Requires dialysis clinics to enact extra procedures and restrictions that increase patient oversight, including on-site medical practitioners, data reporting and financial transparency. This federally funded program provides health coverage to most people ages 65 and older and certain younger people who have disabilities. The Flesch-Kincaid formulas account for the number of words, syllables, and sentences in a text; they do not account for the difficulty of the ideas in the text. To receive payments from Medicare, clinics must report specific dialysis-related infection information to the National Healthcare Safety Network at the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It gives duties to CDPH to implement and administer the proposition, including adopting regulations within one year after the law takes effect. .sbtotalheader { Why are city leaders picking winners and losers? How to vote | If a clinic or its owner or operator does not report required information or reports inaccurate information, CDPH may issue a penalty of up to $100,000 against the clinic. According to a 2012 report by the California Legislative Analyst's Office, Proposition 29 would generate approximately $735 million a year in new tax revenues. The labor union SEIU is a major supporter of this measure and supported the previous two measures. California voters will decide whether they want to ban flavored tobacco products under Proposition 31. However, if trained nephrologists are present during treatment, these patients could receive improved quality of care. The exception lasts for one year. Medi-Cal. School districts | For example, the additional cost could cause some clinics to operate at a loss, or at a greater loss than previously. The Los Angeles Times editorial board determines the positions of The Times as an institution. Even though abortion is legal in California, Prop. The previous two efforts to regulate dialysis clinics failed, so what is different this time around? This means the kidneys no longer work well enough for the person to live without a kidney transplant or ongoing treatment called dialysis. Conditional voter registration is available beginning 14 days before an election through Election Day. Californias shortage of medical professionals would also pose challenges for implementing the on-site medical staffing requirement in Prop. Should dialysis clinics be forced to close as a result of increased operating costs, vulnerable patients could lose access to life-saving treatments, sending them to emergency rooms to receive necessary procedures. State approval of clinic closures would protect rural communities from losing access to needed dialysis services. The proposition is also partially an effort by the Service Employee International Union to introduce state regulation of dialysis clinics through the ballot box. An individual who is in line at the time polls close must be allowed to vote. ew /span>. We estimate that clinics have total revenues of around $3.5billion each year (annually) from their operations in California. margin-bottom: 10px; Ballotpedia lists the positions of and excerpts from editorials supporting or opposing ballot measures from the editorial boards of certain media outlets. Opponents assert, Missing even a single dialysis treatment increases patients risk of death by 30%. Dialysis centers are already subject to substantial state and federal oversight and are thus quite safe. The treatment involves pumping a solution into the abdomen. While our example was specifically drawn from a home in Los Angeles, a similar story is likely to play out in other areas of California. Thats because the added cost of hiring unnecessary staff, which is estimated at several hundreds of thousands of dollars per year for each clinic, could force some centers to close or reduce hours. *The 2022 CalMatters Voter Guide is sponsored by the California State Library. Supporters claim that the industry makes billions of dollars each year, but does not reinvest those profits into patient care. requiring clinics to obtain the CDPH's written consent before closing or substantially reducing services to patients. Read more endorsements at: David Miller, research director of SEIU-UHW, said, "Theres just so much improvement that can be made, and theres plenty of resources in the industry to make those improvements. If less than 95 percent are estimated to be valid, the initiative does not make the ballot. 29 would also prohibit clinics from refusing patient care based on the patients form of payment, whether the patient is an individual payer or whether the patients health insurer is Medi-Cal or Medicare. ABC7 is breaking down all of the propositions Californians are voting on this Election Day. Proposition 29 requires each clinic to have, at its expense, at least one physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant on-site during all the hours patients receive treatments at that clinic. Prop 29 Explained - November 8 Election . Charges Penalties if Dialysis Clinics Do Not Report Required Information. Life is stressful. Under federal rules, the physician must visit the patient during dialysis treatment at the clinic at least once per month. Its an assertion they cant back up with evidence. U.S. Congress | Peritoneal dialysis: Surgeons insert a catheter into the lining of a person's abdomen. When an insured person develops kidney failure, that person can usually transition to Medicare coverage. Instead, this measure would increase the cost of care to the detriment of patients. Proposition 29 would have enacted staffing requirements, reporting requirements, ownership disclosure, and closing requirements for chronic dialysis clinics, including:[1], The ballot initiative would have also prohibited clinics from refusing to care for a patient based on the patient's form of payment, whether the patient was an individual payer, the patient's health insurer, Medi-Cal, Medicaid, or Medicare. nurse practitioner or physician assistant be on site during treatment. Letters to the Editor: Rethinking L.A.'s flood control systems to store water, not flush it away, Letters to the Editor: Crushing student loan debt is a problem for seniors too, Op-Ed: If you bank with the Big 4, your money has an alarming carbon footprint, Im afraid for her life: Riverside CC womens coach harassed after Title IX suit, Want to solve climate change? } Stop Yet Another Dangerous Dialysis Proposition For immediate release: November 8, 2022 Contact: Kathy Fairbanks (916) 813-1010 Once again California voters reject shameful attack on dialysis patients by one. !function(){"use strict";window.addEventListener("message",(function(e){if(void 0!["datawrapper-height"]){var t=document.querySelectorAll("iframe");for(var a in["datawrapper-height"])for(var r=0;r .sbtotaltable { Provide the CDPH with a list of physicians who have an ownership interest of 5% or more in the clinic. A few hours after the solution has been pumped into the abdomen, the catheter is reopened to allow the solution to drain. Currently, California relies primarily on federal regulations as the basis for its licensing program. On November 3, 2020, 58.63% of voters in California voted in favor of Prop 22 and the law went into effect in mid-December of 2020. . Requires Each Dialysis Clinic to Have a Physician, Nurse Practitioner, or Physician Assistant On-Site During All Treatment Hours. A NO vote on this measure means: Chronic dialysis clinics would not be required to have a physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant on-site during all patient treatment hours. requiring clinics to have at least one physician, nurse practitioner, or physician assistant - with at least six months of experience with end-stage renal disease care - onsite during patient treatments; requiring clinics to report dialysis-related infections to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH); requiring clinics to provide patients with a list of physicians with an ownership interest of 5% or more in the clinic; requiring clinics to provide the CDPH with a list of persons with ownership interest of 5% or more in the clinic; and. Proposition 29 Increases Costs for Dialysis Clinics. The site Voter Status, run by the California Secretary of State's office, allows residents to check their voter registration status online. Note: supporters of the measure have not said whether or not they will put a fourth measure on the 2024 ballot if this measure fails. Obtain the CDPHs written consent before closing or substantially reducing services to patients. Report dialysis-related infections to the California Department of Public Health (CDPH). It would also require increased disclosure of clinic ownership and dialysis-related infections. The measure has a number of needless provisions, such as requiring infections to be reported to the state, though these data are being reported to the federal government now, and prohibiting dialysis centers from discriminating due to payer source, which even the proponents say is not a problem now. width: 50%; Prop. The opponents say Proposition 29 would probably hurt patients more than help. Opponents of Proposition D argue that it would make our housing crisis worse by increasing the income qualifications for "affordable housing," meaning it will cost more to rent or own "affordable" units than market rate a one bedroom apartment costing nearly $4,000 a month would be considered "affordable housing", whereas today's market rate is $3,095 per month. font-size:1.2em; Most people with kidney failure receive dialysis at chronic dialysis clinics (clinics), although some may receive dialysis at hospitals or in their own homes. [12], For these people, Medicare covers most of the payment for dialysis as the main payer and Medi-Cal covers the rest. Cross Lunch Off Your List, Lunch Bunch delivers nutritious, creative and fun to eat meals for kids aged 3-10. . How to run for office | Business regulation CA Scandal-Makers & Movie-Makers Shape 2022's Most Popular Baby Names Proposition 29 imposes new regulatory responsibilities on CDPH. The measure would have required a doctor, nurse practitioner or physicians' assistant to be present during treatment at the state's 600 outpatient dialysis facilities. Any penalties collected would be used by CDPH to implement and enforce laws concerning clinics. 29 would increase the cost of providing dialysis services, and force some dialysis centers to shut down and others to reduce hours, thereby reducing access to this lifesaving treatment. Revenues go toward K-12 schools, California Community Colleges, and healthcare. "[5], Requires on-site Licensed Medical Professional at Kidney Dialysis Clinics and Establishes Other State Requirements. Examples of photo identification include, but are not limited to, the following documents: driver's license or identification card of any state; identification card provided by a commercial establishment; Any of the following documents, provided that the document includes the name and address of the individual presenting it, and is dated since the date of the last general election: document issued by a governmental agency; sample ballot or other official elections document issued by a governmental, agency dated for the election in which the individual is providing it as proof, of residency or identity; voter notification card issued by a governmental agency; public housing identification card issued by a governmental agency; lease or rental statement or agreement issued by a governmental agency; student identification card issued by a governmental agency; tuition statement or bill issued by a governmental agency; insurance plan card or drug discount card issued by a governmental agency; discharge certificates, pardons, or other official documents issued to the individual by a governmen- tal agency in connection with the resolution of a criminal case, indictment, sentence, or other matter; public transportation authority senior citizen and disabled discount cards issued by a governmental agency; identification documents issued by governmental disability agencies; identification documents issued by government homeless shelters and other government temporary or transitional facilities; drug prescription issued by a government doctor or other governmental health care provider; (R) property tax statement issued by a governmental agency; vehicle registration issued by a governmental agency; or. Requires clinics to disclose to patients all physicians with clinic ownership interests of five percent or more. Run/Walk for WeSPARK 5k/10k . 29 is being led by Californians for Kidney Dialysis Patient Protection. margin-top: 10px !important; | California has implemented an online voter registration system. If federal data is insufficiently timely or complete, health advocates purposes would seem better served by working with the CDC to improve that data rather than imposing a second collection system in just one state un Prop. The word count for the ballot summary is 84. CDPH must post each clinics infection information on the CDPH website, including the name of the clinics owner or operator. The California state government, the states two public university systems, and many local governments in California provide group health insurance coverage for their current workers, eligible retired workers, and their families. For the Third Time in a Row, Voters Soundly Reject Prop 29 - the Dangerous Dialysis Proposition. .split-cols-bm { Despite overwhelmingly being rejected by voters twice in the last two election cycles, SEIU-UHW is back a third time with Prop 29 that puts patients' lives at risk. Under the proposition, state Medi-Cal costs, and state and local employee and retiree health insurance costs, could increase due to: Owners and operators negotiating higher payment rates. .ballot-measure-endorsements ul { Summary of General Obligation BondsElection Results 1986 to Present (Excel File). -moz-columns: 1; Dialysis, a treatment that removes waste and chemicals from the bloodstream, is administered to people whose kidneys no longer function properly. For a third straight election, California voters are being asked to decide on a measure to regulate dialysis clinics across the state. California Department of Public Health (CDPH) Licenses and Certifies Dialysis Clinics. KCBS Interviews Ray Durazo and Tom Del Beccaro: Ray Durazo is the former American Heart Association Western States Affiliate Board President and currently serves as California Advocacy Task Force Chair. Previous SEIU-sponsored measures in 2018 and 2020 were defeated by large margins. [5] Ana B. Ibarra, A Heavy Burden: Should Dialysis Rules Be up to Voters?, Cal Matters, October 14, 2020, fx vd. Addressing the nephrology workforce shortage via a novel undergraduate pipeline program: the Kidney Disease Screening and Awareness Program (KDSAP) at 10 years,,, May 13, 2012 / 4:53 PM Proposition 29 requires clinics to report dialysis-related infection information to CDPH every three months. The SEUI-UHW says the 9-1-1 service calls from dialysis centers suggest the need for more staff, though they offer no data that the volume is higher than might be expected given that dialysis patients often have other serious health conditions. .split-cols-bm { Prohibits clinics from closing or substantially reducing services without state approval. [35], To vote in California, an individual must be a U.S. citizen and California resident. Sean Fleming and Jonathan Everhart filed the ballot initiative on August 24, 2021. California voters will decide the fate of seven statewide propositions on Nov. 8. Proponents of Prop. It allows CDPH to base its decision on such information as the clinics financial resources and the clinics plan for making sure patients have uninterrupted dialysis care. SAN FRANCISCO (KCBS) One of the hot button issues heading into the June Presidential Primary Election is Proposition 29, the Tobacco Tax for Cancer Research Act. [6] Prop. State and national dialysis organizations, some local medical groups, and major dialysis corporations including DaVita and Fresenius. Improved transparency and accessibility of information can help patients make informed decisions for their care. Sacramento Today, the No on 29 coalition launched a new ad featuring doctors and patients urging the SEIU-UHW union to stop harming dialysis patients by funding dangerous ballot measures that put dialysis patient lives at risk. Property inherited after Prop 19 would have a $7k tax billa whooping 736 percent increase. The free college has both its own pros and cons so make the decision wisely! Proposition requires CDPH to implement and administer the Proposition requires CDPH to adjust annual... Their operations in California clinics from closing or substantially reducing services to.. 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