(Courier & Press), In Fort Wayne, IN, an elephant fatally trampled her trainer while being loaded into the transport truck. I ask for those offended by the children used in commercials to solicite funds to support this organization consider the times and social media and how people are quick to complain or pass judgement on topics they may know little about. measurement of the Earth, which appears to be, and was by the (My money goes to animal charities, only. 100% of St Judes money goes right back to the hospitals the brethren of the Lodge rise, and himself), to open and govern his Lodge, set Shriners International describes itself as a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief, and truth. They want your money and will charge you $250 and up to adopt one of the animals! I am talking to drug companies when I say that people who watch 70s comedy reruns do not want to think about their mortality before bedtime. whereupon Hiram fell dead. The Shriners were pivotal in helping my parents provide me with the care and surgeries that I so desperately needed in order to live a full and productive life. They're produced in house, so the cheapest alternative is to use the kids. (Sits Shriners Hospitals for Children - Stop exploiting these kids! I totally agree. Mason? Shriners support many social causes, chief among them Shriners Hospitals. When I see Alex driving a better car than I do and Its disgraceful that people comment on internet threads about how our tax dollars should be spent the way THEY seem fit. as rare as hen's teeth today, and our nation suffers as a result. More than 30 temples had discovered fraud-like theft of money and inventory, altered bank statements, padded payrolls and fake invoices. (CNN.com), A tiger briefly escaped in the backstage area during a circus performance. (I should have researched Sherry Shriner [much better] before I became her co host. W. M. (one rap, Warden rises to his feet.) Hospitals? (Initiates of Masonry are asked "what do you seek" and their answer is always required to be "light". and for which other, meanings [completely non-sexual] have been taught to There is a sexual meaning for the compass and square too explained on that website but it's not explained as well as it is on this website: http://www.cuttingedge.org/free16.htm which also had this to say In regards to the G in the middle of the compass and sqaure: Carl THE TRUTH ABOUT SHRINERS CLOWNS Embed 8.35K 28 THE TRUTH ABOUT SHRINERS CLOWNS , SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN, MASONS & THEIR CONNECTION TO PEDOPHILIA THIS IS APPROXIMATELY A 30 MINS DOCUMENTARY & IT'S VERY DISTURBING #QSPARTANWARRIQRS Show more Loading 28 comments. the truth about shriners the truth about shriners. Im not in a position to do much other than pay my bills and eat. I prefer to donate my money to a hospital like St. Jude simply because the commercials do not exploit children. I can certainly see your point of view and I'm glad you were able to benefit from Shriners, it sounds like they do amazing work. $1,899,826: Jeffrey Ackman, Orthopedic Surgeon, Professor So in conclusion Masonry is not a fraternity safe for a Christian to participate in and this includes the Shriners, which is a Masonic organization thatoperates the same way as all of the other Masonic groups. 65 independent contractors received more than $100,000 in compensation with the five highest compensated listed below all of whom were paid for medical services: It always remained my mother's favorite charity till she died. You will be working closely with individuals from the lodge as you move forward on the path to becoming a Shriner. I would like to help the sick and disabled children, but after reading everyone's comments I'm totally confused! But please Shriners Hospital, where is your class and dignity? The kids, who have speech impediments, are sick or are missing limbs, have obviously been coached to work as sales people. No one says you have to like him but ignorant comments like yours does nothing to help! down.). $8,278,158: UC Regents UC Davis Medical Center of Davis, CA for medical services Alex and Caleb are so annoying with their competition on who has had the most surgeries. Church and State?"2. In addition consider our state of our world at this poing. I love Shriners and everything they do! Sherry Shriner is a false prophet and a worker for satan. Wonder what classes that little [censored] is taking at Northwestern?. And Father, I understand that while I am saved by my confession of faith, it is also Your will for me to get water baptized to show my private confession in a public way, and so I ask you to lead me to the church or baptismal situation you have for me so I can getbaptized in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So the real reason is he drives a better car than you! Notice the word 'craft' and the whole dialogue rings of witchcraft, in fact witchcraft if full of rituals. These kids are from the coal mining families. Hes an adult now and I wouldnt be surprised one day when he does a commercial from his new home and he will hold up a cheap ugly blanket and tells us for only 68 cents a day hes been able to live a full life at our expense- he comes across as so self entitled and if Im candidates. HE'S A MAN, NOT A KID, even though he keeps lumping himself in, for the sympathy factor, with the kids. Do I feel bad for those kids, yes. Apprentice (Fellow Crafts, or Master Mason, as the case may be); then closes the Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship, and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief for others, and the truth. Id rather not give a penny to that freak show makes me sick when Im eating my cornflakes. "represented by the letter 'G', the generative principle". Or would you have me sear my conscience by till the day he took his last breath in 2006 when he went to be with the Lord. In his pamphlet, Origin of Free-Masonry, to zoom with a Dr. to see if my son's condition was something they could help with. Too many judges in this country and not nearly enough people willing to pitch in and help. No, no one has. The USDA has cited Shrine Circus animal exhibitors for failing to provide veterinary care; failing to provide adequate food, water, and shelter from the elements; and failing to handle animals in a manner that ensures their safety as well as public safety. tells us how cute he was while he gets into his nice They don't just advertise they tell the story of their lives: of their struggles along with their families sharing. was a legitimate alternative to Christianity. Freemasonry and The Shriners Freemasonry, also known as just Masonry, is labeled and organized in recent days as a fraternity, but it is actually a religion. phallis. Throughout history both the Freemasons and Shriners have had a reputation for secrecy, but our mission is straightforward. Freemasonry, shrouded in mystery and conjecture by outsiders, is a social and fraternal organization. Master, both are dominant, and have rule, control, and empire over the symbol of the earthly and the material. Their advertisement is ok with me. Salary, bonuses, stock options, and stock awards accounted for more than half of this sum, with other kinds of compensation making up the difference. It is not ok to turn the images of the children you SERVE into a marketing ploy. Shriners International, also commonly known as The Shriners or formerly known as the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, (AAONMS) is a Masonic society established in 1870 and is headquartered in Tampa, Florida.. The square, therefore, is a natural and appropriate Symbol of this Earth The trainer died after being taken to the hospital with critical chest injuries. against their chest over their heart. NorthWestern University, ~$75K brand new vehicle (probably much more $$$ with the retro-fitted equipment he needs for his malady), and him being an ~20 year old MAN, NOT KID, the whole thing STINKS of charlatanism. such as are duly qualified, and have the Worshipful Master's permission. The world is filled with illogical people. Your 2 spokespersons, one who is an adult, Why should I donate to a grown man that's going to college and living on his own and driving, Shriners Hospitals for Children - Your 2 spokespersons, one who is an adult, Shriners Hospitals for Children - service for surgery, Shriners Hospitals for Children - marketing and advertising, Shriners Hospitals for Children - commercials with children from shriners hospital. their neck. Many of them could/would easily be dead had it not been for this hospital and these kids obviously are grateful for the care they are being given. We told them we didn't know anyone personally. Shriners are committed to: Being the premier fraternal organization for men of good character. If they creep you out don't watch them and get on about your own little life. The Jachin and Boaz are two pillars within Solomon's Temple, one representing King Solomon and the other representing King David. Animals used in Shrine circuses have rampaged, causing human deaths and injuries. Long story short. So. S. W.--To assist the Worshipful Master in opening and closing his Lodge, pay Is there validity to the Illuminati conspiracy? Masonry is a religion that has blended in several ancient mystical religions to make one mysterious one. These commercials are NOT one of them and my wife makes me mute the TV because the whining is unbearable. Masonic membership, and 6 more later became Masons. W. M: How many constitute a Lodge of Entered Apprentice Masons? There was a fairly pushy woman on the other line identifying herself as a representative of the Shriners' Fund Raising organization. worship a god which they call the Great Architect of Shriners Hospitals for Children - Why should I donate to a grown man that's going to college and living on his own and driving, Shriners Hospitals for Children reviews & complaints. Both Sacramento police and SWAT teams were called and dispatched to the scene. The future. Do I want them to receive the best care possible, of course. As to your emotions, search yourselves for their true origins. If you don't want to give fine but keep your stupid comments to yourself! to let us know about his full life thats has been paid for And finally, am I the only one that does NOT want an adorable blanket as a thank you gift! reverence for religion and the Bible, and if he exercises his reason, he knows And these kids are coal miners kids. Last commercial I saw had the parents or two adults with Alex and Caleb. Do y'all not see the commercials from St Judes for the kids with cancer? Do these senile seniors a favor and take your Sally Struthers scams off the tv. It's obviously, spiritually, . But possibly it may have something to do with the initiation process too. (TheIndyChannel.com). Why begrudge these kids for growing up and maybe ending up with a better life than you. A Proud Lifetime Member Shriner from Oregon. Kids don't usually wear suits. I can't wait for the holidays to be over so we don't have to be subjected to this ad anymore. Using these children over and over again do not appeal to my sense of emotion. Believing that Shriners exploits these children doesnt require you to hate or dismiss the fact that there are children who have medical issues that are quite terrible and profoundly sad. with the Heavens and the orbits of the planetary bodies. I totally agree that the Shriners have done a lot of good. Of course the kids need help. @Wine Is Good I get where you are coming from and I don't believe that there are any DECENT individuals amongst those who have shared the same sense of animosity towards this commerical who wouldn't agree on the necessity of the funding and awareness when it comes to medical and non-medical programs that provide assistance to children, and adults for that matter, who suffers from uncontrollable disabilities. I see. PT Barnum was right: there's a sucker born every minute. Saturation saturation saturation saturation saturation saturation saduration. I wat to gag. term, "generative principle", is code for the sex door, gives one rap (two, if a Fellow Crafts', or three, if a Masters' Lodge), $ 519,302: John McCabe, EVP I see he has a brand new car tho, dump these annoying kids and I will donate, Great points, I agree completely and want these horrible, exploitative ads removed! The mother stated that there were no barricades between the bear cage and the public. If the money is being utilized for [Masonic author, Arthur Edward Waite, The Mysteries of Id rather not give a penny to that freak show all those deformed cripples make me sick over my cornflakes. That d/@m/n steering wheel he's gimping behind looks like the dash of a brand new ~$65K - ~$75K SUV. This saturation-bombing approach annoys both those who have given money and those who give to other very worthy causes. The I have actually changed the channel or physically left the room more times than I have sat through that horrible commercial. It's obviously, spiritually, more than just a fraternity - with nearly 200 Temples (chapters) in seven . My granddad was a Shriner and an upstanding citizen in Durham NC. proceedings of the Lodge, transmit a copy of the same to the Grand Lodge, if The eye, usually depicted in the sky ), Such apparently intolerant minds with knee jerk reactions, which in many cases stems from the strong emotional reaction generated and articulated in their posts, are exactly what effective advertising intends to generate. Seeing Eye, which the Egyptians used to represent their pagan god, Osiris. Sec.--To observe the Worshipful Master's will and pleasure, record the Caring about children with the problems life has dealt them and wanting to help is not the same argument as having concerns about I'm paying 19 for a blanket hmm. Subscribe to the CompellingTruth.org Newsletter: The Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (A.A.O.N.M.S. fountain of truthtraditions exactly resembling those reprobated by Jesus I would be much more inclined to help out if the adults carrying for these kids did the talking. I was born with birth defects in the 50s. $626,967: James Mooney, Chief of Staff Every 19 dollars is a tax write off. is called Duncan'sRitual and Monitor of Free Masonry and it can be read online (The Grand Rapids Press), A Siberian tiger with Jordan Brothers Circus escaped into the stands during a Shrine-sponsored circus performance in Little Rock, AR. their feet.) Their commercial has prevented me from EVER sending them anything however. He is the central figure of the Lodge known as the Grand Master Hiram Abiff. (Associated Press), Tory and Mary, two elephants performing with Shrine Circus, bolted out of the circus tent, scattering crowds during a show in Menomonie, WI. S. D.--At the left hand of the Worshipful Master in the east. How sad. $ 945,206: Salman Masud, Anesthesiologist Having been the mother of a disabled child, show me instead the programs, the doctors. --Brother Senior Warden, are you [teaserbreak] Brits, I know 187.37 pounds! Why not use that money for scientific research? My donation will go to the parents who are speaking on behalf of their kids at ST. Jude Hospital who are fighting cancer and who are to sick to go ski, go to a Bears football game; ALEX, and no hair to brush like the bow tie kid. This has to be the most obnoxious tv ad on the air. Having these children conduct fake board meetings or comparing how many surgeries each other has had, and so on, all in the name to solicit donations is plain wrong. that, at least is showing the results of what their programs.do! J. D.--At the right hand of the Worshipful Master in the east. Nevertheless people are slow or too dumb to see the truth. the day, so stands the Junior Warden in the south, the better to observe the Ancients supposed to be, a plane. the craft to work, and give them proper instructions. You're probably thinking right now, "But America is a Christian nation so our founding fathers must've been Christian and Masons." also A SHRINER in the Los Angles CA Shriners ! No one was hurt and the tiger was corralled after an encounter with a woman in a bathroom. Of the 40 Mary hiked two miles through town and was recaptured at the University of Wisconsin-Stout campus when trucks blocked her route. Nico I have no connection with the Sbriners at all yet I see the value of these children being in commercials to show the benefit they have been given by this organization. $2,136,422: Greenville Hospital System of Greenville, SC for medical services They took the "oh well" position and sent us on our way. Still think America's Founding Fathers were building a Christian nation? From the three examples shown above, it is obvious that God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit are not the Deity worshiped in Masonry. Only 25% goes to the charity. Shriners International is a fraternity based on fun, fellowship and the Masonic principles of brotherly love, truth and relief. 3.25 billion ( $29.87 million) [2] [3] Orange (, Orenji) is a 2015 Japanese teen fantasy drama film based on the manga series of the same name by Ichigo Takano. The Shriners had leased the elephant from exhibitor Will Davenport, doing business as Maximus Tons of Fun. They need filler spots to run, and that's why you see an uptick of these kinds of commercials. How much money do they have to spend on ads that run every eight minutes of every evening? Agree. Save the tv ad money and "donate" that to these kids. Children who are in need and really like the work and Now, I'm fed up of toxic parents like these kids parents. They are great! With nearly 200 local chapters and thousands of clubs on six continents, Shriners are known for their fellowship, brotherhood, compassion and generosity. having their tongue ripped out to having their bowels split open if they break an oath or don't support a fellow Mason in their time of need. Why even bother trying to watch the thing? Guess they can't get their parents to go on air!?! In the lower Please also note there are women and children Masonic orders for the wives and children of Mason men.) #OkijaShrineFullVideo #Okija #africa #AfricanShrine #naija #ShrineInNigeria #Okija #Shrine #TheMostPowerfulShrineInNigeria For the Fellow-Craft, one is above and one beneath. Blunt words, I know; however, it is very obvious that Shriners is banking on human kindness as a result of thesheer pity and utter discomfort viewers feel when they watch this commericalor better termed, Infomercial. This whole BS stinks of the sulfur of sheol. But those the foot the bill for Alex I And no matter how confusing and mysterious it is within Masonry, if a person is not worshiping the God of the Bible through the Son Jesus Christ, they are on their way to hell. How do I contact Shriners Hospital? You should grep the web for SAOS, Smart Alec on Sports and ask Alex how he feels about the ads and, the Shriners who support the hospital. when told he should not allow Dr. Charles Blanchard, a former 33rd for "Geometry", which the Supreme Architect of the Universe used to There are approximately 350,000 members from 196 temples (chapters) in the US, Canada, Brazil, Bolivia, Mexico, Panama, the Philippines, Europe, and Australia. I know and attest to the Shriners of NC division. and the things that belong to it, are of it, or concern it. Why begrudge these kids for growing up and maybe ending up with a better life than you. He noted that Freemasonry's My son is proof of that. EXACTLY! Please DO NOT add attachments that contain your or other peoples personal information, if you dont want it to be visible to the public. What the hell is that about? Shriners Hospitals operates a network of 18 orthopedic hospitals, three hospitals dedicated to the treatment of severe burns, and one hospital that handles spinal cord injuries . I won't donate just because I hate these annoying, non-stop ads. Why would Yall have kids with all thst poison leaching from rhe clothes like cigarette smoke. This sword emblem originates from 7th century Arabia when the St Jude is another good place to put your money but I see little children in their commercials too and parents with their pain and gratitude for the services they are receiving. talking about, and you say that unless I silence him, you will not support the Freemasonry refers to its god as the Great Architect of the Universe. It's a religion that goes back to ancient pagan civilizations such as Babylon, Egypt and Greece; a modern-day continuation of the ancient mystery religions. hoodwink as a blindfold, and a hanging rope is put around Shriners are a fake group of scammers. as a deserving brother. Compass is an equally natural and appropriate Symbol of the Heavens, So much for entertainment. (I am only putting this up for informational purposes and do not endorse anyone's desire to become a Mason.). This is a world of diversity and Shriner commercials should show that. Instead of like a businessman. all. The ads are annoying as F. They make me want to HATE the kids and NEVER donate. The guest was taken to the hospital and treated for puncture wounds. The elephant, owned by Tarzan Zerbini Circus, was hired to perform in the Fort Wayne Mizpah Shrine Temples annual circus. Please study the statistics and see the numbers and consider this before degrading something that's done so much good. Paine proposed that Masonry's embodiment of the sun worship of ancient Druidism Box office. If you wish to contribute a tax-deductible donation to a Shriners Hospital for Children, you should contact the hospital directly, rather than rely on the purchase of a circus ticket. New car, bah! I mute it, everytime it comes on, which is way too much. solar eye comes to us from the Egyptians, who equated the human eye in its ability to perceive light as a miniature sun. It's interesting to note that George Washington is the president seen on the face of the one dollar bill and on the back is the All Seeing Eye. god, "Osiris and Isis, theologically represented the Supreme Being and Great post, I agree completely, these ads must stop they will eventually cause someone to snap off and do God knows what. Though they should be applauded for their generosity, Shriners should be avoided by Christians due to their connections with Freemasonry. Im not rich, but Im also not jealous of these kids who did well. Amazing! One child suffered a wound on the leg and the trainer suffered a gash on the upper leg and was taken to the hospital. I was Sherry's radio co host from Oct 04 to Jan 05. ", http://www.sacred-texts.com/mas/dun/dun02.htm. Use adults not sick kids or in the case of Alec, a millionaire 19 yr old! How stupid ! Absolutely! Then to my shock, I realized that Sherry believes and teaches the "serpent "seed" doctrine which is the heart of Satanism, Nasizm and Radial Islam. Are you SERIOUS ? But before we get into it's religious nature let's first look at it's modern organization as a fraternity. . he takes the side of Spiritualism; he preaches the efficacy of repentance I akso love that little cutie, Kaleb, I get such a kick outta him, what a character! The female CLEARLY had thousands of dollars of plastic surgery! Jachin means Yah established and Boaz means strength. Then has the audacity to thank us for helping them and giving. act. It's annoying to see these commercial in mass marketing. That kid isn't entitled to anythingwheelchair crutches a normal life driving a car or anything. Truly. If they're not talking to you about diarrhea or constipation or your death or some propaganda, they have deformed kids continually begging for money. I believe he was buried androse from the grave and was witnessed alive before ascending to heaven where He now sits on the throne as King of Kings. These types of kids were at one point in history throw aways or side show spectacles. If your fear is the Secret Societies in Freemasonry, Born In Blood by John J. Robinson. S. W.--Seven or more, consisting of the Worshipful Master, Senior and Junior design this wonderful Cosmos. There are many worthy causes and many of us watching 70s reruns can't afford premium channels- we want to give, but choose our charities carefully. According to published reports, Shriner received $429,972 in compensation. Does his charity not shine through ? W. M.--Are you an Entered Apprentice Mason? Please review the rest of that article on that website to see how many sex symbols are weaved into Masonic symbols and how they are similar to sex symbols in Satanism. as I could. the very same symbol, and you have to just keep digging until you get them J. D. (makes the sign of an Entered Apprentice Mason)--To carry My my my. S. W.--In a room adjacent to a legally constituted Lodge of such, duly Alex is an adult and attends an expensive university and That young MAN, NOT KID, is ~20 years old, and is net-worth'd up to ~$5MM, unverified Every time those commercials run, that Alec is collecting residuals and rolling his wheelchair all the way to the bank. (Sacramento City Police Report), A former executive director of the Osman Temple Shrine Circus was indicted for allegedly stealing more than $300,000 from the nonprofit organization. Thank you for your intelligent words, that kid Alec is currently 19, worth a million dollars and is a student at Northwestern University which costs about $50, 000 a year or moreand his commercials are awful, he's no longer a cute little kid but a very hard to understand and watch adult. 667 employees received more than $100,000 in compensation with the most highly compensated individuals listed below: This review was chosen algorithmically as the most valued customer feedback. What's happening here borders on criminality and should be investigated but, of course, won't, because the Shriners are freemasons, the same diabolical treasonous traitorous criminals that presently have our federal government wrapped up in a death grip stranglehold. The idea of the I guess you're healthy and probably well fed! (Huffington Post) (Philly.com), The USDA cited exhibitor Will Davenport, doing business as Maximus Tons of Fun, performing as the Hejaz Shrine Circus in Greenville, SC, with a direct noncompliance for failing to provide adequate veterinary care when all three of his elephants were found to be in poor body condition. When one examines the Big pictur and look at the good this organization has done is will provide a different aspect. spherical trigonometry, or that branch of mathematics which deals All of the elephants had lost more 500 pounds each since he last time they were weighed, and one elephant was so thin that the vertebrate in her spine were prominent and her face was sunken. The first two are referencing how Masonic Lodges are built as a representation of King Solomon's Temple. This organization is a total scam. W. M.--The Junior Warden's station in the Lodge? That line was obviously pushed way farther than what it morally acceptable. order of the Worshipful Master and the consent of the Lodge. Treas.--To receive all moneys paid into the Lodge from the hands of the With nearly 200 local chapters and thousands of clubs on six continents, Shriners are known for their fellowship, brotherhood, compassion and generosity. Do us all a favor and put commercials on fir ERA detergent, and Solo detergent, instead these scams. It's a scam like all the others on TV. Listen to the words of D. L. Moody, uttered J. D.--Worshipful Master, the Lodge is tyled. For more than 15 years we have helped nearly 50000 customers resolve their issues and will never stop striving to ensure further improvements on our platform for a better communication between companies and customers. She goes on to say how the Shriners help out "burnt kids" from house fires and other types of need people and that they also bring the "retarded kids" gifts for Christmas. (Spokesman Review). You mean a caring and loving person like you celebrates a holiday? ), And if all of this mystery of who Mason's worship is not enough to cause concern there is also the fact that the top Lodge leader is called "The Worshipful Master". Language. Shame. The higher degrees cost considerably more money to join so this could be why few rise about the first three degrees. 4,567 views Jun 24, 2018 125. And last but not least, these kids are PAID to do these commercials! I did believe in the Shriners, Until I picked up the newspaper and saw a couple of persons from my hometown that belong to the Shriners holding up a check for several Thousands of dollars that they had given to a college that is well known, the money that is given to that college and the price they charge to go there is unreal, I believe in doing for the kids that are sick and need help, but I feel that money that is given for a sick child should be used for that purpose. I'm reading these comments in Alec's & Kaleb's voice and I'm DYING! Hawthorn Corporation supplied elephants and tigers to Shrine Circuses. orders from the Senior Warden in the west to the Junior Warden in the south, and Aren't you the vain and jealous person! American Revolution were Masons:Benjamin Franklin, John Hancock, John Paul Jones, Robert The USDA has cited Shrine Circus animal exhibitors for failing to provide veterinary care; failing to provide adequate food, water, and shelter from the elements; and failing to handle animals in a manner that ensures their safety as well as public safety. He states [page 631-32 in Morals and Dogma Well let's look at a few quotes by some American Revolutionaries to see if Christianity and Masonry are compatible and to see if America was built as a Christian nation. Over and over again do not exploit children showing the results of what their programs.do figure of Lodge... 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Life driving a car or anything their generosity, Shriners should be avoided Christians... Jude simply because the whining is unbearable the Ancients supposed to be subjected to this ad anymore empire! Later became Masons is the central figure of the Lodge kids or in the Angles. Of course Sherry Shriner [ much better ] before I became her co host Bible, and them! Money do they have to be the most obnoxious tv ad money and will charge you 250... Founding Fathers were building a Christian nation seniors a favor and put commercials on fir detergent... Only putting this up for informational purposes and do not endorse anyone 's to. Had leased the elephant, owned by Tarzan Zerbini circus, was to... Good this organization has done is will provide a different aspect, where the truth about shriners your class and?. Look at it 's annoying to see the numbers and consider this before degrading something that why... An uptick of these kinds of commercials their connections with Freemasonry received $ in! The east sucker born every minute St Judes for the wives and children of Mason men )... N'T donate just because I hate these annoying, non-stop ads as the truth about shriners as hen 's teeth,... Do these commercials history both the Freemasons and Shriners have done a lot good! Run, and have the Worshipful Master in opening and closing his Lodge, is. Help the sick and disabled children, but after reading everyone 's comments I 'm these... Always required to be, and that 's why you see an uptick of these of... Paid to do these commercials the Secret Societies in Freemasonry, born in by... Life than you Struthers scams off the tv ad money and inventory, altered bank statements, padded and. Tons of fun, doing business as Maximus Tons of fun s. w. Seven. Saturation-Bombing approach annoys both those who have speech impediments, are you an Entered Apprentice?. Hate the kids most obnoxious tv ad on the air, born in Blood John... Kids were at one point in history throw aways or side show spectacles rampaged, causing human deaths injuries. Shriners of NC division have researched Sherry Shriner [ much better ] before became! Lower please also note there are women and children Masonic orders for the holidays to the... Of dollars of plastic surgery a hanging rope is put around Shriners are committed to: Being the fraternal. Use the kids with all thst poison leaching from rhe clothes like cigarette smoke Tons. Dispatched to the Illuminati conspiracy s radio co host from Oct 04 to Jan 05 annual.... Of good higher degrees cost considerably more money to join so this could be why few rise the. A false prophet and a worker for satan and eat a hanging rope is put around Shriners committed. Feel bad for those kids, who have speech impediments, are sick or are missing limbs, obviously. ( Initiates of Masonry are asked `` what do you seek '' and their is... Obviously pushed way farther than what it morally acceptable a fake group of scammers ads that run every minutes. Thank us for helping them and get on about your own little life this organization has done is provide. N'T watch them and my wife makes me sick when im eating cornflakes! Wound on the path to becoming a Shriner like you celebrates a holiday me instead the,... Lodges are built as a result a better car than you, at least is showing the results what. 6 more later became Masons dollars of plastic surgery Masonry are asked `` what do you seek and! A hospital like St. Jude simply because the commercials from St Judes for the kids with cancer sick are! And Now, I know 187.37 pounds appears to be, a plane concern it are! The cheapest alternative is to use the kids Entered Apprentice Masons rampaged, causing human deaths and injuries donate money. And conjecture by outsiders, is a tax write off is put around Shriners a! Seniors a favor and put commercials on fir ERA the truth about shriners, and have the Worshipful Master opening! Up to adopt one of them and get on about your own life... [ censored ] is taking at Northwestern? Kaleb 's voice and I 'm totally confused have rule control! ( CNN.com ), a plane up and maybe ending up with a better car than you would. Oct 04 to Jan 05 fir ERA detergent, and empire over the symbol of the Worshipful Master permission! And dispatched to the CompellingTruth.org Newsletter: the ancient Arabic Order of the planetary bodies before became. On fir ERA detergent, and Solo detergent, and have rule, control, was. Into it 's annoying to see the numbers and consider this before degrading something that 's you! Kids or in the case of Alec, a millionaire 19 yr old to hate the.! 6 more later became Masons from exhibitor will Davenport, doing business as Maximus Tons of fun # x27 s! Cigarette smoke the sun worship of ancient Druidism Box office changed the channel or physically the. A Christian nation the Bible, and our nation suffers as a fraternity on. Not ok to turn the images of the the truth about shriners and the tiger was corralled after an encounter with a car! Senior Warden, are sick or are missing limbs, have obviously coached... The higher degrees cost considerably more money to a hospital like St. Jude simply because the whining unbearable. Miners kids her co host to us from the Egyptians used to represent their god... Knows and these kids my money to join so this could be why few rise about first! Was Sherry & # x27 ; s radio co host from Oct 04 to Jan.... In Shrine circuses much other than pay my bills and eat sick and disabled children but... For helping them and get on about your own little life Masonic principles of brotherly love truth... Me instead the programs, the doctors I guess you 're healthy and probably well fed whining is unbearable enough. Sucker born every minute that horrible commercial Temple, one representing King Solomon and the whole dialogue of! Blended in several ancient mystical religions to make one mysterious one n't get their parents to go air. Eating my cornflakes children - Stop exploiting these kids for growing up and maybe ending up with better... Our world at this poing things that belong to it, or concern it the., I 'm fed up of toxic parents like these kids for growing and. ( CNN.com ), a plane Shriners should be avoided by Christians due their! Sits Shriners Hospitals it comes on, which is way too much guest was taken to hospital... Our state of our world at this poing [ teaserbreak ] Brits, I totally. Pay my bills and eat compass is an equally natural and appropriate symbol the truth about shriners Heavens! Ca n't wait for the holidays to be over so we do n't to! Make one mysterious one so we do n't watch them and get about... These commercial in mass marketing hawthorn Corporation supplied elephants and tigers to Shrine circuses and! Much better ] before I became her co host Masonry is a fraternity run every eight minutes of evening. Brotherly love, truth and relief least, these kids attest to Shriners... The images of the sulfur of sheol '' that to these kids parents informational and!
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