"Lost Lands: Ice Spell" is a fantasy-world adventure game with lots of hidden-objects, mini-games and puzzles to solve. Take the HAND and inspect the symbol (D). Retrieve theMedallionin the next area, and click on the statue to begin a mini game. Place theRed Stoneinto the compartment. Click on theCannonand use theHammerto retrieve aCork. Place the STEERING WHEEL (G) and BUCKET (H), move the steering wheel twice, and take the BUCKET OF WATER. Use the TONGS (green); take the TOWER FIGURINE (C). Insert theKeyinto the door handle of the cottage. Use the KNIFE (T); take the RED TREE TWIG. You have completed Lost Lands: The Wanderer. A short video will play, and then Maaron will appear. Be sure to collect each and every item located on the bottom of the screen, and dont forget to collect theHammer. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! Did You Know? Place the STONE PLATE and take the JAR WITH SAND (R). Place theCrystal Keyinto the slot, and use theStaffto raise theHunters Star. Sign-up to get informed when the Lost Lands series has new game released with BD Studio Games' FREE bi-weekly newsletter. Place theSapphire Symbolonto theSpear Tipand retrieve theKey. Remove the blanket and play the HOP (L); receive the BLUNT KNIFE. The captivating adventure of a brave girl, destined to fight the Four Horsemen of Evil in an enchanted world. All Top Use the WATERING CAN (U); receive the WATER OF LIFE IN A POT. Use the SNAKE IN A JAR (H); take the MONOCLE (I). Give the DWARF SHIELD to the centaur (V); you receive the CRYSTAL KEY. Maaron hands you aRuneso that you can teleport between locations. Snapdragon 8 Gen 1 scored more than 1 million points on AnTuTu, Android 10 is the most popular version of Android, 91% of IT leaders affected by supply chain disruption: survey, Cisco partners with JupiterOne for cloud security platform, Tick Tock A tale for two Walkthrough Chapter 1, 2 & 3, Take the Ballpoint pen and also the cellphone. Use theDwarf Figurinein the box to the left to begin a mini game. Retrieve theScissorsand click on theChaintwice. Head to the scene and pick up the " Fragments of the Stele " from the spot near the house. * Unlock both gates (N); set the arrow (green). Move the carpet; use the HAMMER three times (green). * Put up the tongs (X), assign the twisting (Y), and peel off a knife (Z). Remember the symbols that are displayed on thePunch Card. Mini-game solution 2: (E-1)-(F-2)-(I-5)-(G-3)-(H-4)-(G-6)-(H-7). Enter the correct time and take the KEY (W). Place the WATER SYMBOL, SWORD, SAW, and HAMMER and take the note and PATTERNED TILE (N). * Use the HAMMER and select the chalk (A). He will tell you more about the Four Horsemen. * Employ the empty flask (V); obtain the vial of vampire blood. There are tons of hidden items, secrets and also puzzle, but you can beat them all with our guide. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Puzzle Pieces Solution. Its Time for Some Delicious Trivia! Use theKnifeto cut the stone free from the rope. Walkthrough Menu General Tips Chapter 1: The Glade Chapter 2: The Upper Corridor Chapter 3: The Dwarf Temple Chapter 4: The Mountain Giants Village Chapter 5: The Werewolf's Hut Chapter 6: The Dead Lake Chapter 7: The Junction Chapter 8: Death's Castle General Tips This is the official guide for Lost Lands: The Four Horsemen. Turn the switch (T) and take the WHALE OIL (U); insert the HALF-MOON and take the PICK-AXE (V). The features are also brilliant. Talk to the Centaur, and retrieve theCombandPincers. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); GIPHY App Key not set. * Choose the pin (D), then the cell phone three terms (E). * Use the FISH and SHARP KNIFE (N); receive the MOLLUSK. Turn the handle (K); take the PHOENIX FEATHER (L). Retrieve the ladder and position it onto the wall. The puzzle can be solved by placing all theSymbolsonto the center line. Bros Watch this step-by-step walkthrough for "Lost Lands: The Wanderer (NS)", which may help and guide you through each and every level part of this game. * Utilize the severe knife (E), obtain the ROPE, and have fun with the hop. Place the STONE FLOWER (N); take the FLASK (O) and GLASS PIPE (P). Place the JAR OF FLIES (G) to acquire the SNAKE IN A JAR. All Top Use theMagnifying Glassto reveal thePuzzle Codeof the locked box. Once the mini game is completed correctly, you will receive theFresco Detail. Place the IRON CUBE and take the STONE SWORD (J). * Ready the formula: (1-2)-(3-4)-(5-4)-(4-6)-(4-7). Welcome to the Lost Lands 4 The Wanderer Walkthrough & Guide, we will help you solve every puzzle, mystery, secret and Chapter available in the game For other Lost Lands Games walkthroughs Lost Lands Dark Overlord Lost Lands 2 the Four Horsemen LostLands 3 The Golden Curse Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell LostLands 6 Mistakes of the Past You can use theScissorsto cut theAngel Figurinefree from the net. There will be a massive explosion, and then you can collect theShips Wheel. Open the compartment, place the CRYSTAL (C); close the capsule and compartment. * Select the JAR WITH SAND twice; receive the EMPTY JAR and take the STONE CROWN. The birds located in the room above the cottage will eat the grain spilled from the sack. Speak to the man who is waiting for you, and then collect theStep. * Place the COMPONENT and take the LION FIGURINE (C). Retrieve theKeyand return to the canyon. To the left, theres a small room blocked by a large boulder. Take the LONG CLUB and remove items 3 times (Y). This will begin a mini game that can be solved by rearranging the image correctly. Use theLantern Potionto light theLanternto the left. A step by step video guide and also full walkthrough by youtuber GameOne - Play with Adam * Spot the candle (P); obtain the candle. * Spot the steering wheel (G) and bucket (H), shift the steering wheel twice, and put up the bucket of water. Use the GLASS IN THE CLAY and STING OF FROST (Y). Walkthrough Bonus Chapter Full Game From: V.O.R. This is a hidden items area. * Withdraw the rocks, unlock the crate, and put up the symbol (G). * Congratulations! * Solution: D-F-A-C-F-Z-B-G-D-B-E-Z-C-E-G-A-B-C-D-E-F-G-Z-A. Over 100 solutions for the crystal, forest elves and healing potion chests found in Lost Lands. * Take crystals 2/5 (T) and note the symbols (U). I decided to include only puzzles hard to complete on my side, maybe you have already solved them easily. ASpearwill be revealed, and you can use it to retrieve aMosaic Fragmentfrom the Canvashanging above. Required fields are marked *. The Ladder will be added to your inventory at the bottom of the screen. Place the SAPPHIRE SYMBOL (H); take the KEY (I). Enter the room above and grab theKnife Handle. Rearrange the pattern to solve the puzzle, and then insert theLensto retrieve theLight-Filled-Lens. Leave the area and return to the mermaid lake. Once you collect the item, a short clip will play. It was released on July 26, 2019, and became a very famous puzzle adventure game. Place theShips Wheelonto the stone column to the right. Take the bucket, the pry bar and also the kindling. Place the WEIGHT (K) to acquire the HANDLE. Remove the lid; use the SCOOP (E) to acquire the SAUCEPAN OF BOILING LIQUID. * Use the KEY and take the PAGE and MOUNTAIN GEAR (J). Switch to the light mode that's kinder on your eyes at day time. * Manipulate the mirror and kink choose (W). Use the FLOWER (Z); you acquire the WOODEN PART. Solution: (J-right)-(K-down)-(L-upx2)-(M-left)-(K-down)-(N-left)-(O-left)-(P-down)-(Q-right). Exit out of the room and return to the area with theMusic Box. Place theStone Flowerinto the pedestal to the left, and then collect theGlass Pipeand theFlask. Place theEaseland the mirror in front of the blanket to the right. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Hunters Star. COMMENT !!! Take the LADDER (A) and MONK FIGURINE 1/8 (B). Open the locked door with theKey, and collect the easel. Use the BURNING TORCH (G) and METAL (green). Place the SMALL BOX and open it (Q); use the NEEDLES (R) and take the THERMITE CASKET. Once you complete the puzzle, the door will open. Use the KINDLING, FIRE STARTER, and BLUNT KNIFE (E); crush and move the tea leaves (F). A floorboard to the left can be lifted with yourKnife. ! Place the ARROWHEADS (L); use the arrowheads (blue), bowstring (orange), and LIVING WATER (M). Use the SHARP KNIFE (E), receive the ROPE, and play the HOP. The third and fourthMonk Figurinesare located in Maarons cottage as well. lost lands 4 walkthrough Section1: At home The BALLPOINT PEN (A) and the CELL PHONE (B). Insert theRuneon the island to the right. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Latern Potion Recipe, Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Potion Recipe. Place theOntus Figurineon the shelf to the right to retrieve aKey. * Answer: (J-right)-(K-down)-(L-upx2)-(M-left)-(K-down)-(N-left)-(O-left)-(P-down)-(Q-right). Please Submit a Problem for any incomplete, non-working or fake code listed above. He will give you aMosaic Fragment, and he will ask you to find a very important Compass. Pull out the tree (N) and bag (O); open the bag. Remove the blanket; take the LANTERN POTION RECIPE (Y). Use theWrenchto retrieve theBoltsand open the door. Find theWhale Rib,Stone Rune,Plank,Jar of Flies, and theGaft. Retrieve theMeat, and use theKnifeto cut open the tent to the left. Take FAHIRA'S HAND and WHETSTONE 1/5 (X). You will be transported to a new location. About the earl's rage and his curse. Give the STONE HEART to the man (J); you acquire the SPRAY and KEY. This is the official guide for Lost Lands: The Wanderer. Grab theDynamiteand return to the area with theWhale Skeleton. Insert theBasket of Berriesand theBottle of Bubblesinto the pressure machine. Walk ahead and begin the hidden objects area. Use the Map to quickly move between locations. Prepare the recipe: (1-2)-(3-4)-(5-4)-(4-6)-(4-7). * Insert the KEY into the SMALL BOX; take the DOG FIGURINE and COMPONENT. -65% $6.99 $2.44 Visit the Store Page You have returned the realm to safety and stopped the Four Horsemen. The evil Four Horseman have returned to destroy the Lost Lands! * Utilize the kindling, fire starter, and blunt knife (E); desire and shift the tea leaves (F). There is aKeyon the shore in front of the mermaids rock. Walkthrough Table of Contents Chapter 1: Heart Chapter 2: Staff You will then be transported to a new location. Open the bag; take the PATTERN FRAGMENT (E). Once you have completed the minigame, click on theShips Wheel. Use this comprehensive walkthrough to provide you with essential tips and tricks to complete the journey in its entirety. Once you solve the puzzle, the gate gets opened. * Key: (X-1)-(Z-2)-(W-3)-(Y-4)-(Z-5)-(W-6)-(Z-7)-(X-8). Use theJar of Fliesto retrieve theSnakefrom the glass container. Retrieve theDoor Figurinefrom the hole in the floor, and then exit to the Dwarf cemetery. If you love to play games of that genre then this game is for you. Place the PETRIFIED EYE (X); pull the rope (Y). * Niche the character (H); choose the committee. Click theChaintwice, and then retrieve theCircle Sectorbefore leaving. Talk to the dwarf once more to find out more information about the area ahead. Use the KEY (J); take the CHIMERA HEAD (K). Place the markers in the correct position as shown by the diagram to the right. Take the note, open the chest, and take the scroll and COMPASS OF THE WORLDS (G). Select theHammerand use it twice to collect theHearts of Stone. The items located on the boat are missing important pieces. Place theTower Figurineonto the shelf on the right of the room. You receive a HEAD (1-9). However, you will often acquire items that can be used only once. Exit the cottage and enter the purple portal. Click on theGreen Fountainin order to unlock a hidden items area. * Position the PIECE (O) and have fun with the HOP. Because is a complete game walkthrough and also contains tons of spoilers * Answer: Ex4-Ix2-G-I-Gx5-F-G-F-G-F-Gx2-F-Hx5-G-Fx4-Jx2. Place the COMPONENT and take the LION FIGURINE (C). Place the cell phone on top of the diary (C). Open both doors (N); place the HAND (green). Solution: (X-1)-(Z-2)-(W-3)-(Y-4)-(Z-5)-(W-6)-(Z-7)-(X-8). Complete the Walkthrough to beat the chapter, there are tons of puzzles, but with our help, you won't get stuck. Place the FISH FIGURINE (V) and play the HOP. Find all of the items located at the bottom of the screen and retrieve theLantern. * Use the HAMMER and take the LENS (green). Receive Emails When Lost Lands Series Has New Game Released. Retrieve theCheeseand theLensfrom the sack. Remove soil twice; take the DYNAMITE (Y). Find all of the items and complete the puzzle to collect theStone Chip. ! * Talk to Sheeleesa (H); receive the BRUSH. Use theJackto retrieve theParcel, and then use theKnifeto open the parcel. Retrieve theSword Hilt, and use theKnifeto cut free the red tree wing. This game successfully hit 1M + downloads on the Google Play Store. * Take the letter, open the trunk, and take away the scroll and Compass of the worlds (G). Use the STONE SWORD (K); acquire the SWORD. Place the UNUSUAL KEY and take WHETSTONE 3/5 and the HAND FIGURINE (O). Place the LIT CANDLE (U); take the BEAVER TAIL (V). With their kingdom in ruins the elves were forced to set off overseas to search for a new home. Use the NAILS and HAMMER (Z); take the TONGS (A). * Location the rope on the hook and assign it; accept the rope with the hook. Help the Halfling First, head to the stick near the house and collect some steps. Leave this area for now and return to Maarons cottage. * Put up the owl figurine from the arrow. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Match The Symbols. Place aCandleinto the empty hood of the statue to the left. * Grab the SAW (L); peel off the arrow (M). Also Checkout: Adventure High Walkthrough. The graphic and sound quality of this game is highly recommended. Retrieve theHunters Star, examine theNote, and then place theHunters Starinto the pedestal. This walkthrough will not tell you every time that you need to approach a certain place, each such scene will be shown in the screenshots. Take the note, VIAL, and UNUSUAL KEY (M). Many adventure puzzle games that are occurring nowadays but Lost Lands 4 is one of the best Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough games ever. Find all of the items listed below, and then collect theHidden Symbol. Lost Lands The Four Horsemen Solution. Take the MELTED METAL (H); use the MELTED METAL (I). Attach theHandleto the small well and then click on the bucket of soil twice to reveal Dynamite. It is one of the best puzzle adventure games ever with incredible features. Read the note (I); place the LANTERN (H) and WOOL (J). ! Retrieve theLeather, Rope, and Two Steps. Your goal is to open the lock's bolt by moving the latches. Place the HOSE (M); receive the FAUCET NUT. Place theFresco Detailinto the gate to the right. Place theCircle Selectorin the pedestal up ahead to begin a minigame. Place theOld Lensonto the mechanism and click on the handle to retrieve theLens. Place the medallion into theStone to the Rightand then move forward. * Spot the arrow (M), and pendulum (N), and yank the pendulum; carry the memo and switch (O). Use the TWO-PRONGED STAFF (C); take the FEATHER and STONE 5/5 (D). ADragon Figurineis located on the ground to the side of the boat. Walkthrough Menu General Tips Chapter 1: At Home Chapter 2: The Road To The Castle Chapter 3: The Throne Room Chapter 4: The Energy Reservoir Chapter 5: The Archmage Tomb Chapter 6: Obian's Ship General Tips This is the official guide for Lost Lands: The Wanderer. You can also use a hint to solve this puzzle rather easily. Crush theBerries, and then fill theBottlewith theSack of Ashes and Urn of Ashes. RetrieveAlcohol Soaked Cloth, and examine theMirror. Use theStone on the Ropeto pull down the tree branch with the nest on it. * Usage the lard (A); carry the juicer (B). Use the KNIFE (A); open the parcel and book. * Use the saw (N); accept the bamboo rod. Then take the diary and place the cellphone, finally selecting the plug and . Move the blanket and take the SHOVEL BLADE (O). Place thePetrified Eyeinto the guillotine and click the rope. Use the FISH (U); take the FEATHERS (V) and SAPPHIRE SYMBOL (W). Insert thePower of the Flyingand thePhoenix Featherinto the well. Single use items usually unlock new areas and sometimes other items. Click theWooden Handleto reveal aWooden Plank. Place theStone Runeinto the pyramid and travel to the canyon. Place theUnfinished Arrowheadsonto the grindstone and retrieve theArrow Heads. Place theChipinto the pedestal to begin a mini game. Place the SNOWFLAKE (O); take the STING OF FROST (P). * Lob the rope with a clip (D); accept the medallion. Push the rock, open the bag, move the cloth and take the PLANET MODEL, SMALL BOX, and NEEDLES (P). The gameplay of this game is remarkable. Open the chest and take the note, KEY, and SNAKE FIGURINE (C). Our Lost Lands: Redemption Walkthrough is the perfect companion to help you restore your relationship with Jimmy and get to the bottom of the mysterious relics. * Use the VIAL (N); receive the WATER OF DEATH. Once you have returned to the halfling settlement, click on the pulley system to the left and insert theWooden Gear. Complete Walkthrough to beat the chapter, solve every puzzle, and also find all the hidden items. A mini game will unlock, and you must complete it by matching the highlighted symbols. Use the ADRENALINE VIAL (O); take the DROWSY FLOWER and FRAGMENT (P). Place the BUBBLE (J) and BASKET OF BERRIES (K); pound the berries (L). Use theBrushto remove debris from the compartment. Complete Walkthrough to beat the chapter, there are tons of puzzles, but with our help you wont get stuck. Retrieve all the items located at the bottom of the screen, and be sure to collect the Emerald. You will also discover that something had been dug up in that location as well. Place theMedallioninto the pedestal to the right, and then click the armor and retrieve theMedallion. Retrieve thePattern Fragmentby clicking on the bag, and insert thePattern Fragment into the mechanism to begin a mini game. Luckily, a hero has arisen to save the realm from destruction, and that hero is you! * Place the MAN FIGURINE and take the OAR (Y). Take LEVER 3/4 (X), STONE 4/5, and place the ENERGY SPHERE (Y). Collect the PETRIFIED EYE with the HAMMER (W). * Spot the candle (U); carry the beaver rump (V). * Place the SNAKE FIGURINE, OWL FIGURINE, and ELEPHANT FIGURINE, and take the OBLIVION STONE and PRISM OF SPELLS (J). Take the WOODEN DISC (P) and T-WRENCH (Q). A ghost ship, an evil overlord, an island full of mysteries, and more await on her journey into the unknown. Use theMouseandCombto retrieve theCombwithThread. Take the BRUSH (U) and LATCHING MECHANISM GEAR (V). Lost Lands 4 Walkthrough is one of the most popular puzzle adventure game ever on the mobile phone platform. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. * Use the bucket of water (I), lid (J), and kettle (K); grab the cup of tea. Retrieve theHornthat appears, and then return to Maarons Cottage. Examine theNoteand the hangingLantern. Place the GOBLIN'S HAIR, THORN, FEATHER, DROWSY FLOWER'S ROOT, VIAL OF WOLF BLOOD, JUICER, and BAMBOO ROD on the RECIPE. You will receiveMoondustonce the mini game has been solved. September 30, 2020, 11:46 am. Take the SCREWDRIVER (K) and ROLLER-SHAPED SEAL (L). About its owner, the captain. Retrieve theDevicethat emerges once the puzzle has been solved. Grab theMonoclefrom the skull of the skeleton. SHARE !! Part 3 The Throne Room & The Energy Reservoir Click on the debris to collect aStone Flower. Place the fiveMosaic Fragmentsinto the pedestal up ahead. !https://www.youtube.com/c/ElenaBionGamesLOST LANDS ALL GAMES FULL WALKTHROUGHS~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~-Lost Lands 1 Dark Overlord: https://youtu.be/a9fFTbKAgKMLost Lands 2: The Four Horsemen: https://youtu.be/F14kxChnmsELost Lands 3: The Golden Curse: https://youtu.be/tXNkYFwv8BELost Lands 4 The Wanderer: https://youtu.be/MHxmgq6p988Lost Lands 5 Ice Spell: https://youtu.be/YSEVBu9gCFsLost Lands 6 Mistakes of the Past: https://youtu.be/0X23bN92_ecLost Lands 7 Redemption: https://youtu.be/yYHLBLOeZZc-~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~--~~-~~~-~~-~-PlayList:Full Games Walkthroughs All - Let's Play ElenaBionGames - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLNs7hT1z0OZD3Nb7IyjEevNTGyBvPzhTI-~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-~~~-~~-~--~-~~-SUBSCRIBE !!! ; set the arrow ( M ) BEAVER rump ( V ) and play the.. Scroll and Compass of the screen and retrieve theArrow lost lands 4 walkthrough the small box ; take the THERMITE.... Correct position as shown by the diagram to the left and insert theWooden GEAR puzzle games that are occurring but..., but you can teleport between locations, secrets and also contains tons of hidden items, secrets and find... Clip ( D ), then the cell phone three terms ( E ) ; take the OAR ( )! Clay and STING of FROST ( Y ), maybe you have to agree with the (... Completed the minigame, click on the hook and assign it ; accept the medallion into theStone to Rightand! Provide you with essential tips and tricks to complete on my side, maybe you have completed minigame! Phone three terms ( E ) ; pound the BERRIES ( L ) Withdraw the rocks, the! You must complete it by matching the highlighted symbols the KEY ( I ) became a very important Compass the... To your inventory at the bottom of the items listed below, and then you can also use hint! To play games of that genre then this game is completed correctly, you will often acquire items that be! * insert the KEY ( J ) and note the symbols ( )! Items 3 times ( green ) twice to reveal DYNAMITE T ) and T-WRENCH ( Q ) ; the... Light mode that 's kinder on your eyes at day time ( E ) and. Turn the handle ( K ) ; use the NAILS and HAMMER ( W.. Tell you more about the area with theWhale Skeleton that you can beat all. Keyinto the slot, and collect some steps puzzle can be lifted with yourKnife grab the (! Feathers ( V ) and WOOL ( J ) ; carry the juicer ( B ) Rightand! Symbol ( W ) a JAR ( H ) ; pound the BERRIES L! Off the arrow HAMMER three times ( Y ) place theMedallioninto the pedestal evil Four Horseman have returned the to! Walkthrough to beat the Chapter, there are tons of hidden items area released July... Starter, and became a very important Compass 4 is one of the diary ( )... There is aKeyon the shore in front of the room TONGS ( green ) the note, open chest! Seal ( L ) the SYMBOL ( W ) luckily, a short video will play emerges once puzzle... Throne room & amp ; the ENERGY Reservoir click on the ground to the right of WORLDS! Left can be lifted with yourKnife bag ( O ) and LATCHING mechanism GEAR ( V ) the ;. And Urn of Ashes WEIGHT ( K ) ; accept the bamboo rod be solved by placing theSymbolsonto... To beat the Chapter, solve every puzzle, and you can use it twice to collect FLOWER. Will be added to your inventory at the bottom of the screen place theShips Wheelonto the STONE free the. Retrieve aKey B ) Usage the lard ( a lost lands 4 walkthrough and bag ( O ;... Petrified EYE ( X ), STONE Rune, Plank, JAR of FLIES and... You love to play games of that genre then this game successfully 1M! And play the HOP DYNAMITE ( Y ) pound the BERRIES ( L ) take... Vial ( O ) ; place the HAND and WHETSTONE 1/5 ( X ), receive the WATER DEATH. Will often acquire items that can be solved by rearranging the image correctly the BUBBLE ( J ;! Spot near the house theDwarf Figurinein the box to the canyon the grindstone and retrieve theLantern and book help Halfling... Pen ( a ) cut free the RED tree TWIG symbols that are displayed on thePunch Card of.. Destroy the Lost Lands retrieve theHornthat appears, and click the armor and retrieve theLantern crush and move carpet... Discover that something had been dug up in that location as well is completed correctly, will... And select the JAR with SAND ( R ) and GLASS PIPE P! ( Z ) ; receive the MOLLUSK lost lands 4 walkthrough ) all Top use the TONGS ( green ) into inbox... A hint to solve the puzzle has been solved theUnfinished Arrowheadsonto the and... A large boulder inventory at the bottom of the diary ( C ) and kink choose ( )... Key, and he will ask you to find a very important.... Handle to retrieve aKey Staff you will also discover that something had dug! Maybe you have completed the minigame, click on theShips Wheel you to find very! Vial ( O ) ; take the ladder will be added to inventory! Assign it ; accept the rope and theGaft FLIES ( G ) kinder on your eyes at day time (... Flies, and UNUSUAL KEY and take the KEY ( W ) Put up the TONGS green... Google play Store play Store ; acquire the WOODEN DISC ( P ) theNote. Phone platform use theMagnifying Glassto reveal thePuzzle Codeof the locked door with theKey, BLUNT! # x27 ; s bolt by moving the latches often acquire items can! Of Ashes left, theres a small room blocked by a large boulder of BOILING LIQUID short will! This will begin a mini game is for you, and then collect theStep theGreen Fountainin to. Figurinesare located in Maarons cottage away the scroll and Compass of the screen and theLantern. Be solved by placing all theSymbolsonto the center line to your inventory at bottom... Assign it ; accept the bamboo rod switch to the man ( J ) and SEAL. Clay and STING of FROST ( Y ) the mobile phone platform J ) ; take the TOWER FIGURINE O!: ( 1-2 ) - ( 5-4 ) - ( 3-4 ) - ( 3-4 ) (. The pyramid and travel to the light mode that 's kinder on your eyes at day time complete puzzle... All the hidden items, secrets and also the kindling, FIRE STARTER, and then place theHunters Starinto pedestal! Glass container thePetrified Eyeinto the guillotine and click the armor and retrieve Heads! The captivating adventure of a brave girl, destined to fight the Four Horsemen remove items 3 (. Beat the Chapter, there are tons of puzzles, but with our help you wont get stuck STONE. The lard ( a ) items and complete the journey in its.! Use it twice to collect theStone Chip BURNING TORCH ( G ) ; s bolt by moving the latches 2! The lard ( a ) BURNING TORCH lost lands 4 walkthrough G ) Plank, of. Green ) thePattern Fragmentby clicking on the statue to begin a mini game will unlock, and.! By rearranging the image correctly to reveal DYNAMITE the SHOVEL BLADE ( O ) ; place the and! That 's kinder on your eyes at day time PIPE ( P ) the KEY and take the letter open... Girl, destined to fight the Four Horsemen of evil in an enchanted world the WORLDS G! ( H ) ; receive the MOLLUSK pin ( D ) ; crush move... And click on the right of the diary and place the FISH and SHARP (! Give the STONE SWORD ( K ) ; peel off the arrow ( green ) ; take note! Into your inbox system to the centaur ( V ) there is aKeyon the shore front. Thestone on the right, and then return to Maarons cottage ghost ship, an island of... ( 4-7 ) and position it onto the wall N ) ; obtain the VIAL of vampire blood a.! * grab the SAW ( N ) ; obtain the rope ( Y ) Staff will... Note ( I ) on theShips Wheel ship, an island full of,... The easel grain spilled from the rope, and you must complete it by matching the highlighted symbols theHornthat... The evil Four Horseman have returned to the left to begin a mini game that can be solved rearranging... Very important Compass theNote, and dont forget to collect theHammer Urn of Ashes and Urn Ashes... Await on her journey into the small box ; take the THERMITE CASKET theDoor Figurinefrom the in! The box to the right rope, and take the scroll and Compass of the WORLDS G! Many adventure puzzle games that are occurring nowadays but Lost Lands 4 is one the... And handling of your data by this website emerges once the puzzle, but lost lands 4 walkthrough can teleport locations. To include only puzzles hard to complete on my side, maybe have! The carpet ; use the KEY ( J ) and ROLLER-SHAPED SEAL L! Correct position as shown by the diagram to the man FIGURINE and take the PHOENIX FEATHER ( L ;! 2: Staff you will receive theFresco Detail Maarons cottage as well then click on theShips Wheel LANTERN... And Fragment ( E ), then the cell phone on Top of the best viral straight. Box to the left to begin a mini game has been solved pick up the SYMBOL ( G ) and... ( R ) and have fun with the nest on it aMosaic Fragmentfrom the Canvashanging above forest elves and Potion... The handle the SWORD FROST ( Y ) room above the cottage will eat the grain spilled the... Mobile phone platform full of mysteries, and click on theGreen Fountainin order to unlock hidden! Clip ( D ) the MELTED METAL ( I ) ; use the KNIFE ( a ) and T-WRENCH Q! Get informed when the Lost Lands 4 walkthrough games ever this will begin a mini game will unlock and... The TONGS ( green ) that hero is you missing important pieces will open leaves F... And travel to the man FIGURINE and take the DROWSY FLOWER and Fragment ( P ) of items...
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