Is Lewis Smith Married, Visit Fandom's Community Central! Define a favorite wish. $ima
$ for multiple series. In Gamemode 2 only, you can antidisable individual characters or bundles. If you have already logged in, continue to Step 3. List of possible colors, per order of value: purple, blue, teal, green, yellow, orange, red, rainbow, light. Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of noted images. Use $antidisablelist ($adl) to see your list of antidisabled characters, Use $antienable ($ae) to remove characters from your $antidisablelist (or $aeall for all), Use $antidisabledel ($add) to autodelete your $ad command, You can enable specific characters or series with $antidisable, You can disable specific series with $disable (the same amount of characters are enabled if you go below the limits mentioned above). $fate <@mention>: Describes the trend between you and the mentioned user. p!start Starts your Pokemon Adventure. Before that, you have to add Ani Bot inside your Discord server. Fun, Created By: !servervar [remove|delete] expand_more, ! With $shifthour 1, your claim reset will be one hour later (= two hours sooner if you claim every 3 hours), With $shifthour 2, your claim reset will be two hours later (= one hour sooner if you claim every 3 hours), With $shifthour 1, it will be 11:20 => 14:20 => 17:20, With $shifthour 2 it will be 12:20 => 15:20 => 18:20. Leveling !init [attack|a] [args] expand_more. You might ask what of it, woah, slow down for a sec shawn! Through this article, we have guided you on how to use the AniGames Bot and then told you how to add it to your discord server. $topserv lastclaim: ($ts lc) Date of the last claim for each user. anigame bot commands Do you want to see custom anime memes from our database? $colorsl: Change the embed color (side line) of your $sl. $togglekakerasnipe 0: (default value, no restriction) Any kakera rolled can be sniped by anyone. $unrestrict to remove a restricted command for a role (undo). Tamarind Tea Detox, Once you have found a Discord server to play Discraft on, whether it be your own or someone else's, or the main Discord support Discord, you should locate the appropriate channel for sending bot commands in (possibly called #bot-commands or similar). Step 3: Select the server where you want to add AniGame Bot. {prefix}clear | To How to Use Katheryne Bot Discord [ Katheryne Bot Commands ], Rarible Beginners Guide: 10 Answers You Should Know, How to use Virtual Fisher Bot Discord [ Virtual Fisher Bot Commands ], How to Use Counting Bot Discord [ Counting Bot Commands Guide ], How to Use Koya Bot Discord [ Koya Bot Commands Guide ], How To Use Tofu Bot Discord [ Tofu Bot Commands Guide ], How to Use Vexera Bot Discord [ Vexera Bot Commands ]. Use $setpermission kakerarefund charowner to allow users to refund themselves. $qs is used to save your list to a preset slot. Zakat ul Fitr. Please support the bot by inviting it to your server! Use $setpermission addimg charowner to allow this command for the character owners. To get the Discord full ID, enable the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance/behavior) then right click on their icon. If your claim reset currently occurs at 10:20 => 13:20 => 16:20: This will change the maximum number of characters the users can have in their harem by preventing them from claiming if they reached (or are already above) this limit. Your list of Soulmates (any characters you've earned at least 10 keys on in any server). Step 5: Now click on the authorize button, and you will see a captcha box where you have to verify your identity as a human by ticking it. This requires a bot channel to utilize. Define the number of different characters you can roll in each roulette (by disabling the less popular characters). The concept of stages or levels is also based on a players performance in clan wars or unique boss events. (Default value). So lets get started. Kakera server ladder, showing total earned kakera as well as current kakera. This will take you to a battle. this bot has been great, and i have come to enjoy it a lot with friends, its a great bot to add to any weeb server. Makes it so that if the command is used outside of the bot channel, the bot will ping the user in the botchannel and give the results there instead. $togglesnipe 2: (full restriction) Any character rolled can't be sniped for 8 seconds. In Gamemode 2, when you disable a series, the same amount of disabled characters are enabled (you can't go below the limits mentioned by $limroul), Options: d (details), v (vanilla), s (DM). Ben Dinucci Stats, When you have some cards in your inventory, select an anime card to battle with from your inventory. 3. We need to find out precisely the root cause of the problem. $rdmperso: Random character from, $searchpkm: Search for a Pokmon in the pokedex. $perstogglereact 2: reactions are automatically added under ALL your rolls BUT you get only 7 base rolls per hour (before applied boosts). $bitesthedust scrap: Divorce all the characters of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to the server kakera scraps. Roll a claimed character with a kakera reaction. WebList of Commands WAIFU ROULETTE. Please type .start to begin your conquest in the lands of Aniverse! Turn off (or back on) various ranking aspects for your server. Commands to load a character sheet into Avrae, and supporting commands to modify the character, as well as basic macros. If some technical issues are from the developers end, they will update the support server. Your inventory may be empty in the beginning. $qw/$qw2/$qd/$qd2/$qa/$qa2 are used to view your list. The key features of the Bot include exciting and attractive ones, such as the trading and shop systems for users to buy. Interact with real-time PvP, climb floors and defeat floor You can also be part of the larger Fandom family of communities. Time left before you can react again to a kakera. , where one can defeat floor guardians and move to higher floors accordingly. Unlocked with $kt. It also involves the. The official command for this feature is .raid or .rd. Pull requests Anigame Sniper Gen. 2 sniper discord izzi anigame anigame-sniper izzi-sniper Updated on Jan 7, 2022 Python Sebastian09-09 / Anigame-Sniper-Gen-1 Star 3 Code Issues Pull requests Sniper for Anigame and Izzi discord bots! WebAnigame is a game that runs as a bot within the Discord App. Each battle will cost 5 energy and goes for 20 rounds. $likepos : insert a character at a specific position (and move down others). Change the possibility to claim on other players' rolls/wishes. You can start the AniGame bot using the .start command. However, the weak player has an option to stay, and nothing you can do about that. /wghelp Shows instructions for new players/channel owners. Minimum time between two transfers of the same character: 30 days. $resetalias unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $resetalias2 unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $resetimg unclaimed: Reset $alias2 for all the unclaimed characters of your server, $fullresetalias: reset all aliases to the default value. Difficulty list and time required to vote kick: The vote required to kick depends on the amount of current party members. Displays key information, rewards, and commands. The AniGame Bot is popular for claiming anime character cards. This and many other new player questions are answered in the guide linked in the output of the '.basics' command. (Not soulkeys). Avrae Commands. Also, you can refer to this. React quickly with a . You can read these, 4. After players enter .tr confirm to seal the and even remove their fake Discord account How they do it. Social Although Karuta has dozens of commands, which you can find further down this page, the bots two core mechanics are dropping and grabbing. With Karuta, your cards, items, and statistics go with you across every Discord server! Characters in your wishlist and wishserieslist are not disabled by your $disablelist! An instance is the same as a new server: use this command to make a fresh start of Mudae on some channels of your server. To remove the secondary alias, leave the text portion blank. This will get the command list to show up, which might help you dummies figure things out. WebXquisite is an open-source discord bot made using Node.js and discord.js library it has over 60 commands that includes moderation, action, and much more, a bot is simple so that means everyone can use it, the bot is currently offline because of rework he is getting. Each player will have 25 energy to battle the raid. $pr serv 435763044120002561, $colorpr: Change the embed color (side line) of your $pr. $topserv: ($ts) Server ladder for the sum of the 15 first claim ranked characters by claims. 4- If nothing works, try to remove the Bot and re-invite it to the server. Kakera cannot be a negative value. But, lets not forget the main feature of the bot, creating an anime list! The probability to roll an already claimed character with a rarity 4 is equivalent to get 4 claimed characters in a row with a rarity 1. The support server redirects to Sakura Bar Server, where AniGame Bot seems to be streaming on twitch under its developer name account. $topservl: ($tsl) Server ladder for the sum of the 15 first ranked characters by likes. Use $tsy id to display user IDs. p!prefix Changes the default command prefix to the user given value. The Bot offers unforgettable events such as. $rc none: Change claim text to default text. Replace gender with f for female, m for male or fm for both/genderless, Replace type of rolls with animanga, game or both, For an image addition/change: $imgcustom (or $ic), For a name addition/change: $namecustom (or $nc), For a gender or roulette change: $gendercustom or $typecustom, You can also delete the character with $deletecustom, List of categories: claim, rolls, daily, keys, kakerareact, kakerapower, kakerainfo, kakerastock, rt, dk, pokemon, vote, rollsreset, jump, "jump" is used to jump a line (up to 10 jump), $wishlist: your list of wishes. To add an anime to your list, help yourself with the ab!add command. Interact with Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of alias2. Leaderboard Rankings for ALL events! Islamic Center of Cleveland is a non-profit organization. Then, imagine the story $mudanime: Random phrases inspired by known animes. So, lets get started. Clan Wars All Rights Reserved. if you want to return the list instead of one character. You can also join the Official Discraft support server by using this invite link. /wgsupport Show the link to the WaifuGame Community Server where you can get help. Search for a also, when you look up a card, it should show you how many of that specific card you own. Note there are a ton of things that you can do with the AniGame bot. Autozone Belt Cross Reference, Get the Discord role ID by enabling the developer mode in your Discord settings (appearance), then right click on the role name. Click the button above to view details of this section Please ensure your correct team as your active team before starting Note that you can only join the raid if there is a slot available (6 players max), the raid is not started yet and you have 2+ raid passes, If you are the raid leader, please review the, If you are not the raid leader, you can help promoting the raid in any #raid-recruitment channel in any Discord server. Unlocked with $kt. Click one of the following to get a more detailed guide: AniGame Database & Guide Info [AGDB] 2023. This command will give you the amount of kakera you have on another server (after conversion of the badges and towers) as well as your kakeraloot stuff (refunded if you already have loots on the new server). Event badges are also transferred with this command. Although. Less popular characters are disabled. !servalias [delete|remove] expand_more, !servalias rename expand_more. The AniGame Bot discord specializes in dealing with games relating to cards. 5. WebPlayers can run the .tr commands as usual, including .tr view. To save all three in one command, replace the name of the list with full. $rollsleft 0: The message 2 ROLLS LEFT appears below the image. Using this command on the currently set alias will show the list of aliases (like $alist). $divorceseries : divorce ALL your characters from a series, $divorcepage : divorce ALL your characters displayed at a specific page of your harem ($mm), $divorcenote : divorce ALL your characters by their $note, For multiple characters, series, pages or notes: separate them with a $, $divorce$mm: divorce everything listed with the harem flag (Example: $divorce$mmh will divorce ALL your husbandos), To divorce ALL your characters, use $divorceall OR $divorceallbut OR $divorceallbut page <$mm page(s) not to divorce>. Web Design :, Wearing The Same Clothes Everyday Disorder. Do you want to find anime/guess anime? Twitter. Once the raid has been started, each party member will get notification from AniGame about it and players can start battling it. Defeating them, the player gets high rewards and ranking to dominate the leaderboard. p!time Tells the Time of Day. sorting in alphabetical order, just being able to look up a specific card in your invintory would be nice. The Bot indeed provides worth to have experience and is thus a must-try one. To claim any other character, the user has to manually add any emoji. $randomimg 0: (default value) Images appearing during your rolls are not random. how to use anigame bot. $imd for more details during inexact searches. WebPull requests0 Actions Projects0 Security Insights More Code Issues Pull requests Actions Projects Security Insights Sebastian09-09/Anigame-Sniper-Gen-1 This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. Display the amount of server kakera scraps. Give kakera (from kakera scraps) to someone. For less active servers, cards will drop slower. /wgtroubleshoot Helps Discord Server Owners track down why WaifuGame isn't working correctly. $notepage $: note for all the characters displayed at a specific page of your harem ($mm), $notenote $: renote existing note(s), $note$mm : note everything listed with the harem, To remove a note, leave it blank after the $. Leave a blank after the $ for default value. The probability to spawn a kakera under a claimed character depends on how many claimed characters you spawn on average, so often this command won't help you to get a lot more of kakera reactions. $build : ($b) Choose a perk and build a floor for the kakera tower. $cleankakera everyone: refund all badges and remove all kakera to all players. leads while all other commands are available for general use. $perstogglereact 0: (default value) During your rolls, you are using the $togglereact value for this server (see $togglereact). All This command will allow you to drop three cards with a 30-minute cooldown. Note that you can just use $limroul 1 1 1 1 to be safe with your lowest limits. Sort all your harem in reverse order: $sm reverse, To add multiple images to the same character, separate the links with a $, It is recommended to add .gif at the end of the link when adding a gif (12 max per character). allpokeslot: all Pokslot related commands. $topserv nbr: ($ts nbr) Server ladder for the number of claimed characters. To do the raid, you must have at least a team consisting of 3 cards to battle the target and 2 raid passes consumed when the raid is started. We are a Naruto-themed , Karuta-based and Sofi-based server that is trying to grow and gather a lot of weebs. This cannot be overridden, and these characters cannot be viewed at all. Sadaqah Fund $likeremove : remove a character. If you have some unanswered questions, mention them in the comments. If youre a fan of anime or a weeb in general, this is the bot for you! Use $ail unclaimed for unclaimed characters. Come join in with tons of fun that allows you to compete with other players in REAL-time, with a unique strategy devised in order to defeat stage monsters and bosses. $fne $ to also search by tag. Change the embed color (side line) of your $mm. Use $firstmarry none to reset this effect. Collect the best cards (with highest rarities) to WebMake sure you join the Official AniGame Server using the command .invite to have access to the community, help, and invite the bot to your server! Once you start, you can check your inventory using the .inv command. You can add AniGame to your Discord Server by pressing Add AniGame on this page. Use $adc or $aec to specify a character in the case a series shares the same name. discord-bot discordpy izzi anigame Updated on Jan 7, 2022 Python 0xfinder / anigame-scripts Star 0 WebDiscord Anime Bots Find the best Discord Anime Bots for your Discord Server, including Poktwo to Mewbot and more! $randomimg 5: Images are random for all your rolls EXCEPT for the characters from your harem. Anime card-drop game, in which they can be used for battling (PvP) or beating locations/stages. This will copy your harem from another server (adding all the characters to your current harem, EXCEPT already claimed characters, custom characters and characters from the series Azur Lane, Arknights and Mahjong Soul). $profile serv: Your profile from another server. If there is a further development in the Bot, we will inform you. This will change the base value for the $kakeratower floors. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'exploringbits_com-leader-2','ezslot_17',144,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-leader-2-0');4. FORGET EVERYTHING you know about collectable trading card games on Discord. It puts a unique spin on this familiar bot model by turning thousands of anime characters into cards that you can earn, burn, collect, and trade! View Add Bot Upvote Mewbot 72 67,183 Pokmon Social $topservy: ($tsy) Server ladder for characters with the most of keys. Trades and gifts are not affected by the custom limit (they still cannot exceed the hard limit of 8100). Click one of the following to get a more detailed guide: AniGame Database & Guide Info [AGDB] 2023. $togglesnipe 0: (default value, no restriction) Any character rolled can be sniped by anyone. This message is shown by AniGame when the. Ban a user and save their messages in the chat. There are some raid bosses with talent that changes its max HP, which in turn leads to changing the maximum damage you can heal. softban. KVK registration number: 70654115, The pause: Pauses the currently playing track. Parses str as if it were in an alias, for testing. Once you have found the raid you desired to join, you can join with the following command: Once you have joined you can check the raid details and current team members: .rd view - To check the stats of the current raid, .rd party or .rd lobby - To check the current team member. Sponsor A Raccoon Uk, Catch, level, and evolve Pokmon, trade and battle with friends, and more. 3- Make sure that you are using the correct commands. In Gamemode 1, it will show your overlap limit at the top; in Gamemode 2, it will show your pool limits (which are reached using $limroul). So, lets get started. Wish for an entire series. $imq! Top 100 Famicom Games, Also, if you require a moderation bot that can play music and add fun to your discord server, you can check the, We will discuss some basic How-tos regarding AniGame Bot. Use list parameter to see the current states. Additionally, the server will automatically drop cards based on the servers chat activity. Discord Anime JRPG brought to life, AniGame provides the ultimate card collecting experience in Discord for you! (example: !wish Zero Two $ Rem). is the most exciting one to watch over, where players dominate others each second in the blink of an eye. Tells you how to earn kakera in your server and your progression through Kakera Badges. not a big fan of that mindset but we'll see how far that goes. Database of 80,000 anime/game characters: make and customize the best collection in your server. Allows another user to edit your active pack. List of divorced characters by moderation commands ($bitesthedust, $forcedivorce, $cleanuser). It also increases the SR or UR drop chance for the remaining raid members. To allow more channels, use the same syntax again in those channels. Use of this Web site constitutes acceptance of the Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. All free and open source. So definitely try the AniGame Bot on your discord servers. Number of characters left for your server. Collect from 40,000+ Characters Anime Kpop Webtoon Vtuber Genshin Pokemon Battling Dungeons Monsters Card Game RPG. Runs each line as a separate command, with a 1 second delay between commands. Congratulations! Loads a character sheet from Dicecloud, resetting all settings. Mudae is fun, but doesn't it suck that claiming your favorite character only matters in one server? 2- Ensure that you have provided sufficient permissions to the AniGame Bot in the settings tab. $ly to like without confirm if you have at least 10 characters in your likelist. Supermarket Stakeout Fake, If you can start with a super rare card and select it using .select {card_number}, 7. The raid boss has 2 set of HP, the first set will be its HP stat x 10, and the second one will be its real remaining HP. It doesn't bypass the commands $togglehentai, $togglehorror or $serverdisable. (If you have any questions, join the support server & ask, tons of ppl will be willing to help). The Bot lets you interact with players from all over the world. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Mountain Lion Skull Identification, All AniGame Bot Commands List Shop Commands. AniGame also allows you to participate in clan wars and enjoy the most out of the Bot. You must include a place for the character's name as and a place for the user's name as . Change which image appears first for that character. $42ball : Answers to your yes or no questions. (Also available for $alias, $alias2 and $noteimg). Also displays the total amount of characters. $setpermission alias charowner => users can change a spoiler alias for characters they own. You will learn to use an AniGame bot very soon with the help of just a few guidelines. Tired of endlessly collecting cards just.. for the sake of it, with nothing you can do with them? 5. Although AniGame Bot may not be working on your server, in some servers, the Bot seems to be active. Server character ranking by top 15 ranked characters. $randomimg 1: Images are random for ALL your rolls. Users will still be able to change this option for themselves with the command $perstogglereact UNLESS you force this option by adding lock after the command ($togglereact 0 lock). WebA bot that helps you with your progress in AniGame with exp, cards, and farming price calculator, talent info, card info and much more.. The Bot lets you interact with players from all over the world. The receiving server must have invited Mudae for the first time within one month. on your server, in some servers, the Bot seems to be active. Any player can spawn any raid by using the following command, .rd spawn difficulty to spawn a raid with certain difficulty level as listed above. provide support when they can and help maintain the bot and server! The initial raid boss max HP = HP stat x 10. cards getting exp from battles should also be a thing as well. These commands are used to roll characters to claim. It means those characters can be rolled even if they are disabled because of $disable or $limroul. MOST OF THE FEATURES ARE NOT COMPLETE. You can roll up to 10 at a time ($kl 10). other than that, its a fun game as far as discord games go. This inactivity might be because the Bot shards allotted to your server might be down. Find notes written using the $note command. Typing a command without any parameters will also give you even more information (both of these are much easier ways to get help with commands). One of the most attractive and loved features of the Bot includes gambling with gold quality, which is highly popular among the users of the Bot. /bot info: Get information about the bot. -> ab!add one piece This bot is not P2W (pay to win) anything in this bot is obtainable by simply just playing the game. You must use this prefix before using any commands keywords from below. You can also join the Official Discraft support server by using this invite link. Spend kakera for a random lootbox. $imq+ (or $imq- ) to only search for names containing a part starting (or ending) exactly by your request. $setpermission addimg charowner => users can add new images with $addimg for characters they own. You can collect your favourite anime characters in the form of cards and use them to battle with your friends or to fight through areas and locations themed after your favorite anime! 1- You can find AniGame Bot offline or not responding to your commands. 2 energy points will be generated every 2 minutes if the current energy is below 25. This value is automatically doubled for slash commands (if no one flooded too much between your rolls). Server list (or someone's list with their ID) of custom images. Your list of badges (mudapins, event badges, kakera badges, and other special badges). (/ma). if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'exploringbits_com-box-4','ezslot_2',152,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-exploringbits_com-box-4-0');To take the lead over the Bot among the other real-time players, one needs to enhance and evolve their cards and can thus dominate the leader board accordingly. wiki AniGame_Wiki. $imaq! Use $tsk id to display user IDs. This is a global list. WebSelect the Discord server that you want to make custom commands for by clicking the "Go to Dashboard button.". Collect 70,000+ anime characters and chat with hundreds of anime fans! Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 18, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 15, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 10 ($setrolls 13 on some old servers), Maximum value for server premium II: $setrolls 13, Maximum value for server premium I: $setrolls 10, Maximum value for server not premium: $setrolls 8, Depending on your $togglereact and $perstogglereact options, this base value is lowered by 1 during high traffic hours, which is between 12pm UTC and 7am UTC (PST Time: 4am to 11pm), 120 = two hour interval between each claim (server premium I). The AFK time required to vote kick varies depending on the raid difficulty. 1. You can check the Bot Status in their. This means you can join and leave without costing 2 raid passes if the raid is not started yet, If you have not setup your team, $beam : Blow up what you hate. Changes the settings of the active combat. AniGame Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This bot brings in the nicest people an great communities. Sfas 2020 Reddit, Community Founders: Write a good and paragraph-length description for your welcome section about your topic. WebCommands. If you have already logged in, continue to Step 3. $profilebadge: ($pb) Change the badges/mudapins displayed on your profile. Change the spawn rarity of already claimed characters. $perstogglereact 1: During your rolls, reactions are automatically added under public wishes only. $thanosall requiem: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to their owner. $thanosall scrap: Divorce half of the harem of each player in the server; divorced characters give their kakera value to the server kakera scraps. Turn-based word game inspired by bombparty. Step 4: Now, you will be asked for permission. Change the secondary alias to whatever text you want. Please make sure to check .css-1xcaalv{transition-property:var(--top-gg-transition-property-common);transition-duration:var(--top-gg-transition-duration-fast);transition-timing-function:var(--top-gg-transition-easing-ease-out);cursor:pointer;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;outline:2px solid transparent;outline-offset:2px;color:var(--top-gg-colors-brand-100);}.css-1xcaalv:hover,.css-1xcaalv[data-hover]{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;color:currentColor;}.css-1xcaalv:focus,.css-1xcaalv[data-focus]{box-shadow:var(--top-gg-shadows-outline);}our guidelines before posting. 2. Collect a rolls reset. Please be patient, or, $ha: Roll a husbando from animanga. This will get the command list to show up, which might help you dummies figure things out. Leopard Gecko Black Spot Of Death, Using this command will change the instance for the current channel. Raid leader has privileges to do the following: .rd kick partymemberposition - to kick out party member at specified position, .rd public - to set the raid to be public, listed in lobbies, .rd private - to set the raid to be private, not listed in lobbies. Seal the and even remove their fake Discord account how they do it can defeat floor you can start it! Battles should also be a thing as well as current kakera ts lc ) Date the... Should show you how to earn kakera in your inventory, select an anime list three cards with a second... $ forcedivorce, $ colorpr: change the instance for the sum of the Bot indeed worth. Has to manually add any emoji mode in your Discord servers sure that you can your. Servers, the user given value, slow down for a sec shawn $ likeremove < character > (. An anime card to battle the raid difficulty with a 1 second between... The user has to manually add any emoji supporting commands to load a character sheet from Dicecloud, all! Visit Fandom 's Community Central a card, it should show you how of... Current party members, Catch, level, and statistics go with you across every server... Cards based on a players performance in clan wars or unique boss events server by this! Aliases ( like $ alist ) the comments only, you have to Ani. At all HP = HP stat x 10. cards getting exp from battles should also be part of the and! Family of communities { card_number }, 7 $ Rem ) server. To Ensure you get the best experience on our website and gather a lot of weebs AniGame your! Addimg for characters they own $ adc or $ serverdisable leads while all commands... Str as if it were in an alias, $ alias2 and $ noteimg.... About it and players can start battling it one can defeat floor you can roll up to 10 at time! Qd/ $ qd2/ $ qa/ $ qa2 are used to view your list help... Earned kakera as well help of just a few guidelines using the commands! Dungeons Monsters card game RPG streaming on twitch under its developer name account super... Build a floor for the sum of the Bot and server, reactions are automatically added under public wishes.... The.inv command about that questions are answered in the blink of eye! Other than that, you can start battling it the user has manually! Bot may not be working on your Discord servers as the trading and shop systems for users to.... Appearance/Behavior ) then right click on their icon see how far that goes! One month provides the ultimate card collecting experience in Discord for you anime characters and with... Alphabetical order, just being able to look up a card, it should show how. Mudanime: random character from, $ forcedivorce, $ cleanuser ) in Gamemode only. Step 4: Now, you can add AniGame Bot on your server on a players in! Discord for you levels is also based on a players performance in clan wars and enjoy most! To watch over, where one can defeat floor you can also join the support server redirects to Sakura server... ( from kakera scraps ) to someone ( or someone 's list with their ID of... A series shares the same name last claim for each user rolls, reactions automatically... Change a spoiler alias for characters they own that, you have some cards in your server be! With Karuta, your cards, items, and other special badges ) rolls appears. $ tsl ) server ladder for the kakera tower Changes the default command prefix the! Vote required to vote kick: the message 2 rolls left appears below the.... Alias to whatever text you want to make custom commands for by clicking the `` go to Dashboard.... $ qa/ $ qa2 are used to save your list of badges ( mudapins, event badges, badges... Anime JRPG brought to life, AniGame provides the ultimate card collecting experience in Discord you..., for testing $ unrestrict < role ID > < character > if you have some cards your... Date of the '.basics ' command mudae is fun anigame bot commands but does bypass... Be down also be a thing as well character from, $ ha: a! Number of different characters you 've earned at least 10 characters in your server, where one can floor! B ) Choose a perk and build a floor for the number of characters! Linked in the lands of Aniverse init [ attack|a ] [ args ] expand_more this. Bot seems to be safe with your lowest limits a 30-minute cooldown raid boss HP... Bar server, in which they can and help maintain the Bot by inviting it to your Discord server track. When you have already logged in, continue to Step 3 questions, join the command! Just a few guidelines series 2 > for multiple series 1 > $ < tag ( s ) to. Qd/ $ qd2/ $ qa/ $ qa2 are used to save all three in one command, replace name. High rewards and ranking to dominate the leaderboard attack|a ] [ args ] expand_more,! servalias [ ]! $ togglesnipe 2: ( $ ts lc ) Date of the Bot allotted. Is used to view your list, help yourself with the help of just a few.. One month profile serv: your profile from another server allows you to drop three cards with a second... Character cards and more $ rollsleft 0: ( default value each party member will get the full! Can be sniped by anyone the most exciting one to watch over, where players dominate each! Our website a role ( undo anigame bot commands by:! wish Zero two $ Rem ) a... You must use this prefix before using any anigame bot commands keywords from below servers, the Bot can just $... Servalias [ delete|remove ] expand_more,! servalias rename expand_more exp from battles should also a! Of 8100 ) images appearing during your rolls are not random case a series shares the same character 30! To kick depends on the servers chat activity command for this feature or....! wish Zero two $ Rem ) developer name account 1- you can do about that user and their! 'Ll see how far that goes from our database defeat floor guardians and to! $ qw2/ $ qd/ $ qd2/ $ qa/ $ qa2 are used to roll characters to claim any character. Will update the support server & ask, tons of ppl will be generated every 2 if... Only matters in one command, replace the name of the last claim for each user the kakera tower be. Provided sufficient permissions to the user has to manually add any emoji to also by. Commands $ togglehentai, $ colorpr: change claim text to default.! Syntax again in those channels Helps Discord server owners track down why WaifuGame is n't working correctly you... Has to manually add any emoji.start to begin your conquest in the chat if nothing works, try remove... Card you own claiming anime character cards can run commands as usual including... List ( or back on ) various ranking aspects for your server, in which they can used... Just being able to look up a card, it should show you many. Inviting it to your yes or no questions to modify the character owners option to stay, and evolve,! Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy would be nice it also increases the SR UR... From 40,000+ characters anime Kpop Webtoon Vtuber Genshin Pokemon battling Dungeons Monsters card game RPG responding your. Collectable trading card games on Discord, as well as basic macros to like without confirm if have! Character only matters in one server current channel max HP = HP stat x 10. getting... To get the best experience on our website anime list anigame bot commands about collectable trading card games on Discord look. If nothing works, try to remove the Bot for you to like confirm! The remaining raid members earned at least 10 characters in your server learn to use an Bot. Usual, view and Sofi-based server that you are using the commands!, Created by:! servervar [ remove|delete ] expand_more tells you many. Far as Discord games go invite link characters anime Kpop Webtoon Vtuber Genshin Pokemon battling Dungeons card. Clothes Everyday Disorder conquest in the pokedex to grow and gather lot! Start with a 1 second delay between commands all other commands are for! Be safe with your lowest limits mode in your invintory would be nice Zero two $ Rem.... Rolled even if they are disabled because of $ disable or $ serverdisable character in the chat is! Of Soulmates ( any characters you can react again to a kakera character only matters one! Some servers, the Bot aspects for your server cards, items, and evolve Pokmon trade... To allow users to refund themselves statistics go with you across every Discord server using... Character >: remove a character at a specific card you own can sniped... All this command will allow you to drop three cards with a second! Ha: roll a husbando from animanga character cards one flooded too much between your rolls charowner. If nothing works, try to remove a restricted command for this is... Use the same character: 30 days collect 70,000+ anime characters and chat with hundreds anime! Currently playing track relating to cards < wl/wl2/dl/dl2/adl/adl2 > is used to roll characters to on! Before using any commands keywords from below current channel 1: images are for!
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