Cut to the next morning. Acquaintance was a 17-year-old male getting a physical from a female doctor. It happens, she just handles it and then moves on. I would guess that happens all the time it is one of my greatest fears too. I should have anyway. What happens if you take ketamine frequently? ", "I was able to wake him and the ambulance took over from there. It turns out that if I had waited another 4 hours, I wouldve lost my testicle completely. 1.36M subscribers Subscribe 121K views 2 years ago #menshealth #menshealth. We went in with cystoscopy to take a look and potentially remove it in office with no sedation. When I realized what I was doing, I quickly peeled my face away and apologized frantically. My problem is not so much getting an erection, but my problem is everytime I have a phisical exam I start leaking the clear liquid like when you about to have sex. It was the most fun I've ever had at the lady doctor. I'm a male nurse. ", "So I just stared at him. Participant. I fall onto the floor and call my moms name. The testicle toss was coming up. I had to be stripped down so they could make sure I was okay. You may also need a prostate exam, which is when your doctor places a gloved finger in the rectum to check for abnormalities in the prostate. I remember them saying we arent getting any return. I treat all types of cases from genital, cancer, urinary, stone and incontinence. Also, many thanks for permitting me to comment! For this reason, no movie, TV show, or book, no matter how scary they are, can never equal being scared in real life. ", "It was the worst carnival ride ever. First try to consider that most of her day is . "- EdithWhartonsFarts, "When I was probably around 7 or 8 I had an overwhelming fear of being kidnapped to the point where Id duck down in the backseat of the car so that anyone passing us wouldnt see me. You have to starve them out. They are one of the most common stones in precious gemstones, and yet -- thanks to De Beers Corporation marketing them for the last century and gaining a monopoly world wide on their mining, they are super high priced. Brought here against my will and then have to work my a** off to just keep my head a little above the water. What do you even need a urologist for? ", "Turns out I had just witnessed one of the biggest non-nuclear explosions to have been recorded. Milk (breast or formula) is the only option, and the companies know that so they know they can charge a premium and still sell their product. ", "Yeah, a visit to the ER doesn't cost me a cent and my meds are very affordable, but the optometrist and the dentist still cost me a lot, even if they're partially covered by insurance and the parts that aren't covered can be deducted from my income tax. Like could you ask?! They will do whatever they can to make the exam more comfortable for the patient. Theres a powerful story behind every headline at Ohio State Health & Discovery. ", "After I let go, her hand was white as paper. What do you even need a urologist for? Digital Rectal Exam (DRE) I took some ibuprofen, sucked it up, and kept playing. ", "I looked at him and the look in his eyes was terrifying. ", "I told him, 'my mom is waiting, I have to go now'. When I was younger, I went to the doctor, and Im not sure why, but he had to see my dick for some reason. ", "Everybody does it and its so ignorant! A related discussion, erections at doctors was started. ", "Killed over 200 people, 7,000 injured, and 300,000 left homeless. First off, for those who dont know what a diva cup is, its a reusable silicone cup you put in your vagina while menstruating. ", "I asked if they were ok and my neighbor called the ambulance/police. ", "I wouldn't call it a moment because it was a whole night. ", "Including eyes and teeth, for those out there who (like me) aren't American. Isnt that the only place where good news mightmean theyre going to cut you open? One of the hardest things in the world is being able to afford life's necessities. come in, and the doctor flips my scrubs to reveal the goods. Its just normal,if its really embrassing you then take a ketoconazole injection. Rena Malik, M.D. When I was 18 I had a lump on one of my testicles. I get ZERO jollies from it. I can understand why you would feel uncomfortable, because in your mind you probably see a picture that is not reality. ", "I was looking straight ahead when I felt a huge pain in my ear. As for ejaculating during a physical, it's not that it is not normal, as of course a constant stimulation would cause this to happen, but it is very unusual as the doctor should not continue examining on a erection. Mom explains the situation, as Im borderline delusional. As a sexual health specialist, I see erectile dysfunction, low testosterone and male infertility. As finding yourself, or worse your family, in a dangerous and/or life-threatening situation is an experience so terrifying, it genuinely defies description. ", "I was so scared that I hold my mom's hand and didn't let go until we passed them. Embarrassing erections during physical exam? Teenager comes in, thinks he might be sterile. Like, this is serious business Im going to stab someone so they can feel my agony type pain. ", "Electricity. That doesn't mean they're immune to the sorts of embarrassing moments that happen to us all. It is understandable if u face such problem when it comes to female doctors, by the way, if u see a nurse helping the doctor, you can surely ask the doctor that u r not comfortable. So her dress was obviously something that she put a lot of thought and care into). Had a great conversation with the doc. "A few years back I decided that I should get a vasectomy. Like I didn't want to be vulnerable in the first place with you and now I feel like I have to be appreciative for your fake a*s empathy.". This includes the standard examination of your organ function and is overall, non-invasive. Every human body is different and reacts to sensations in different ways. ", "But one time they stopped us and we lay on the ground for almost 30 minutes. It's common in some men. Urologists look at patients genitals all day, so we have seen it all. ", "I then screamed to alert mother and sister (my father was at work) and then all hell broke loose. For them, though, a lot of those moments are totally commonplace. We measured it, she had good distance. Let us know in the comments below. The content of this video is my personal opinion and not that of my employer(s). Very embarrassing, since the doc is a personal - Answered by a verified Urologist . Come back EVERY MONDAY for a NEW videoBuy your very own Take Care of Yourself water bottle or coffee mug: by Ben Precup this video with a friend: Introduction0:14 Why do you even need to go see a urologist?1:12 Basic Physical Examination1:52 Digital Rectal Exam2:20 Final talk about your visit2:50 End Card ------------------------------------------------------ Check out these Playlists: Penis Problems?! Surprisingly, not a lot of actual medical professionals spoke up at first. I was about 12-years-old, showing up for my routine physical. 212-241-7640. For many men, a visit to the urologist conjures dread. ", "And out of 5 people, at least 3 of them were wanted by the police . But then when we would be out together at dinner he would be messaging on his phone right in front of me, replying to his mates group chat. If anyone is going to be giving me an exam down there, then I might as well make it worth her while. An assistant nurse was also standing beside the doctor and she also was a female and she saw my erect penis. ", "But there was a control thing on the highway and they were almost gonna stop us. Is a urology examination embarrassing? I felt embarrassed and nervous during the examination procedure. Take a look at what happens in the Ohio State hospital blood bank, where technologists take critical steps to ensure patients stay safe during blood transfusions. What's going on now is unacceptable. So as part of their heres how to make this suck less packet, the hospital includes pretty specific instructions to drink three bottles of water an hour before your appointment, without going to the bathroom, so that they can tell which fleshy sack of muscle is your bladder and which is your uterus. So, I went to the imaging center, did the paperwork, went into the room, and sat on the table. ", "I rolled him to his back and used the weight of his head to put pressure on the wound. At a gyno appointment when I was 19, I was all situated on the table with my legs up, fully exposed. They get to the ER, he drops his pants, and the doctor goes, Welp. "- Midnite_St0rm, "My Sis in the car with me, I was driving. Where I am from, if you tell someone you want to meet up again you actually mean it. ", "Then his friend came over and joined him, asked what he was doing. It was about to begin. We go downstairs, and I take more pills, and she consoles me like a mother should. ", "I start to crawl my way out of the first space of the two carts but I realize I don't have time so I lay there contemplating whether I can crawl in-between the wheels of the length of the cart. I was rushed into the hospital. ", "Finally my order was placed on the counter and I took the bag. Like the science and discovery news you find here? ", "Anything mental health related, really. Caw!". The doctor makes me stay naked during the whole exam. (718) 502-8164. ", "If living was cheap, everybody would do it.". Worse if other people are trying to have a conversation. The number of people I see holding their phone out in front of their face while they yell into it is annoying. I am fellowship-trained MD Urologist in active practice. ", "The second one is when we were out of the car and running to the border with two smugglers leading us. I was working a rehab unit one time and had to give a younger gentleman a suppository due to no bowel movement for 4 days. Curious to know what some of those things are, Redditor dentistani asked: "Face timing in public. He turned his head and did his best crow imitation: "Caw! One patient called a took the "just bring it in, hand deliver it!" Is a urology examination embarrassing? We tell him to go home and bring us back a sample. Unfortunately, nothing can stop the same things from happening to you in broad daylight. ", "I don't understand how something whose patent was given away for dirt can become so expensive. She said it's common, but I was totally embarrassed. Yes, its really embarrassing, but its just part of the male system, if the urologist couldnt handle it they wouldn't be in the biz Hi i get erections all the time especially around girls so what should i do? "She said it's common" I went in for a prostate exam, and when the doctor was performing it, I ejaculated. Redditors know this to be true and are ready to share what some of those vital things are. All Rights Reserved. Gynecologists, proctologists, and urologists, what's the most awkward thing that's happened to you with a patient? ", "For children old enough for solid food, its possible to choose budget-friendly options just like for adults food, but theres no alternative for little infants. She said its common, but I was totally embarrassed. I went in to my normal family doctor to check it out, and he said we needed to get an ultrasound on it to make sure it wasnt cancer. A stethoscope is used to listen to different areas of your body such as your lungs and heart. Great way to start a career of phallic disappointment. 647 satisfied customers. Want more real stories from the interwebs? When the filling of the bladder came to a point where I became uncomfortable, I was instructed to try and urinate. She did that thing that doctors do when they put their hands down your pants, cup your sack and tell you to cough. But wait heres the best part: its an intravaginal ultrasound. I have asked for another doctor but they say he is the only one that can do the physical. We talked about vacations, homebrew, cars, etc. Then the tech would come back and knock to see if you're ready. ", "Again, I was so scared I couldn't move, couldn't react. Nice young Dr/Nurse welcomes me to the Royal Berks and nods saying he knows this is embarrassing before sticking a glove on and his hand up my arse wiggling his fingers and asking which side. ", "My last memory was the older nurse in the room yelling 'Nooooo!' The Mount Sinai Hospital. directions too literally and tried to shove a handful of semen through the office window. Even Stephen King couldn't come up with material this terrifying. The latest from Ohio State Health & Discovery delivered right to your inbox. This is unacceptable and needs to stop. ", "He was pointing to a wooded area to the side of the park. to Pee With Chlamydia? These both really offend me. Ohio State Health & Discovery brings this expertise together to deliver todays most important health news and the deeper story behind the most powerful topics that affect the health of people, animals, society and the world. ", "Fruits. I wish I had told the patients at the time that these comments are not appreciated. #menshealth #menvisittheurologistA urologist describes and explains what YOU, as a man, can expect at a visit to your urologist. Observation: Note if there are any bulges or scars in the inguinal region, consistent with current or past hernias. Learn what causes dormant butt and how to prevent it. It was a remarkably wet entrance into the world for my son. I was freaking out when the doctor walked in, so the nice nurse came in to help comfort me. ", "I didn't know what to do so I stared at him and he chuckled at me, all the time holding me by the wrist. 0.8 mi. This leads to families trying to stretch their supply of formula in unhealthy ways like watering it down (babies cant regulate their electrolytes well, it can be very harmful) or adding fillers like rice (doesnt have the required nutrition, again babies that young cant adapt to macro/micronutrient imbalances the same way older children can)", "I agree! I also have a female doctor. I wish I had felt comfortable enough to approach her and tell her she deserved better. After a couple minutes of waiting, in comes the nurse. But the one below his navel has a mind of its own, And there's no telling when it is going to pop-up and say, "How! It seems that just being naked in front of anyone else besides my wife gets the liquid flowing! They saw meconium (first baby poop) in the amniotic fluid, so they started flushing me out. He touches them for just a brief second, takes a step back, and exclaims Wow! Skip a couple minutes forward, Ive got my legs in the stirrups and the duck-billed instrument inside of me, and he is starting to realize that I may have actually gotten it stuck. ", "He was suffering a full cardiac arrest. I looked at her with my jaw dropped and it clicked a few seconds later that she was talking about the difficulty of opening the tool, and not my vagina. It all started when Redditor vashisthaa asked: "Caviar. She even took extra time in explaining and showing me how to perform self exams, and I never had any feelings that "something embarrassing" was about to happen. "- foxfaced95, "I once was at a bus station in the morning, waiting for the bus that would take me to University. Some men are extermley sensitive to bodily touches, others are not. A friend of a friend went to jump over a metal fence and slipped. I learned it the hard way when I took people for their word and tried to arrange a meet up but they'd ignore me. ", "(I was about 13 at the time) Then, the ground started shaking. Patient wasn't all the way under and while I was helping the surgeon, we heard coughing and what sounded like water falling. wiggyann. Very tiny needles are used in this procedure that are placed into the tumor. Having said that, plenty of patients were willing to talk about their own mortifying experiences. So, the first available doctor is a man in his 50s, Id guess. Being examined by a urologist is embarrassing enough. His head and did his best crow imitation: `` face timing in public at State! Witnessed one of my testicles to your urologist this terrifying about 12-years-old, up. Care into ) n't call it a moment because it was a whole night me comment! 30 minutes the best part: its an intravaginal ultrasound `` After I let until! Discovery delivered right to your urologist even Stephen King could n't move, could n't,. All types of cases from genital, cancer, urinary, stone incontinence! 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