Likewise, we do not charge a subscription fee for our blog. Lots of strange Occurrences and Strange Coincidences and Seal Texaco.located corner Acadian Thruway andGoverment Street ,Baton Rouge La.Father Benjamin C Seal and the Sons Benjy Jr,Dean ,Jason ,Aaron, Curtis R,Wendell K, work the gas . One thing is for sure: Barry Seal was never able to testify>against any of them. This was in direct violation of a 1984 law banning such aid. The balcony of the motel gave>the second-floor occupants an unobstructed view of the lot where Seal>customarily parked his car. He was murdered in 1986 by contract killers hired by Pablo Escobar, head of . As part of his agreement with DEA, he rigged the C-123 with a hidden camera and was able to photograph Pablo Escobar helping Nicaraguan soldiers load 1,200 kilos of cocaine at the Managua airport. Lex Fridman Podcast full episode: support this podcast by checking out our sponsors:- Noom: Allform: to get 20% off- ExpressVPN: and use code LexPod to get 3 months free- Four Sigmatic: and use code LexPod to get up to 60% off- Eight Sleep: and use code LEX to get special savingsGUEST BIO:Roger Reaves is one of the most prolific drug smugglers in history.PODCAST INFO:Podcast website: Podcasts: episodes playlist: playlist: Twitter: LinkedIn: Facebook: Instagram: Medium: Reddit: Support on Patreon: Later Reed moved to Mexico setup company. [Posted 13 November 2002] Just before Labor Day 2002, I was on the road to Texas. From transcript of Seal's cross-examination, U.S. v. Saunders, et al., pp.>517-520. Late 1982 - Barry Seal makes deal with DEA and CIA and increases his smuggling operations at Mena. In May of 1987, a jury found Vasquez, Velez, and Quintero guilty of first-degree murder and sentenced all three to life in prison without parole. He was hired by Trans World Airlines (TWA) in 1964 and at age 26 became one of the youngest Captains operating a Boeing 707. regarding Seal's criminal>activities, telling the court that the charges in the indictment were based on>solid evidence. He was also the>youngest pilot to be promoted to captain of the crew of a Boeing 707, and>later of a Boeing 747. [21], >The absence of Customs agents in Mena also meant illegal retrofitting could>take place with little or no concern for the repercussions normally associated>with unlawful activity. In March 1984,>frustrated by numerous vain attempts to talk personally with U.S. Attorney>Stanford Bardwell, who was prosecuting the case in Baton Rouge, the>nowdesperate Seal contacted the Vice-Presidential Task Force in Washington,>D.C., and made arrangements to meet with them a day or two later. President Reagan used some of the>footage on national television to reveal the involvement of the Sandinistas>and the Medellin cartel in drug trafficking and to demonstrate the need for>stronger drug enforcement.[22]. A May 21, 1992, Arkansas Times article carried a front page story of the drug trafficking, including three pictures of CIA contract agent and drug pilot Barry Seal, drug trafficker Jorge Luis . Hotel in New Orleans.Lee Odom said.They met for lunch to discuss 84-77-B, U.S. District>Court, Middle District of Louisiana. It's a matter of modifying the receiver and replacing>the internal parts in the carrier assembly. Thats not likely. He was murdered in 1986 by contract killers hired by the Medellns. ", >In his cross-examination in the Saunders trial, Seal stopped short of>admitting culpability for anything more than smuggling explosives into Mexico>in the early 1970s. In>response to a complaint by his federal probation officer, Lionell Jardell,>that Seal wasn't cooperating enough in the pre-sentencing investigation, one>of Seal's lawyers, Lewis Unglesby, reminded Jardell that Seal was working>constantly "under government supervision in dangerous and difficult>situations."[28]. "[48] At the time, he was>in custody in Spain, fighting extradition to Florida. [24] At the time, Camp was an>investigative reporter for WBRZ-TV, the Baton Rouge ABC affiliate. And the rest, of course, is history. no. forgave the taxes on hundreds of millions in known drug and gun profits over the ensuing two-year period when Seal was officially admitted to be employed by the government. At almost 300 pounds, Adler B. Our war on drugs is expensive, ineffective and amoral. (barry Seal Friends James Poche-David Holmes-John Odom.) The DEA was>doing the same. Qualified Americans could, until recently, apply for and receive a license>to sell automatic weapons and conversion kits. (jack ruby called Yaras) He was murdered on February 19, 1986 by contract killers hired by the cartel. On March 27, a state grand jury in Baton Rouge indicted Miguel Velez, Bemardo Antonio Vasquez, Luis Quintero, and Jose Renteria-Campo for the murder. Also like TWWS, it gets us rooting for our hero despite his engaging in morally . The rich & powerful, including the political elite are free to do as they please without regard to consequences. In the 2017 Doug Liman-directed movie "American Made," which was previously titled "Mena," Deborah DuBois, the third wife of Barry Seal, was portrayed by the character Lucy. Before long, Seal was importing up to a thousand pounds of cocaine a month. Fournier had the most work to do, so he was to receive>$375,000 a year. >Hired by TWA, at age twenty-seven, Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal was the>youngest pilot in U.S. history to fly a commercial airliner. Seal was killed in February 1986 during a hail of machine-gun fire outside a Baton Rouge Salvation Army halfway house after allegedly crossing Pablo Escobar and the Medelln drug cartel . 506-508. >He started out smuggling marijuana, but he was apprehended and jailed in>Honduras in December 1979. [30] However, it was commonly rumored (and with good>reason) in both Louisiana and Arkansas in the 1980s that Barry Seal was>engaged in the arms trade as well as being a cocaine trafficker. Letter of 19 November 1985, prepared by U.S. Attorney Stanford 0.>Bardwell, on file of record in U.S. v. Seal, Crim. >22. That's where Seal was shot to death while in his car.A movie titled \"Mena,\" starring Tom Cruise as Seal, is set to be released in early 2017. Using the code name John Cathey, North is said to have orchestrated a>complicated scheme by which the Nicaraguan Contra Rebels' freedom-fighting>activities could be financed, and by which they could be armed with fully>automatic M-16-type rifles. 85-165-Spellman, U.S. District>Court, Southern District of Florida, p. 462. The buyer, it turned out, was a federal agent. > When he was cross-examined in the Saunders trial, Seal didnt deny that>he "had worked on CIA-sponsored activities in Nicaragua," and he admitted that>"the CIA installed the cameras in the C-123," which were used in the>Sandinista sting operation. [8] Micah Morrison,>writing in the 18 October 1994 edition of the Wall Street Journal, says Seal>actually began operating out of the Mena (Arkansas) Intermountain Regional>Airport in 1981. They played ball in the yard of the one-story white frame>house on Lover's Lane, a shady street in a quiet neighborhood. | Dark Politics, Pingback: Pablo Escobar: The Many Faces Of The Narco [REVIEW] |, Pingback: Bingo Zone Baton Rouge Louisiana | I love You Zones, Pingback: The Clintons: A Timeline LVX Media, Pingback: Roots of Iran-Contra Crisis Found in Recording of Airport Attack Plan - UNICORN RIOT, Pingback: 'American Made' Brings Real-Life Drug Smuggler Barry Seal to the Big Screen Too Dope Hip Hop, Pingback: 'American Made' Brings Real-Life Drug Smuggler Barry Seal to the Big Screen | Alt Left Press, Pingback: American Made Brings Real-Life Drug Smuggler Barry Seal to the Big Screen Thinking Port. [34], >Although there are conflicting reports, it appears Seal was originally>recruited by the CIA as a "subcontractor" to fly arms and other contraband to>the Nicaraguan Freedom Fighters, beginning sometime in 1983 after he allegedly>met with Terry Reed to discuss gun-smuggling activities. Seal and the others were arrested for alleged violations of the Mutual>Security Act of 1954, a federal law barring the exportation of explosives>without prior State Department approval. >14. Ibid., 521-531. He flew to Washington and met with two members of Vice President George Bushs Task Force on Drugs. Back at Mena, Brown says, he and Seal walked to Brown's car, a Datsun hatchback, and Seal put one of the duffel bags under the hatchback. Some, like>Terry Reed, who claims to have been a CIA "asset" himself in the 1980s, have>gone much further.[31]. The author's oldest brother knew Seal>in high school. >Despite the plea agreement, U.S. Attorney Stanford Bardwell had to prepare for>the worst. Required fields are marked *. Gary Webb & Barry Seal. (utube videos ) Oliver North interviews and Contra Affair. According to Seal, he and Arthur had>made "a couple of hundred thousand [dollars]" together over the years. He was fired by TWA after his 1972 arrest in New Orleans on charges of flying explosives to anti-Castro Cubans in Mexico. Seal then made a series of drug-smuggling>flights, all with DEA approval. By this time, Seal had purchased a C-123. Your identity will never be revealed. Reagan and the CIA also understood the>threat posed by the existence of another Communist regime in Latin America, to>American interests in that area and to the interests of democracy in general. That is not to say we do not have expenseslots of them. They immediately hopped back into the Buick and>sped away, nearly running over an eyewitness. 15 - Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. In high school, while his classmates were riding buses to out-of-town>football games, Barry would often fly to the games in "barnstorming" fashion,>landing wherever he could find a smooth, flat surface. See, transcript of Seal's cross-examination in U.S. v. Saunders, et al. Seal, Crim. Reeves, Ochoas New Orleans business manager, brought Seal into what in 1982 officially became the Medellin Cartel after Jorge Ochoa and Pablo Escobar joined forces to form a 2,000-man army to destroy M-19, the Marxist revolutionary group that was causing problems for the Colombian drug barons. Saunders>couldn't make the Miami meeting, but Seal was assured he would be part of any>deals the five men might strike. The Mena, Arkansas Airport. >The financing scheme was essentially as follows. These required>Seal to carry a telephone paging device, file monthly financial reports, and>abstain from all contact with a co-defendant named Gary Seville. It's not that the 5,475 residents of this mountain . The life of the former TWA pilot, Barry Seal, inspired the film. >13. On Feb. 19, 1986, Barry Seal, a very prominent CIA drug smuggler and ace pilot, was murdered outside his halfway house in Baton Rouge, LA. It was at this time that he moved his operations from Baton Rouge to Mena, Arkansas. Smith pointed him in Norman Saunders' direction>and helped arrange a meeting with Saunders at Arthur's hangar. Adler Berriman Seal popularly known as Barry Seal was born on July 16, 1939, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. In 1993, Colombian and U.S. authorities cornered Pablo Escobar at a house in Medellin and killed the drug kingpin in a shootout. Title 18, U.S.>Code, section 922(o). Seals wife was said to have found George Bushs private phone number in Seals wallet. In 1984, Seal was indicted in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, on charges of smuggling Quaaludes and money laundering. Two quick bursts riddled Seals head and chest, killing him instantly. Seal Texaco.located corner Acadian Thruway andGoverment Street ,Baton Rouge La.Father Benjamin C Seal and the Sons Benjy Jr,Dean ,Jason ,Aaron, Curtis R,Wendell K, work the gas station and Barry Seal would work when he wasnt flying. Barry Seal. From the opinion: On February 19, 1986, Adler B. Several clips from "Uncle Sam Wants You," were included>in the film, which has been aired on cable television networks in recent>years. If he ultimately had to prosecute Seal, he wanted Albert J.>Winters, Jr., the supervisory trial attorney for the federal government's New>Orleans Organized Crime Strike Force, to testify against Seal. Jack Ruby said Well the answer is the man in office now ___Thats all I have to say. Did Jack Ruby idolize you? He later claimed to have made as much as $50 million running 1,000 pounds of cocaine a month from Colombia. Polozola further stipulated that Seal could not carry a gun or hire armed bodyguards. Released in theaters in 2017, the film directed by Doug Liman lingered on the true story of Barry Seal, who at the turn of the 70s and 80s was at the center of a criminal affair that thrilled . By 1982, Seal was making regular runs on behalf of the Medellin Cartel, bringing tons of cocaine into the U.S. Mr. WOLF Have you ever met with Jimmy Hoffa .?Mr. He grew up three blocks from the Seal family, in the same>neighborhood in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Witnessed Allen Dorfman `Hit June 05, 1996. Dirty politics, love for money is the root for all evil. At the time he was also>under indictment in the same federal jurisdiction on thirteen counts of>possession with intent to distribute phenobarbitol, Demerol, and Quaaludes.>With the threat of a lengthy prison term looming ominously over his head, the>freespirited Seal decided to cooperate with authorities and become an>informant. John Odom claim that Barry Seal knew LHO and David Ferrie. Adler Berriman "Barry" Seal was born in Baton Rouge, Louisiana on July 16, 1939 to a typical American family. And, because of judge Frank Polozola's gross negligence in>forcing Seal to adjust his lifestyle to fit into an orderly and completely>predictable routine, everyone knew exactly where Barry Seal would be after>5:00 P.m. each day. 15 - Suzanne Coleman - Reportedly had an affair with Clinton when he was Arkansas Attorney General. >The Government and defense further agree that the defendant will receive a>concurrent sentence as to Count 1 not to exceed the ultimate sentence he>receives in a pending proceeding in the Southern District of Florida. Using my iPhone, I shot this video of the Mena Intermountain Municipal Airport on July 22, 2016. Oliver North said:barry seal was double agent. alternate landing: Dallas .Landing:327 Hours 5 30 Min. Plus, they knew a lot about Barry. It proved to be the singular event that blew the Iran-Contra scandal wide open. >Seal and Ochoa had been doing business for years. >In February 1986, Barry Seal was preparing to be the government's chief>witness in the pending trial of Colombian drug-lord Jorge Luis Ochoa Vasquez,>head of the notorious Ochoa family of the Medellin cartel. [19], >On 3 March 1985, as scheduled, Seal met with Smith, Missick, Andre Fournier,>and Nigel Bowe at a Miami hotel. Norman Saunders>and Stafford Missick were high-ranking public officials in the islands.>Saunders had been the government's chief minister, and Missick was the>minister of Commerce and Development. . >5. Bustamonte was ultimately prosecuted by the U.S. attorney in Miami, along>with Pablo Escobar, Carlos Lehder, Felix Dixon Bates, and Rodriguez Garcia.>See, Barry Seal's cross-examination in United States v. Norman Saunders, et>al., Cr. A copy>of the letter is in the Court's record, in U.S. v. Seal. meeting at camp robinson with other people too. However, when a drug shipment was seized by the DEA, the Medellin Cartel blamed Seal for the loss. But, they>also made him a marked man. He was never able to testify against William Jefferson>Blythe Clinton either. >rented a room at a motel near the halfway house. Mena, Arkansas, as a staging point for weapons supply flights. [27], >At the time the order was signed, and in the weeks that followed, Seal>continued to work with the government as an informant, although his smuggling>activity had been substantially curtailed by judge Polozola's order. From transcript of Seal's cross-examination, U.S. v. Saunders, et al., pp.>584-585. Tom Aswell, Publisher. >Two days earlier, a Colombian national named Bernardo Antonio Vasquez had>rented a room at a motel near the halfway house. Probation Office on 18 February 1986. does he talk about Terry Reed. >In the late 1970s and early 1980s, the Medellin cartel (named after the city>in Colombia which was the center of activity for most of those associated with>the drug trade) supplied at least 75 percent of the cocaine smuggled into the>U.S. Most reports show that Barry Seal started his drug operation in 1981, and set up shop at the Mena Intermountain Regional Airport. Seal's father was a member of the Ku Klux Klan. Seal made his>request all the more convincing by arranging to return to the islands in a>couple of weeks to look at a DC-3 he might want to buy with Smith's>assistance.[18]. He agreed to use that connection for the>benefit of the new joint venture. Two other Colombians, Luis Carlos Quintero-Cruz>and Miguel Velez, shared Vasquez's room. Barry Seal, at the time he died, may have been the . MichelRoux , a.k.a. A quarter-century later, Americas war on drugs continues at a cost of $52 billion per year, or $1600 for every second of every day. >18. Hahn is a longtime friend, and I knew Barry Seal. Was it Escobar? When we mention CIA drug smuggling in Mena, Arkansas, the first name that comes to mind is Barry Seal. Patrick Matrisciana, The Clinton Chronicles Book (Hemet, CA: Jeremiah>Books, 1994). A great>deal of corporate naivete and ignorance on the part of state government was to>be expected in Bill Clinton's Arkansas, with respect to certain business>transactions where Barry Seal, Iver Johnson's, and Brodix were involved., as>long as the appropriate fees were paid to the right parties. Rambler station wagon ,outside of TSBD building ,Craig saw LHO in the Police Station being interrogated ,Captain Fritz, Interrogation of Oswald, did not record the most crime of the century . Seal's lawyers immediately>protested by filing motions averring that, in an effort to fulfill the terms>of the plea bargain, Seal was engaged in activities which could place him in>serious danger if he were housed at a halfway house. "Official Report of the Department of the Treasury on the Bureau of>Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms Investiga-tion of Vernon Wayne Howell," also>known as "David Koresh," September 1993. >31. Minute entry, 8 January 1986, U.S. v. Seal. Carmel, their compound>outside Waco, Texas, until early 1993.[37]. He attended Louisiana>State University for one year, but decided that he didn't need a college>degree to fly airplanes. The problem, for Seal anyway, was that,>during this entire period, government agents at various levels were working>independently of each other to hit the same target. Jim Garrison said: Real Lee Odom lives Irving Tx (Ruth Paine) Lee Odom 174 (1968-9),however not the point ,the point Reed and Cummings, Compromised, 108. >The Ochoa family cartel, led at the time by Jorge Ochoa-Vasquez, the son of>Fabio Ochoa-Vasquez, a prominent Colombian cattle farmer, found Seal to be>such a reliable pilot that they paid him to make dozens of cocaine runs. 5, 1984) known as Mr. Polozola on December 20, 1985, invoked the sentence handed down by the Florida judge and sentenced Seal to six months supervised probation, taking the occasion to say that people like Seal were the lowest, most despicable people I can think of. A condition of the sentence was that he had to spend every night, from 6 p.m. to 6 a.m., at the Salvation Army halfway house on Airline Highway in Baton Rouge. One traffic route was through Miami, often by way of Port-au-Prince, the>capital of Haiti. Barry Seal, the son of a candy wholesaler, was born in Baton Rouge on 16th July, 1939. 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