Students can request a military withdrawal only up to the original end date of the course. Those who wish to declare a minor, however, are encouraged to meet with their professional advisor to review the requirements for that minor. If alldegree requirements have been met, the student's degree will be conferred. At the core of this Code are two key concepts: a belief in the dignity of all persons and an insistence on the existence of objective truth. The Undergraduate Repeat Policy is applied for degree-seeking, special (aka non-degree-seeking), and certificate-seeking students. The Department Chair or Program Director will review the instructor's report and the student's written appeal, then notify the instructor and the student of his/her decision. Free electives may be taken from the undergraduate courses offered in any department. Academic Misconduct Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to plagiarism, cheating and falsification. Courses completed with an Audit grade carry no semester hours credit and are not counted in the calculation of the grade point average. The University reserves the right to make necessary changes without further notice. Students may be dually enrolled for a maximum of two semesters, and may enroll for a maximum of nine semester hours of graduate course work. Conditions such as transfer credit and incomplete grades should be removed by the beginning of the candidates last semester. Previously earned grades of A, B, and C will remain on the students record and will calculate into his or her GPA. After submitting the appeal, if additional information is needed, the student will be notified via their Liberty Webmail. The student will not be permitted to be present after the Committee has received all evidence and begun its deliberation toward a decision. Liberty University Faculty members, both residential and online, must submit final grades for all students to the Registrar at the end of each term. Half-Time equals 6 to 11 credit hours per semester. The decision for such a cancellation is ultimately that of the Provost of the University. At least one-third of the course work for any program of study must be earned through . We do thisby assisting Libertysschools and academic departments in graduate programdevelopment and maintenance. To satisfy the requirements for the major and minor fields of study, only grades of C or above in upper level courses may be included. Assistant Registrar for Transfer Evaluations, Travis Hoegh The Registrars Office will process the conferral of a certificate once all certificate requirements have been met, including the minimum GPA requirement and certificate completion application. All students who are admitted, enrolled or active for the Summer 2014 term forward, are being moved to the 4 point scale. The course planning schedule is available online at: Table of Contents hide 1 Sepedi 2 Setswana 3 Siswati 4 Tshivenda 5 Xitsonga 6 English 7 Accounting 8 Accounting (Senior Certificate) 9 Agricultural Management Practices 10 Agricultural Sciences 11 Agricultural Technology 12 Business Studies 13 Business Studies (Senior . Applicants must request that official transcripts be sent directly from the Registrar(s) of the previous school(s) to the Registrars Office at Liberty University. This procedure is used to determine if students are progressing toward the completion of their courses. Students pursuing a certificate may not pursue more than one certificate at the same time. The full policy and procedures are published in the Policy Directory online at However, certain majors require more than 120 hours. Academic standing or deans list in a prior semester can only be changed as a result of an approved grade change. More information about the specific dates in the registration schedule will be posted on the Registrar's Course Registration web page each semester. The Academic Dean will have 7 days to review the appeal from the time of submission. It's 3-year average NCLEX-RN passing rate is 96.33%, giving the Liberty University an overall grade of A. If those documents are unavailable, applicants should submit a copy of their DD214, 2-1, 2A, or DD295 for evaluation. Given if a student officially withdraws from a course any time after the two-thirds point and before the last scheduled class meeting, providing he/she is passing the course at the time of the withdrawal. You have to have a lot of self-motivation and self-discipline when you are going to school online, but the amazing thing is at Liberty you do not need to do it by yourself. A course planning schedule is provided in order for students to plan their classes for upcoming semesters. Students who are late for class 10 minutes or less are considered tardy but present for the class. SNOW 1 THE SALEM NEWS v\l \ I HI M Snow t inches IiOW tonight 15-20. The authority for the decision to grant an incomplete completely lies with the instructor. Students pursuing an associates or bachelors degree who wish to complete a double major or a dual degree should email their academic evaluator in the Registrars Office. Message and data rates may apply. may not be audited. For example, at the University of Washington, students with a D-minus receive a . Students pursuing a certificate must complete the certificate requirements within three (3) years of the date of matriculation. If the Vice Provost denies the students appeal, his decision will be final. Requests to change to or from audit status after the add/drop period will be denied. Request Information To ensure students are successful in their academic endeavors, the University has placed a limit on the maximum number of semester hours students are able to take. The bachelors degree requires a minimum of 120 semester hours. Liberty University has an acceptance rate of 50%, average SAT - 1145, average ACT - 25, net price to attend - $28,762, receiving aid - 99%, average aid amount - $12,966, enrollment - 93,349, male/female ratio - 41:59, founded in 1971. Online students failing to attain and maintain the minimum GPA required are placed onAcademicWarning. Students with a bachelors degree who wish to pursue a second bachelors degree must successfully complete at least 30 additional hours through Liberty University, and there must be at least 30 unique hours within the major of the first or second degree. Visit Advanced Placement for additional information. Associate Registrar for Degree Conferral, Jess Clark, B.S., M.A. Please note that credit earned through the portfolio process, certificates of completion, and/or training documentation will be limited to a combined maximum of 30 hours. Questions may be directed to the Office of the University Registrar, (573) 882-4249. GRADUATE PROGRAMS West Liberty University 208 University Drive West Liberty, WV 26074. These policies include: academic standing, change of major, course registration, class attendance, drop and withdrawal processes, Repeat Policy, broken enrollment, academic and personal codes of honor, incompletes, recording of grades and the grade appeal process, FERPA, and Academic Transcript processes. Students who are members of Liberty Intercollegiate Athletic teams may earn one hour of academic credit for a completed season. An administrative fee of $100 will be charged for each portfolio submitted for assessment. At least 25% of the course work for each major must be earned at Liberty University. Students who wish to complete a bachelors degree with a double major (BA/BA, BEd/BEd, BFA/BFA, BM/BM, BS/BS or BSN/BSN) or a dual degree (any two-degree combination of BA, BEd, BFA, BM, BS or BSN) must have at least 30 unique hours within the major of the first or second degree. This tool will help you quickly convert marks between different grading systems. and Supervision (Graduate Certificate), Top 10 Reasons to Choose Liberty University, Experience Plus Credit for Life Experience, Liberty University Academic Calendar Online, Office of Disability Accommodation Support. At least one-third of the course work for any program of study must be earned through Liberty University. Questions regarding missed work for Student Elective Absences must be addressed by the student with the professor within one week of returning to class. Student Advocate reviews the complaint and accompanying documentation. Students must initiate the request for an incomplete directly to the instructor by the last day of class (before the final exam period for residential classes). After the matriculated bachelors degree candidate has completed approximately 90 hours toward graduation, the Academic Evaluators in the Registrars Office will evaluate the academic and Christian/Community Service record using the transcript and any approved exceptions to the program which might have been placed in the file. For scheduling please call (434) 582-2183. Credit may be granted to students who demonstrate that they have already acquired course knowledge through life experiences such as job training, non-college courses, etc., for the degree program in which they are enrolled. Liberty University offers undergraduate and graduate degrees through residential and online programs. Residential students may add and drop courses through Add/Drop Week. The unit for counting credit is the semester hour. The student must provide written documentation that demonstrates the occurrence of one or more of the above grounds for appeal. It is important to note that this policy is ONLY for complaints not addressed by other stated policies. Students who desire to return to Liberty in the future must appeal to the Registrars Office in writing through the designated portal. Liberty University 2022-2023 Graduate Catalog. You may opt-out at any time by sending STOP to 49595 or 49596. All test candidates, not just students in the Liberty University Aviation program, are eligible to use the FAA aviation computer-based testing center. Liberty University is considered transfer credit, and is subject to the same . A student may not drop or withdraw from the ASCS course without permission from the Academic Success Center. Declaration of a major does not imply the ability to pursue programs such as Cinematic Arts, Interdisciplinary Studies, Nursing, or teacher licensure. These transcripts must be received before an admission decision will be made. VISIT. All candidates for degrees may participate in the annual graduation exercises which take place in May. Of these 36 hours, 24 hours are to be taken in the honors sections of General Education courses; 9 have to be taken within the major; and. Undergraduate Catalog > Academic Policies > Grades and Reports. A Pass/Fail option will allow students to continue their education, which is more important than assessments, in a timely manner, without the additional stress that continues to increase. Students should not have to put their program and/or degree requirements on hold or at risk because of the coronavirus. University Registrar, Lori Baker, B.S., M.A. Online students on Academic Probationshould plan to limit enrollment to a 13-semester-hour course load during the next term of attendance and may be required to takeASCS101Theory for Academic Success (1 c.h.). Certain degree programs may require a higher Liberty University cumulative GPA for approval. Associate Registrar for Academic Operations, Sarah Dohme, B.S., M.Ed. This credit is not intended for transfer. Regular attendance in residential courses is expected throughout the length of the term. Remember: Any change in status (e.g., from full-time to part-time, etc.) All rights reserved. . There is a $10.00 fee for one transcript. Thought at times, students will miss classes. Simply enter in your assessments, weighted grade percentages or letter grades you received and our grade calculator will determine your current course grades. TOTAL COLLEGE EXPERIENCE, 208 University Drive
Given when a student passes a course taken on a Pass/Fail basis or a Credit/No Credit basis. Courses completed with an Audit grade carry no semester hour's credit and are not counted in the calculation of the grade point average. More information can be found at the following link:, Academic Information & Policies - Online Program, Academic Information & Policies - Resident Program,,, CIE (University of Cambridge International Exams),,,,,,,,,, Transcript Information | Registrar | Liberty University, Student Financial Services > Eligibility & Enrollment for Aid, Institutional Effectiveness > Policy Directory > Enrollment Levels and Types Policy, Failure for Non-Attendance - Pass/Fail Courses. Undergraduate students must have a Liberty University cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above to be eligible for overload up to 21 credit hours, and a GPA of 3.5 or above to be eligible for overload up to 24 credit hours. Students with a bachelors degree who wish to pursue an associates degree must successfully complete at least 15 additional hours through Liberty University, and there must be at least 15 unique hours within the major of the first or second degree. Resident students taking online courses will be charged resident tuition. If the Vice Provost approves the students appeal, all grades of C, D, and F (including +/- grades) will be revised to Q, and will no longer be included in the calculation of the students cumulative GPA. At the end of the term on Academic Probation, students who fail to raise their cumulative GPA to the required academic level (see above) are placed onAcademic Suspension. Together, these statements situate Liberty University within the long tradition of university culture, which in its beginnings was distinctively Christian, designed to preserve and advance truth. Prior to registering for any course at another institution, students must submit a Future Course Request Form to guarantee transferability. You can view the honor code for all Liberty University undergraduate and graduate students. If blatant academic dishonesty occurs in a clear and convincing manner, the student may receive a grade of F for the course in which the academic misconduct occurred. If the Director of Graduate Student Affairs determines that the student is eligible to resume his/her studies from a student conduct perspective, the Associate Registrar for Academic Success will then present the students appeal for review to the Associate Dean or Program Director over the students degree program. For eligibility requirements for military discounts at the doctoral level, please review the online benefits page. Satisfactory academic standing for students enrolled in an undergraduate programs is: Academic Standing is calculated at the end of each Fall and Spring term, or upon completion of all courses within those terms, and is based on the student's cumulative GPA. Additionally, duplicated or repeated institutional and/or transfer credit will only be counted once toward total earned credit hours, unless courses are deemed repeatable. 2022 CFB/2023-2026 Draft Scout In cases where this is not possible, the student must notify the Professor in writing of the circumstances impacting his or her absence. The graduate grade range is A through C- and F. There are no D grades as C- is the lowest passing grade in graduate classes. Liberty encourages students to have open and respectful communication with their professors to resolve any concerns regarding individual course assignment grades and/or the final grade for the course. Online students:The process for changing/declaring a major can be found by accessing, or by calling LUO Academic Advising. A student wishing to appeal a final grade must submit the appeal to their professor and seek to resolve the situation with them. Please Note: Incompletes must be secured no later than 2 weeks prior to the course end date. Students pursuing an associates degree must complete the degree requirements within seven (7) years of the date of matriculation. It also enables students to immediately view how their credits will apply towards a different program. The student must agree in writing to abide by the terms of the contract before being permitted to register for courses. In addition, some majors require course sequences that necessitate earlier selection of the major in order to earn a baccalaureate degree within four years of full-time study. A thriving athletics program has been an integral part of Liberty Universitys vision from the beginning, and today Liberty has 20 NCAA Division I athletic teams, 41 Club Sports teams, and 20 intramural sports. For Special (aka non-degree-seeking) students, the repeat policy may be applied for a maximum of three hours of repeated course work. Students who wish to audit an online course may do so for a fee (see Expenses and Financial Policy section). Lecture-only courses may be audited. However, many majors require more than 60 hours. To obtain an incomplete, a military student must send either a current copy of official military orders (as proof of professional conflict during enrollment in the course) or a signed letter on official letterhead from the students commander or supervisor. If any prior certificate or degree has been awarded through Liberty University, grades earned during that time period cannot be excluded when Academic Amnesty is applied. . All work is graded by letters, which are assigned quality points as indicated below: R is no longer an active option for a grade. In order to formally request the withdrawal, the student must request the withdrawal through their Liberty University e-mail address to the Advising office or the student can go through the withdrawal process while meeting with an Advisor. ), GOVT200 Constitutional Government and Free Enterprise (3 c.h. Prospective students must apply as a Special Student and receive confirmation of acceptance. Corroboration may be requested of the student (e.g., transcripts from other institutions, certificates, awards, etc.). Appeals are accepted only when the grade assigned conflicts with: Appeals, other than those mentioned above, will not be reviewed. You really do have resources like someone who is going to school on campus. The student, upon receipt of the results of the academic honesty review, will have five business days to appeal the decision to the professor and the Department Chair or Program Director. Once the form is submitted it will be sent to the department chair, followed by the dean, and lastly the Provost Office for approval. Out of 52 nursing schools in Virginia, the nursing program at Liberty University ranks #3 in the state, and out of more than 1,700 nursing programs nationally, it ranks #87. Should no violation be found, the Committee's report indicating such will be forwarded to the Department Chair or Program Director and faculty member. Elective credit is coded as 1XX 4XX, depending on the level of the course. For military duty related absences, students who have received advanced notification orders are required to provide documentation for their military-related absence two weeks prior to the absence when feasible; however, students should turn-in documentation as soon as the orders are received. Students who wish to obtain credit for such activities must receive prior approval from the Registrar. By submitting contact information through this form, I agree that Liberty University and its affiliates may call and/or text me about its offerings by any phone number I have provided and may provide in the future, including any wireless number, using automated technology. The GPA is unaffected by the incomplete until a final grade is posted after the deadline. Choose from more than 700 programs of study. 304.336.5000 Toll Free: 866-WESTLIB . If the student wishes to appeal further they must follow the process outlined below: Official transcripts are made only at the request of the student. Undergraduate students are subject to the following conditions: Students must maintain satisfactory academic standing in order to remain at Liberty. The online form can be found on the Registrars Office webpage at No course can be added after the first week of classes without approval from the instructor or a department representative, and the Registrars Office. When the review is complete, the student will be notified of the decision via their Liberty Webmail and the appeal portal. Academic Information & Policies - Resident Program, Institutional Challenge Examinations (ICE) are available to students in the Rawlings School of Divinity who possess a satisfactory justification of previous knowledge in a subject area based upon a non-college training program, job, or self-learning. 291 TELEPH O NE 332-4601 SALEM. We do not know how long we will have to wait until the coronavirus subsists so that we can return to campus. The published grading rubrics for the course assignments, Written communication (i.e., email, announcements, etc. The PDF will include all information unique to this page. Students seeking a double major or a dual degree are required to complete all requirements for both majors/degrees before their degree will be conferred. PDF versions of allCCPs are available online. Although the university will make reasonable efforts to place admitted students in field experiences and internship, it will be up to the host facility to determine whether a student will be allowed to work at that facility. will be evaluated for transfer of credit. If all three parties approve, the request will be sent to the Registrars office to create the approved course and proceed with registration - provided there are no holds or errors that prevent it. Call 304.336.8015 Toll Free: 866-WESTLIB. This deadline specifically applies to residential students in residential courses as defined by the University. For additional information, text HELP to 49595 or 49596. Undergraduate students. Suggested course sequences for resident undergraduate degree programs are available inside the Degree Completion Plan. While we understand that everyone will not agree with the statements that follow, we do expect that our students respect and uphold these standards while enrolled at Liberty University. Therefore, an advising hold will be placed on any undeclared/undecided undergraduate student. Once the original end date of the course has passed, students will not be able to request a withdrawal for any reason. Changes are discouraged after a student and advisor have arranged the students schedule for the semester. Program Manager for Commencement, Jaime Velastegui, B.S., M.A. A credential evaluation service must be a member of the National Association of Credential Evaluation Services ( before it can be accepted at Liberty University. Approval of the course substitution is under the oversight of the Registrars Office and the academic department presiding over the required course. For information on the IB (International Baccalaureate) policy visit the website. Student Advocate, if necessary, assigns the complaint toanother university office, (Financial Aid, Student Accounts, Academics, etc.) If deemed appropriate by the Committee or if requested by the student, the student only may be present in person at the meeting of the Committee where the review will be made. Appointments are available. The published syllabus for the course assignments, Written communication (e.g., email, announcements, etc. The student will be readmitted on academic caution and will be required to take and pass GRST 501 Graduate Success Strategies in his/her first semester (unless he/she has already passed the course). may not be audited. UNIV 104 Math Assessment Part 1 Part 2 Liberty University. Faculty teaching residential and online courses should have grades submitted to the Registrar one week after the end of each semester. Changing programs or breaking enrollment may invalidate the request. The findings will be kept in the students official record. Each portfolio must define learning in terms of college-level competencies for specific course credit. Financial Aid Recipients are subject to the Title IV withdrawal calculation. If you would like information about the duties, responsibilities, and requirements for specific department Graduate Assistants, you can reach out to the departmentalliaisons. Internships, capstone courses, special topics, remedial courses, workshops, seminars, independent studies, and varsity courses are not transferable. Masters-level graduate students are considered to be full-time when enrolled in nine or more hours per semester. The student must include the information required above. Enter mark in the From field, select grading systems, and then click Convert. Then, enter in your final course grade goals and determine . Students who receive a grade of "FN" may appeal to their professor to have the grade removed to resume work in the course. These are now handled through the Center for Research & Scholarship. Residentstudents failing to attain and maintain the minimum GPA required are placed on Academic Warning. A student seeking readmission under academic amnesty must first appeal in writing to the Registrars Office through the designated portal. Students who were Academically Dismissed because of academic dishonesty are not eligible for Academic Amnesty. If the student is not satisfied with the outcome of their initial complaint, they may appeal within 5 business days of the rendered decision by providing additional support/documentation for review. The full policy and procedures are published in the Policy Directory online at or ASCS105 Accountability for Academic Success (1 c.h. Graduate, post-graduate, and doctoral students have a maximum semester limit of 15 hours. Undergraduate courses in which a grade of B, C, D, F, FN, P, NP was awarded are. Additionally, the Student Advocate Office may be contacted in cases where a student is uncertain on how to proceed with a complaint, or if a complaint remains unresolved after a reasonable amount of time. Both the student and any Liberty University personnel involved in or affected by the Academic Code of Honor violation will have the right to present their views to the Department Chair or Program Director before any decision is rendered. Counts as a failing grade in computing the grade point average. Assistant Registrar for Academic Operations, Ben Bailey, B.S., M.A.T.S. Course withdrawals with grades of W are used in determining a students academic load for the semester, upon which tuition charges are based. ), internship courses, capstone courses, as well as other courses not approved by academic departments. Consultation by the student with the Financial Aid office may be needed to determine how the Repeat Policy will affect the students Satisfactory Academic Progress. The instructor will write a report outlining the violation. This request may also be used when an academic department approves a complete replacement for a Liberty course requirement. Transfer students must complete this within their first year at Liberty. A minor on the students transcript indicates the completion of a block of courses that academic departments have specified as meeting the requirements of their minor. A PDF of the entire 2022-2023 Graduate Catalog. Target GPA Calculator
In order to receive direct credit for a course, the description must overlap the Liberty University course content at least 60%. This does not apply for certificate level students. Foreign students are encouraged and sometimes required to use foreign credential evaluation services such as World Education Services ( to have their transcripts validated and evaluated before sending them to Liberty University. Transcripts are evaluated under the guidelines established by the Senate Committee on Academic and Admissions Standards. The decision of the CAAS in regard to the occurrence of academic dishonesty is final. Disclaimer| Comments,questions,problems. Once the course is registered, all standard registration policies will apply. A Certificate Completion Application must be filled out at the beginning of the final semester before the certificate can be awarded. CARING . ), and may not represent the University on any team without approval from the appropriate committee. 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