need it for my exam :), Having 'O' levels this year and i would like to express my gratitude to you by posting this comment! Boost your language marks for compo writing and WOW your teacher! Answer (1 of 9): He just stare with wide open eyed cannot shut, like the whole world is breaking crumble apart around him he didn't even shake.. Just there he was in total paralysis without realizing what will happen after that That's a big no-no. Any free modules in this course are available only to the registered users. Nice! When the basketball team got off the bus, we could smell the stench of defeat on them. Present continuous/present perfect - Can you identify the difference? making other repetitive hand-to-face gestures. : Charles exploded, losing his temper and nearly shouting at his shocked son. This article was originally published in 2017; it has been updated for 2022. Part two, 8 interesting bossy English words you must know, Phrasal verbs about socializing you must know, How to improve English with funny idioms? I was completely taken aback by his behavior. Please visit By Chander MadanRelated topics:1. I need these to write my compo! How can I help the reader to visualise better? When the basketball team got off the bus, we could smell the, 6. We're all in complete shock. My mind is my glock, keep my third eye cocked. Keep your sentences short, concise, and straight to the point. How did you Choose the College you Studied In? ( they acted in such a way that it was easy to deduce that they have lost), 6. j=d.createElement(s),dl=l!='dataLayer'? This one is a euphemism squared. Other phrases to say Shocked? The news came as a complete shock. Tips to discuss fears and phobias in English, How to take a customer survey (Restaurant), Avoid these nervous mannerisms in an interview. 1. Importance of English for IT professionals. (metaphorical idiom, fake promises, products or services that fail to live up to expectations, something fraudulent), 3. Was I being kidnapped? How to deposit or withdraw money in a bank? To use the term in the traditional sense, you may say: "Finding out the culprit at the end of the mystery movie shocked me. Click or Tap on thebutton below to download! Talking about life events - Summer vacations. Conversation examples. Meaning: you are so surprised or shocked by something that you cannot respond at once. Just as I was about to grab the bag, two burly hands roughly grabbed and pulled me behind some bushes. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. How to Make English Learning a Fun Process? English is a language that will come naturally to you only when you practice. A similar expression is My wig! Sometimes folks get a little more verbose with this one, yelling, My wig and whiskers! or My wigs and eyes! The short version appeared in 1848, in Charles Dickenss Oliver Twist: Oh my wig, my wig! cried Master Charles Bates., Quite a few of these terms are minced oaths, which turn God and Jesus into more acceptable terms. Little, a little, few and a few - Know the usage, Popular English Idioms used by a native speaker, 8 Commonly Mispronounced Words in English. Personally, I have experienced a language culture shock when I . "Well, good-bye for now," he said, rolling his neck as if we hadn't been talking about anything important at all. How to answer confidently in an exit interview? ), No you dont. We are completely taken aback by this incident. How to raise a query to the technical team in fluent English? How to make a browsing customer comfortable and convert? can u put up phrases in guilt/embarrassement. As we learned from Burt Ward's portrayal of the boy . 5. Click here to review the details. Famous Shakespeare quotes every English learner must know. A complete theme-based list of popular Tamil phrases ( ) you can use in Tamil composition and Oral exams. | Fear - Composition phrases for PSLE, P5 & P6. Just like metaphors, Personification can count as good phrases for composition writing. 3. After a few minutes, a group of men, some teenagers, casually approached the suitcase. Hear a word and type it out. I walked along the pavement of the park, the trees shading me from the relentless sun. If you disable this cookie, we will not be able to save your preferences. How to describe school you attended in the past? Listen to the podcast Speak Better English with Harry or watch it on YouTube at Learn English with Harry. I could hear the faint wail of the ambulance in a distance. Course Certificate. How to arrange a promotional campaign on road? A child who knows more phrases is at a greater advantage than one who has limited vocabulary. I decided to take a shortcut home through the deserted and shady park. NmZmMDY0MjQ0YWIzZWMxYzgzODkzZTBlYzkzMTZkNmM5OGEwZGZkNDJjNDgz I asked. So what am I going to talk to you about today? If you want to check o. Part - II, How to Use Punctuation Correctly? Good phrases can really pull up your scores for language. appreciating it a lot. spammer be like,"oh please! awesome phrases they rlly helped me out thanks . 3. This is today's last idiom that can be used to describe happiness. How to describe/market your business to a prospective client? NTk1NjBjODUyMzZkYjA5Njc4YTBiMTgyODlhMWYzN2MxZWYwZmU4YWM0YmI1 Thanks! How to Describe a Restaurant to Your Friend? Thanks! How to request for permission from examiner? Copyright 2023 All the material on this site belongs to OWQ5YzBmYTVlODhkMWRiZWU5ZGNkN2M0OTM5NmE3Yzk1OGM1N2QwY2RhMDQ2 Phrases related to: 'shock'. I gasped in horror as I saw some detectives getting slashed. She is, 9. our LIST of 88 AWESOME IDIOMS that you can learn and apply immediately. 6. ( metaphorical idiom, overwhelmed by self pity), 7. Nice one. More expressions on feelings came out. How to express your dislike for something? Your access to this site was blocked by Wordfence, a security provider, who protects sites from malicious activity. I was sweating profusely and my hands were clammy. "It's really funny. I lost my *good phrase* booklet and my compo exam is on thursday! How to motivate a disinterested customer to buy? 2. shocked phrase. We express ourselves by body language and we translate that into spoken language. How can I better convey my point across to the reader? The Perfect body language at an interview. 1. How to explain IT product advantages in simple words to a customer? Walao, Keep using vulgaritiessrsly Just Don't Be Jealous of the publisher WOW WONDERFUL!LOVE IT!THANKS IT HELPED ME A LOT IN MY COMPO! But in a little while. His fist came down on the table with a loud bang. How to Describe a Meal You Relished to Your Friend? We are using cookies to give you the best experience on our website. Thanks! Whether you are a native English speaker or an aspiring English learner, it is always tricky to handle situations where we have to express shock or grief. Home. How to ask your childs teacher for notes? slack-jawed adjective. Introducing a point. !I lov u dis help me pass my examsI wil 100% share dis web 2 all my friendsAll cause dis help me sooooooo much. "I am drunk with this vision. OTdhNGQyMGY3ZTZlYjViYzZiODYxN2M3MzQ2ZmE0NTM0ZmQ4ZTZlNjI3MzQ3 10. When I started to look at that, I was sort of intellectually shocked. How to politely respond to unreasonable demands of the customer? Prepositions and its use in the English language, Introduction to and appropriate use of adverbs, Tips to become an advanced English speaker, Importance of effective communication skills in accounting. 1. How to place an order in a fast food restaurant? How to Talk About a Particular Problem you are Facing? How to file a police complaint for a loss of car, purse, and passport? How to talk to your neighbors explaining them about India and Indian culture? Here are some words and phrases that we often use to talk about the immediate or long-term effects of a natural disaster or other sad event. How to Talk to Other Patients While Waiting at The Doctors Clinic? Use strong verbs to show don't tell. I held my breath as the leader approached the suitcase and picked it up. feeble voice. . Suddenly one of them pulled out a badge. Enjoy access to millions of ebooks, audiobooks, magazines, and more from Scribd. Students are not allowed to copy the model compositions and then pass them off as their own work, especially in school. How to talk to people at the grocery store? People will immediately know by the look on your face, that you're somewhat shocked by what you've seen, or what you've heard or what somebody has said to you. Learn replacements for everyday Adjectives. 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Click the button below to download this free ebook for your child! Cpuld u post some bout anxious, guilt, embarrassed and maybe phrases use to describe human looks. Thank you very much! Dos and Donts of effective sales communication, How to speak professionally? However, if we say, 'Tears rolled down John's cheeks as he reached for another tissue . What are some Dos and Donts at the Interview? How to lodge a complaint for deficiency in service at a complaint center? He was so sad that he was crying rivers. I am shocked, like a good Westerner should be. How to respond while arriving late in a meeting? Whats a better verb I can use to personify this object? Must know simple English sentences for your new job, How to Write a Good Business Email? YWVjMThiOTAxOTQwZmVjYmVlZTU3YWFlMTg3NWQxNmEwNzgxOTZhODE4OGY2 NGM4YzlhMTEyMmY0ZTFjYjRmYzI1ZTUxMGRjODFjN2VkNWQwZWVjYjk5MDZi Hi there, this is Harry and welcome back to my English lessons where I try to help you to speak better English. By the time the firemen arrived, the flames were already. Use it in moderation. Thx, I needed these. NDAzNzg1ODhkZGJkM2ExYzVmOGE2NzRjY2FjMGExZjkzNjlkZWY2MGI2YjE4 For Sarahs 30s birthday, we surprised her with a birthday party. Kick writer's block to the curb and write that story! Ex: I'm sorry to hear about your loss. It is very useful to me. "Go study lah u p6 is it? Ex: I understand your situation. Commonly used English Vocabulary for nurses, List of the most common phrases that you can use in a business letter, Active and Passive Voice- Learn the right usage. YTYzMTViOGY4YTEyNzIxNmE2ZmExYTc5NDJiM2ZjMTNiNTQxYTkzYTFiZjk5 Great way to improve your English. How to ask your boss for a promotion in fluent English? I (just) can't get over . :) I also need phrases on embarrassment! to assess the damage = to find out the extent of the damage: "Surveyors are assessing the . Coming up with good phrases for composition writing is not that hard. Do you know about the important parts of your body? Yee yee! Do not overuse them as it may make your overall composition sound very cheesy or old-fashioned. Mobile Apps. Ex: John's demise came as a complete shock ZWFmOWJlNzI3YjY0ZmI4Yzk5NDk4MTI1ZTk2NmRmOWE2ZTU5NzhmNGRlNzYx NWNkNjhiZjM4YTI4M2QwNDVlYzQwYzc2Yjc2Nzc2NmQ3MDc0ZjQ0MmVhNjU3 :-), this helped me in my work alot!! var kadenceConfig = {"screenReader":{"expand":"Expand child menu","collapse":"Collapse child menu"},"breakPoints":{"desktop":"1024","tablet":768},"scrollOffset":"0"};,,, Like this article? We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. I'll post more soon, after my exams are over I guess. She was lost for words. The smart way to improve your English. 5 Weird English Words You Wont Believe Exist! This causes the students writing to become stilted and mechanical. Do you know what is the study of speech sound known as? His eyes flashed with anger and resentment. Part one. In 1912, an article from Ohios Newark Advocate used the term in an example presumably designed to mimic a regional accent: Jumping piminy, wat a hevy trunk., Speaking of minced oaths, zookers is another, found in print since the 1600s. That earthquake was so intense; it was like an act of God! Stay away from him. On the last day of school, Jimmy dashed out of the school gates feeling, A metaphor is a figure of speech in which a term or phrase is applied to something that is not literally applicable to suggest a resemblance. it help me to prepare my exam tomorrow ^^ :). "Head over heels" = in love. pulling their brows together into a frown or a scowl. An easy guide to learn figures of speech Part I, At, by Difference & usage with examples. Describe body language. How to create a promotion letter in a professional format setting? Fear and euphoria are dominant forces, and fear is many multiples the size of euphoria. Assignments and tasks based on a well-researched content developed by subject matter and industry experts can certainly fetch the most desired results for improving spoken English skills. That night I could not sleep. The SlideShare family just got bigger. Adopting new hobbies to distract oneself. NDMxNzE2ZjA5YTAzNTYxODU0OTlmYjBmOGRmNmIyNzM5MzA5Y2I1YTFkOWQ0 Here we share 15 good phrases to describe fear for primary school composition writing. How to speak politely while raising a complaint to customer service department? The thunderstorm raged on outside my window. How to apologize when you forget important dates? Like many exclamations, gup drifted toward surprise over the years. Sort: Relevancy A - Z. bowled over. All these words mean By God! but exist due to the taboo surrounding Gods name. How to praise a good performing child in front of the class? Contact Us Call: +44 (0) 8453 880 025 Calls cost 5p/min + your phone company access charge How to handle a traffic cop in a pullover at a foreign location? An unexpected pat on the shoulder got me startled. YzYxYzBmMWYzYzYzZTUyYmE1NzIzNjliNDVlOTdhY2U5MDU2NGViNmI5ZmVi Small wonder. The Critical Role of Vocabulary to Learn Fluent English, Conversation with a Fellow English Learner. When the exams commenced, the classroom became, 10. How to Talk About Food you Like/ Dislike? Thanks ^-^, Caslaya Writing All Rights Reserved.. How to deal with layoffs in your company? Humming that feels forced, or fades quickly after it starts. The objects are usually dissimilar enough that the comparison is surprising. E.g: Jack and Diane kept on quarreling as they could not see eye to eye with each other. startled adjective. Do you know what are words with similar pronunciation but with different meaning/spelling known as? ?Balls -_-. How to talk about your job role and company? Secrets to learning English speaking fast, How to score high-band in IELTS speaking test, Why success in a sales career needs great communication skills, Why you should focus more on correct English pronunciation, not accent, Improve your English: know the difference between affect and effect, Understand the difference between improve and improvise, How to convince your manager to give you added work responsibilities, How to give a thank you speech at your promotion party, How to ask for a leave extension from your manager, Why speaking good English at the workplace still makes a difference to your career, How to make the most of networking events for career growth, How to improve English Listening and Comprehension Skills, Why good English is important for a career in SEO, Restaurant Etiquette How to create afavourable impression when eating out, How to compliment your office colleagues in English, How to request for compassionate leave in your office, Improve your Office Communication with these English Sports Idioms, Why IT Professionals should work to improve English Communication skills, Improve your English Grammar: Correct use of "one of ..", Common English grammar mistakes: use of did and didnt, Common English grammar mistake: use of 'been' and 'being', How to Seek Permission in English: The Correct Usage of Can and May, How to Give an Introduction & Thank you Speech for an Office Welcome, How to Improve your English Vocabulary, Word by Word, Communication & collaboration skills critical for future-readiness, Learn to speak up in office meetings for career development, Technology related English idioms to be prepared for in office, 5 Sports Idioms commonly used in the office, Telephonic Interview Tips and Mistakes to Avoid, Common English Usage Differences: Bring versus Take, Listen to good English speeches to improve your own English, Understanding Future Tense to avoid common mistakes. 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