develop an institutional occupational health and safety program. Ignore the size of the hot air inlet vent. The three Rs of Russell and Burch stand for what? If the IACUC determines that an activity must be halted, and if the organization accepts PHS funds or is registered with USDA as a research organization, any protocol suspension must be reported by the Institutional Official to, respectively OLAW and USDA. Meet people who If you have questions in advance of the webinar, please send them to olawdpe@mail.nih.gov. A. Compared to adults, neonates are much more susceptible to low oxygen levels, and quickly succumb to death by carbon dioxide inhalation. More than 1,000 companies, universities, hospitals, government agencies and other research institutions in 47 countries have earned AAALAC accreditation, demonstrating their commitment to responsible animal care and use. Which of the following statements about postoperative care records is false? The Johns Hopkins Center for Alternatives to Animal Testing (CAAT), the Institute for In Vitro Sciences, and the European Center for Validation of Alternative Methods (ECVAM) are primarily interested in what area? B. USDA (Animal Care Section) The investigator Who is authorized to overturn a decision by an IACUC to suspend an activity involving animals? Which of the following is true of AAALAC International? Having a selective small molecule tool to interrogate this kinase will help demonstrate that CAMKK2 inhibition can be Which parameter would NOT likely be part of an endpoint policy? The Animal Welfare Regulations (AWR) do not currently apply to which of the following animals? Diffusion Let us complete them for you. Humane endpoint criteria define the conditions under which: Those organizations that sell vertebrate animals for research, teaching, or testing. Which statement is true regarding venipuncture procedures in mice: While restraining a mouse, a technician should check for which of the following? Which of the following statements concerning health risks from working with mice is false? What is the genus and species name of the mouse used in research? Federal policies and guidelines require humane treatment of laboratory animals: Which statement best describes the in vivo method of monoclonal antibody production? The IACUC D Written postoperative care records are kept for individual animals larger than rodents, but written records for groups of rodents are the norm. IACUCs may allow quick decapitation with scissors for euthanasia of altricial rodent neonates (up to ten days of age). D. If an IACUC votes to suspend a protocol or animal activity, that decision can be overturned by any administrator at the organization. B. D. It is unacceptable to decapitate neonates with scissors, even with IACUC approval. B. Non-survival In Section 3.4, new literature is explored and the assessment of impacts and projected risks is updated for a large number of natural and human systems. B. In this diverse landscape, AAALAC International uses performance standards to assure harmonization of accredited animal care and use programs globally. Which organization is responsible for monitoring It uses mice to grow hybridoma cells on their peritoneal lining. D Sterile technique is not required for non-survival surgery, but fur clipping and clean instruments are. Mouse bites can penetrate and injure the skin. C. The IACUC has regulatory authority to stop any animal activities to protect either animals or people. ", Which of the following Guides is best used as a source of guidance for animals used in agricultural research and teaching? The Columbia University animal care and use program is proud to be accredited by AAALAC International, who will be conducting a triennial site visit of Columbia Which statement about the Occupational Health and Safety Program is false? the anogential distance is greater in the male than in the female. Which of the following can provide valuable information in assessing pain and distress in mice? A. The tail vein in a mouse cannot be used to collect small amounts of blood. D The Animal Welfare Acts (AWA) definition of animal pertains to warm-blooded animals and explicitly excludes laboratory mice and rats, birds bred for research, and farm animals not used in biomedical research and teaching (AWA Section 10301, as amended 2002). They become more vague Which of the following statements is true if an investigator wants to use a human clinical area for animal research? C. Work in pairs. Quickly and professionally. The European Convention for the Protection of Vertebrate Animals Used for Experimental and Other Scientific Purposes, Council of Europe (ETS 123). Which of the following is a mandated IACUC activity? B. B Per PHS Policy and USDA Animal Welfare Regulations, the IACUC is given responsibility for ensuring that research personnel are properly trained to perform animal procedures. In the years that followed, AAALAC accredited hundreds of organizations across the United States, raising the benchmark for laboratory animal care to new heights. C. Studies in which animals experiencing pain are allowed to die without pain relief. The Guide to Proper Procedures in Research Facilities D. Notify the Institutional Official. Generally there is no need to withhold food or water from mice before surgery because: a. In the years that followed, AAALAC accredited hundreds of organizations across the United States, raising the benchmark for laboratory animal care to new heights. A microchip is injected subcutaneously with a hypodermic needle. C The criteria used for intervention in research studies to prevent unnecessary pain and distress are called "humane endpoint criteria" because they describe when it is time to: euthanize an animal to prevent suffering; discontinue a painful procedure; and/or remove an animal from a study. B Investigators who observe animals that appear to be in immediate danger or pain should first take steps to remove the animal from the threat and contact the attending veterinarian or IACUC. C. Major surgery in which anesthetics and postoperative analgesics are administered. What diameter spherical balloon will just support the total weight? Which of the following is true about mice in the age range of 1-5 days? Intervene to remove an animal from a study, sometimes by euthanizing an animal. C. Conduct reviews of the animal care and use program on a semiannual basis Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee. Which of the following statements is/are TRUE regarding preparation of a mouse for surgery? Animal care and use regulations and guidelines require organizations to provide training in which of the following areas? The researchers and regulatory agencies only Institutions receiving PHS money must follow the "Guide" (OLAW oversight) and those accredited with AAALAC are subject to triannual program review and facility visits. We dont know a lot for sure about next season--the leaks have been few and You need to upload documents (e.g. B. The hot air inside the balloon is at $70^{\circ} \mathrm{C}$ and $1 \mathrm{~atm}$. D. A veterinarian, practicing scientist with experience in animal research, person who is not a scientist, and person who is not affiliated with the organization. The NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules apply to which of the following types of experiments? However, agricultural animals used in biomedical research may need to be housed according to the Guide while on study. The goal of appropriate animal care is to: minimize pain and distress where possible. (1) If, in the opinion of the attending veterinarian, it is inappropriate for certain dogs to exercise because of their health, condition, or well-being, the dealer, exhibitor, or research facility may be exempted from meeting the requirements of this section for those dogs(2) A research facility may be exempted from the requirements of this section if the principal investigator determines for scientific reasons set forth in the research proposal that it is inappropriate for certain dogs to exercise." D With an existing policy approved by the IACUC, a change in analgesic agent could be approved by VVC. Which of the following would provide longer-acting pain relief in mice? https://quizlet.com/393848410/animal-research-certification-test-flash-cards The program must include time spent outside. C. Animals should be monitored during the postoperative period. Number of animals approved by the IACUC for a particular protocol. Studies in which animals are allowed to die without pain relief. But like others in the animal welfare arena, AAALAC endorses the use of animals to advance medicine and science when there are no non-animal alternatives, and when it is done in an ethical and humane way. The Animal Welfare Regulations (AWR) do not currently apply to which of the following animals? C. Survival The balloon material has a mass of $60 \mathrm{~g} / \mathrm{m}^2$. Which types of animals must have access to environmental enrichment, as mandated by the Animal Welfare Regulations? Spontaneous vocalization is rarely observed hunched posture, inactivity, and decreased appetite all indicate distress in mice. D. History and tactics of animal activist groups (such as PeTA and HSUS). If the funds used to contract for custom antibody production are from the PHS, the IACUC should ascertain that the commercial enterprise has a current Animal Welfare Assurance with the PHS. C. The list of citations and the date of the search. Which of the following organizations must comply with the PHS Policy when utilizing vertebrate animals for research, teaching, or testing? B. What is the recommended method for the production of monoclonal antibodies? D. Surgery performed under anesthesia. Accreditation standards further require Why should an IP injection be made on the mouse's right side? C. Once respiration stops in mice euthanatized with carbon dioxide, it is safe to assume that death has occurred, and mice may be placed in an airtight bag and transferred to the necropsy refrigerator. Lethal dose experiments in which animals are allowed to die without intervention. Adjunctive methods of euthanasia, such as pithing frogs, should only be performed on animals that are already unconscious. What is the age range when mice are weaned? B. The requirement for exercise depends upon housing space provided to the animal and the number of animals occupying that space. The IACUC can exempt an animal for scientific reasons. Which of the following represents good practice in oral gavage of mice? Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, The given equation represents the position of a particle moving along the $x$ axis It requires annual reports from its accredited facilities C. It conducts site visits every 3 years D. It is a government - sponsored agency 16. What is a primary mission of the Animal Welfare Information Center (AWIC), a part of USDA? Some of the institutions that have earned AAALAC accreditation include the Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, The American Red Cross, and the National Institutes of Health. D. Major. D. Nonhuman primates must be enrolled in the program and cannot be exempted. If so, then you should check out the best BB creams on the market. C. The veterinarian cannot exempt an animal, even for medical reasons. Which of the following is not a good justification for housing animals individually? B. Which statement concerning non-survival surgery is true? D. They become less stringent. Thermal support is required by USDA regulations. Weve got your back. A Because they have potential to be used in biological warfare, select agents are given additional regulatory oversight by the CDC. 1 percent Despite its importance, only a handful of inhibitors of CAMKK2 have been disclosed. The needle tip should be inserted behind the incisors. In this way, AAALAC International is where science and responsible animal care connect. THE ASSOCIATION PROVIDES ACCREDITATION SERVICES TO APPROXIMATELY 1,037 ORGANIZATIONS BOTH IN NORTH AMERICA (U.S. AND CANADA) AND IN 47 OTHER COUNTRIES. A narrative summarizing experimental data that justifies the use of the proposed animal model. D. Obtain an antimicrobial sensitivity panel or other therapeutic profile on the infectious agent. C. Commercial antibody enterprises are not required to follow PHS or USDA guidelines. Which entity is generally given institutional responsibility for deciding if an individual investigator is properly trained and qualified to perform animal procedures? D. The use of computer modeling software to substitute for animal experiments. What is the easiest way to induce gas anesthesia for a mouse? Which of the following statements regarding the use of restraint on animals in a research study is FALSE? A. A. Members of the Council are chosen to serve based on their extensive experience in the fields of veterinary medicine, laboratory animal science or animal research, and their commitment to humane animal care and use. The IP injection site is on the animal's right side, close to the midline, in a caudal quadrant of the abdomen. Modify the animal protocol form and keep a copy for their files. Some benefits of having a locked bedroom door include Because inquiries on your credit report can cause your credit score to drop a bit, you might be inclined to remove them. The standards in the Guide go above and beyond what is required by law. B. Work bare-handed to prevent loss of tactile sensation caused by disposable gloves. What is the maximum number of emission lines possible for a hydrogen atom in the n 4 state? BB creams are all-in-one beauty products that can With so many things to do in Miami, youll be able to create the perfect vacation package. Which statement does not apply to experimental surgery on animals? D. A goal of sterile technique is to prevent contamination of the surgical site. Is 12 workers can build a wall in 50 hours how many workers will be required to do the same work in 40 hours? A. Ferrets and cats D. The selection of an appropriate euthanasia method should address considerations of humaneness to the animal, safety for the staff and onlookers, and experimental needs. Bath and body works visor clip instructions, What time does the next fortnite season come out, All inclusive miami vacation packages with airfare, How to remove recent inquiries from credit report, How much is 2.5 liters of water in gallons. Less painful alternatives to retroorbital blood collection are lateral saphenous, facial, and jugular vein blood collection. It is designed to provide general legal information and is not a substitute for legal advice provided by an attorney who is a member of One traditional framework that has been used to express the channel mechanism is the concept of flow. A. Which of the following is true of the dog exercise program mandated by the AWR? Let us have a look at your work and suggest how to improve it! Surgery that penetrates and exposes a body cavity or produces substantial physical impairment is defined as what kind of surgery? What best describes the oral gavage procedure? A. Studies that require gastric emptying may still require pre-surgical fasting. A. The Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care, International (AAALAC) is a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. B. Adoption in other countries and by agricultural and wildlife programs. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding illumination in rooms housing rodents? C AAALAC International (2017) describes itself as "a private, nonprofit organization that promotes the humane treatment of animals in science through voluntary accreditation and assessment programs. Which of the following is NOT a reason to provide environmental enrichment? D The federally mandated search for alternatives helps to fulfill the requirement set forth in the AWA policies to consider alternatives to procedures that may cause more than momentary pain or distress. One book, The Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals serves as the basic standard represented by AAALAC accreditation. Methods for substance administration in rats and mice are outlined in which document? Creates additional regulations and guidelines that govern animal use. The attending veterinarian What is the recommended depth for inserting a needle for IP injection of mice? B. E. Death from CO2 can be verified solely by a lack of respiration (apnea). C The NIH Guidelines for Research Involving Recombinant or Synthetic Nucleic Acid Molecules deal only with recombinant infectious agents. B. In fact, if an IACUC votes to suspend a protocol or animal activity, that decision cannot be overturned by any administrator at the organization. C. Nobody It is good to assume that procedures that are painful for humans are also painful for animals. For research on animal subjects, at what point must an investigator receive IACUC approval for the proposed animal activities and procedures? Institutional Animal Control and Use Committee Methods of euthanasia deemed "acceptable with conditions" may require scientific justification before IACUC approval. If an organization accepts PHS funds or is registered with the USDA as a research organization, any protocol suspension must be reported by the Institutional Official to OLAW and USDA. B. C. Gas anesthesia (using a vaporizer) is generally optimal for providing extended anesthesia. The IACUC's activities to ensure compliance benefit whom? When picking up a mouse from a filter top cage, putting the wire bar lid sideways on the cage is helpful to: Reposition your grasp as you take the mouse out of the cage as it will tend to hold on to the wire bar lid. C. A change in personnel. typically transmitted from animals to humans? Which of the following is the process of getting oxygen from the environment to the tissues of the body? An anesthetic overdose is an acceptable method. Princetons animal care program is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of knowledge and to saving, improving and prolonging the lives of humans and animals. A. A. Currently, which of the following organizations does not include laboratory mice and rats in its oversight activities? The IACUCs activities to ensure compliance benefit whom? AAALAC International relies on three primary standards used by the Council to evaluate programs: UTSA & AAALAC Accreditation | Date of Inital Accrediation: October 26, 2010. When animals are used, AAALAC works with institutions and researchers to serve as a bridge between progress and animal well-being. D. Major non-survival surgery on non-rodent mammals. Which of the following are NOT allowed by USDA? The Council also appoints a roster of ad hoc consultants. A hot-air balloon must be designed to support a basket, cords, and one person for a total weight of $1300 \mathrm{~N}$. The name change reflected the organization's recognition in other countries, and its commitment to enhancing life sciences and quality animal care around the world. Check all that apply. 3 percent D. A change in surgical anesthetic. False. People who hear about our body shop often wonder what exactly is an auto body shop? D. Rodents and rabbits. What must investigators do prior to making any significant changes in their use of animals? Which measure can correct respiratory depression in anesthetized mice? Compared to adults, neonates are resistant to low oxygen levels (hypoxia), and less susceptible to death by carbon dioxide inhalation. The use of improved assays that provide better data precision, so that fewer animals are needed per group. Are needed per group have access to environmental enrichment, as mandated by the IACUC a! 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